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Air Commodore Sir Henry Smyth-Osbourne

Henry Percy                 b: 28 Jan 1879             r: 12 Nov 1924            d: 28 Mar 1969

Kt - 1 Jan 1959, CMG - 3 Jun 1919, CBE - 14 Jun 1945, MiD - 1 May 1918, DL (Devon) - 14 May 1930, JP - 1929.

(RN): - Mid’n:  15 Dec 1895, Sub-Lt: 15 Jun 1899, Lt: 1 Oct 1901, Cdr: 30 Jun 1913,  Wg Cdr: 11 Nov 1915, Wg Capt: 30 Jun 1917.

(RAF): - (T) Brig-Gen [Lt Col]: 1 Apr 1918, Col: 1 Jan 1919, Gp Capt: 1 Aug 1919 [1 Jan 1919], (H)  A/Cdre: 1 Aug 1919?, (H) A/Cdre: Retained.

(RAFO - Class CC): Wg Cdr: 1 Sep 1941

15 Jul 1893:         Attended HMS Britannia

20 Aug 1895:       Naval Cadet, HMS Empress of India

12 Dec 1895:       Cadet/Midshipman, HMS Magnificent

15 Sep 1896:       Midshipman, HMS Talbot

15 Nov 1898:      Sub-Lieutenant, HMS Raleigh

11 Jul 1899:        Sub-Lieutenant, HMS Majestic

2 Jul 1900:          Sub-Lieutenant, HMS Leopold.

15 Oct 1900:       Sub-Lieutenant, HMS Terrible

 1 Oct 1901:        Lieutenant, HMS Terrible

24 Oct 1902:       Lieutenant, HMS Impregnable

24 Mar 1903:      HMS Victory for Signals School

1 Mar 1904:        HMS Hermes for Signals School

 9 May 1904:       Flag Lieutenant to R-Adm Barlow, HMS Royal Oak

 6 Dec 1905:        Flag Lieutenant to V-Adm Sir A W Moore, HMS King Alfred

25 Mar 1908:       HMS Victory whilst Instructor, RN Signals School

29 Nov 1910:       Flag Lieutenant to R-Adm Sir G J S Warrander, HMS Shannon (Temporary)

xx Jan 1911:        HMS Exmouth for signals duties on Staff of Adm Sir Edmund P?

17 Apr 1912:        HMS Victory for Special Service

 1 Aug 1912:        Officer Commanding, RN Signal School

29 Jul 1914:         HMS St George whilst commanding HMS Eden

21 Sep 1914:        HMS St George (Temporary)

31 Dec 1914:        HMS St George for duty on Staff of Admiral of Patrols

3 Nov 1915:         HMS Victory whilst reporting to Admiralty

 9 Nov 1915:         HMS Victory for service with the RNAS

11 Nov 1915:        Officer in command of Air Stations under C-in-C Nore

xx xxx xxxx (Oct 1916)        HMS President on Special Service

17 Jun 1917:         Senior Air Officer, Staff of C-in-C Nore

28 Sep 1917:        Officer Commanding, Westgate and Manston Air Stations.

 1 Apr 1918:        GOC, 9th Brigade.

 1 May 1919:       Deputy Director of Personnel.

 1 Aug 1919:       Officer Commanding, No 10 Group.

 1 Aug 1919:        Awarded Permanent Commission as a Colonel

22 Jan 1920:        Removed from the Navy Lists on being awarded Permanent Commission in RAF

27 Jul 1921:         Chief Equipment Officer, HQ Inland Area.

xx xxx xxxx:          Air Secretary to Secretary of State for Air. (Churchill)

xx xxx 1938:       Regional Controller, South West England and Wales, ADCC. (Ret'd)

 1 Sep 1941:       Commandant, South West Region, ATC. 

15 Jul 1942:       Commandant, ATC HQ for the South West.

xx xxx xxxx - 11 Mar 1957:    Honorary Air Commodore, No 3512 (County of Devon - Exeter) Fighter Control Unit, RAuxAF

xx xxx xxxx - 11 Mar 1957:    Honorary Air Commodore, No 3513 (County of Devon - Plymouth) Fighter Control Unit, RAuxAF

He retired  due to ill health and was granted the honorary rank of Air Commodore.  He was knighted for  political and public services in Devon.

This page was last updated on 26/05/24

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