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RAF Stations - H

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Habbaniya | Hadera | Haifa | Hal Far | Halesworth | Halfpenny Green | Halton | Halton Hospital | Hambuhren | Hamworthy | Hardwick | Harrington | Harrogate | Harrow | Harrowbeer | Hartland Point | Harwell | Hassani | Hastings | Hatfield | Haverfordwest | Hawarden | Hawkinge | Headley Court | Hednesford | Heho | Helensburgh | Heliopolis | Helwan | Hemswell | Hendon | Hendon Hall | Henlow | Hereford | Heston | Hethal | Hibaldstow | High Ercall | High Wycombe | Hinaidi | Hinton in the Hedges | Hixon | Hmawbi | Holbeach | Holme on Spalding Moor | Holmpton | Holmsley South | Hook | Ho Mun Tin | Honeybourne | Hong Kong | Honiley | Honington | Hooton ParkHorham | Hornchurch | Horsham St Faith | Hucknall | Hullavington | Hunmanby Moor | Hunsdon | Hurn | Husbands Bosworth | Hutton Cranswick | Hythe]

RAF Habbaniya

RAF Habbaniya badge

Main units (continued): -

No 56 Repair & Salvage Unit (5 Jan 1942 - 1 May 1943)

No 125 Maintenance Unit (25 Jan - 3 Feb 1942, 30 Sep - 20 Oct 1943

No 35 Air Stores Park (Mar 1942 - 1 May 1943)

No 1434 (Photographic Survey) Flt (23 Mar - 5 Apr 1942, 28 Nov - 15 Dec 1942)

No 134 Maintenance Unit (24 Mar - 1 May 1942, 2 Apr 1943 - 10 Feb 1949)

No 4  (Middle East) Ferry Control (1 Jul 1942 - 1 Feb 1944)

No 26 Personnel Transit Centre (1 Jul 1942 - 15 Jun  1944)

No 1415 Meteorological Flt (18 Jul 1942 - 5 Apr 1944, 26 Jun - 9 Jul 1944, 9 Dec 1944 - 15 May 1946)

HQ, Persian Group (1 - 18 Sep 1942)

HQ, No 217 (Paiforce) Group (18 Sep - 6 Oct 1942)

HQ, No 218 (Maintenance) Group (1 Oct - 15 Nov 1942)

No 137 Maintenance Unit (1 - xx Oct 1942)

No 40 Staging Post (1 Oct 1942 - 1 Jun 1946)

123 Sqn (9 - 22 Oct 1942)

Rear HQ, AHQ Iraq & Persia (1 Jan 1943 - 1 Mar 1946)

Communications Flt Iraq & Persia (1 Jan - 1 Dec 1943)

No 26 Personnel Transit Camp

74 Sqn (17 - 23 May 1943)

No 2927 Sqn RAF Regiment (May 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 2928 Sqn RAF Regiment (Jun 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 2929 Sqn RAF Regiment (Sep 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 23 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (1 Aug 1943 - 29 May 1944)

Communications Flt RAF Paiforce (1 Dec 1943- 1 Jul 1945)

HQ, No 119 Wing (14 Feb - 10 Mar 1944)

HQ, No 151 Wing (10 Mar 1944 - 1 Jun 1946)

No 3 Transport Aircraft Repair Unit (1 Apr 1944 - 30  Apr 1945)

Marine Craft Section, Habbaniya (xxx - 15 Jul 1944)

No 219 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (10 Feb 1945 - 31 Mar 1946)

No 115 Maintenance Unit (1 Mar 1945 - 1 Apr 1958)

AHQ Communications Flt Iraq & Persia (1 Jul 1945 - 1 Mar 1946)

No 156 Repair & Salvage Unit (1 Jul - 10 Nov 1945)

AHQ Iraq Communications Flt (1 Mar 1946 - 5 Aug 1954)

Armament Practice Camp (Middle East) (5 Apr - xxx 1946)

Air Transport Unit (1 Jun 1946 - Aug 1947)

249 Sqn (27 Jun 1946 - 13 Apr 1948, 17 May 1948 - 29 Mar 1949)

6 Sqn (7 Jan - 9 Feb 1950, 22 Nov - 21 Dec 1950, 19 Sep - 13 Nov 1951, 27 Nov 1951 - 28 Jan 1952, 11 - 28 Jul 1952, 18 Aug 1952 - 20 Jan 1953, 18 Feb 1953 - 10 Jan 1954, 7 Jun - 28 Aug 1954, 5 Oct 1954 - 26 Sep 1955, 10 Oct - 7 Nov 1955, 12 Dec 1955 - 6 Apr 1956)

185 Sqn (13 Oct 1952 - 1 May 1953)

73 Sqn (4 May - 17 Jul 1953, 20 Jul - 19 Sep 1953, 25 Oct 1953 - 5 Jan 1954, 21 Apr 1954 - 2 May 1955)

8 Sqn (23 Sep - 1 Oct 1953, 24 Jul - 5 Sep 1956)

683 Sqn (10 Jun 1952 - 30 Nov 1953)

HQ, No 128 (Tactical) Wing (4 Mar 1954 - 31 Oct 1955)

Iraq Communications Flt (5 Aug 1954 - 23 Jun 1955)

No 5 wing RAF Regiment (Nov 1954 - Feb 1956)

AHQ RAF Levant (1 May 1955 - xxx xxxx)

AHQ Levant Communications Flt (23 Jun 1955 - 15 Jan 1956)

No 19 Wing RAF Regiment (May - 15 Jun 1957)

No 21 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 26 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 2 (Armoured Car) Sqn RAF Regiment


Country: - Iraq

Lat/Long:   33 22 38 N, 43 33 34 E

Height above sea level:  143 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 19 October 1936

RAF Iraq Command,

AHQ Iraq,

AHQ Iraq & Persia,

AHQ Levant

Closed - 31 May 1959


Originally called Dhibban, it was renamed on 1 May 1938

Main units (Dhibban): -

Aircraft Depot Iraq (21 Jun 1937 - 23 Mar 1938)

30 Sqn (19 Oct 1936 - 25 Aug 1939)

Supplies Depot (Iraq) (2 Nov 1936 - 23 Mar 1938)

55 Sqn (14 Sep 1937  - xxx xxxx)

70 Sqn (16 Oct 1937 - xxx xxxx)

AHQ Iraq (8 Jan - 23 Mar 1938)

HQ, Iraq Command (9 Jan - 23 Mar 1938)

Communications Flt Iraq (9 Jan 1938 - 23 Mar 1938)

Main units (Habbaniya): -

AHQ Iraq (23 Mar 1938 - 1 Jan 1943, 1 Mar 1946 - 1 May 1955)

Communications Flt Iraq (23 Mar 1938 - 21 Aug 1939, 14 Dec 1940 - xxx xxxx, 1 Nov 1942 - 1 Jan 1943)

HQ, Iraq Command (23 Mar 1938 - 1 Jan 1943)

Supplies Depot (Iraq) (23 Mar 1938 - Aug 1940)

Air Depot Iraq (23 Mar 1938 - 30 Sep 1942)

No 10 Air Stores Park (31 Jan - 11 Sep 1939)

55 Sqn (xxx xxxx - 25 Aug 1939)

70 Sqn (xxx xxxx - 30 Aug 1939)

'S' Sqn (21 Aug - Sep 1939, 18 Sep 1939 - 1 Nov 1940)

Ferrying Pilots Pool (25 Jul 1939 - xxx xxxx)

No 4 Flying Training School (1 - 3 Sep 1939)

No 4 Service Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 - 1 Jul 1941)

84 Sqn (24 May - 7 Jun 1941, 27 Sep - 9 Nov 1941)

'X' Flt (6 - 7 Jun 1941, 22 Jul 1941)

127 Sqn (29 Jun 1941)

52 Sqn (1 Jul 1941 - 17 Aug 1942)

261 Sqn (12 Jul - 10 Aug 1941)

11 Sqn (9 Aug - 27 Sep 1941)

45 Sqn (10 Aug - 27 Sep 1941)

No 32 Air Stores Park (10 Aug - 12 Oct 1941)

14 Sqn (8 - 26 Oct 1941)

HQ, No 214 Group (1 Jan - 2 Feb 1942)


70 Sqn (Aug 1939 - Jun 1940)

84 Sqn (Apr - May 1941)

94 Sqn (Apr - Aug 1941)

203 Sqn (Apr - Jun 1941)

208 Sqn (May - Jun 1941, Feb - Sep 1951, Oct 1951 - Jan 1956)

162 Sqn (Apr 1942 - Apr 1943)

223 Sqn (Sep 1942 - Mar 1943)

216 Sqn (Nov 1942 - Jul 1945)

680 Sqn (Feb 1945 - Jul 1946)

No 1908 Flt, 651 Sqn (6 Sep - 5 Nov 1951)

8 Sqn (Sep 1950 - May 1951)

82 Sqn (Mar 1951 - Oct 1952)

683 Sqn (Dec 1951 - Jun 1952)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Habbaniya Association website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hadera

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 28 Personnel Transit Centre (8 Jul 1942 - 5 May 1943)

74 Sqn (4 Sep - 18 Oct 1942)

123 Sqn (5 Sep - 9 Oct 1942)

The following units formed or passed through No 28 PTC: -

No 1438 (Strategic Reconnaissance) Flt (9 - 31 Aug 1942)

HQ, No 275 Wing (31 Jan - 22 Mar1943)

RAF (Middle East) Servicing Commando (1 - 7 Apr 1943)

No 3230 Servicing Commando (7 - 19 Apr 1943, 26 Apr - 27 May 1943)

No 3231 Servicing Commando (7 - 25 Apr 1943)

No 3232 Servicing Commando (7 - 29 Apr 1943, 7 - 19 May 1943)

RAF Regiment Reinforcement Depot (27 Aug 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)


Country: -  Israel

Lat/Long:   32:30N  34:54E  Approx

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 15 May 1943

AHQ Levant (15 May 1943 - 5 Sep 1944)

SHQ disbanded - 5 Sep 1944


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Haifa

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

450 Sqn (18 Jul - 14 Aug 1941)

260 Sqn (10 - 17 Aug 1941, 20 Sep - 25 Oct 1941)

261 Sqn (1 - 14 Jan 1942)

No 123 Maintenance Unit (5 Aug - 18 Sep 1942)

HQ, No 233 (Administration) Wing (1 Mar - 1 Aug 1943)

HQ, No 209 Group (8 Apr 1943 - 5 Apr 1944)

No 208 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (1 Jun - 21 Dec 1943)

973 (Balloon) Sqn (7 Aug 1943 - May 1944)

No 3225 Servicing Commando (11 - 16 Aug 1943)

HQ, No 283 (Airborne Forces) Wing (17 Jan - 14 Apr 1947)

No 1909 AOP Flt (23 Mar - 18 Jun 1948)

Haifa Town: -

RAF Staff College (Overseas) (1 Sep 1944 - 14 Oct 1946)


Country: -   Israel

Lat/Long:   32:48:36N  35:02:42E

Height above sea level:  28 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ Opened - xx xxx 1941

SHQ closed

SHQ re-opened - 14 Jul 1943

AHQ Levant (14 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ closed - 30 Apr 1944


Main units: -

80 Sqn (23 Jun - 20 Jul 1941)

213 Sqn (3 - 19 Jul 1941)


113 Sqn (Feb - Nov 1918)

144 Sqn (Aug - Nov 1918)

142 Sqn (Oct - Nov 1918)

6 Sqn (Jan 1931 - Oct 1933, Jan 1938 - Feb 1940)

30 Sqn (Jul - Nov 1940)

80 Sqn (May - Jun 1941)

112 Sqn (Jun - Sep 1941)

208 Sqn (Jun - Sep 1941)

261 Sqn (Sep 1942 - Jan 1942)

No 2 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (14 Jan - 4 Mar 1942)

No 207 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (21 Dec 1943-  Jan 1946)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Hal Far

RAF Hal Far badge#

Main units (continued): -

185 Sqn (12 May 1941 - 5 Jun 1943, 23 Sep 1943 - 29 Jul 1944, 15 Sep 1951 - 23 Jul 1952)

Detachment** - 242 Sqn (Jan - Mar 1942)

605 Sqn (7 Jan - 17 Mar 1942)

229 Sqn (28 Mar - 29 Apr 1942, 3 Aug - 10 Dec 1942, 25 Sep 1943 - 30 Jan 1944)

Communication Flt, Malta (1 Feb - 1 Mar 1943)

Air-Sea Rescue & Communication Flt (1 Mar - 25 Aug 1943, 31 Jan - 1 Mar 1944)

HQ, No 324 Wing (9 Jun - 13 Jul 1943)

43 Sqn (9 Jun - 14 Jul 1943)

72 Sqn (10 Jun - 15 Jul 1943)

243 Sqn (11 Jun - 20 Jul 1943)

93 Sqn (12 Jun - 14 Jul 1943)

250 Sqn (9 - 13 Jul 1943)

284 Sqn (17 - 27 Jul 1943)

249 Sqn (24 Sep - 23 Oct 1943)

Detachment** - 255 Sqn (Jan 1944 - Feb 1945)

AHQ Malta Communications Flt (1 Mar 1944 - 2 Jan 1946)

283 Sqn (6 Apr 1944 - 31 Mar 1946)

108 Sqn (1 - 26 Jul 1944)

Detachment** - 1435 Sqn (Jul 1944 - Apr 1945)

Detachment** - 624 Sqn (Apr - Nov 1945)

73 Sqn (3 Jul 1945 - 15 Jul 1946)

255 Sqn (4 Sep 1945 - 31 Jan 1946)

208 Sqn (17 Jan - 26 Mar 1956)

38 Sqn (30 Oct 1965 - 31 Mar 1967)


Country: -   Malta

Lat/Long:   35:49:01N  14:30:29E

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -

Opened - 31 Mar 1929

RAF Mediterranean (31 Mar 1929 - xx xxx xxxx)

Middle East Command (xx xxx xxxx - 22 Sep 1943)

NWAAF (22 Sep1943 - xx xxx xxxx)


From 1923 to 1929 the airfield was under the control of RAF Kalafrana

It is (2008) now home to 'B' Company, 1st Regiment, Armed Forces of Malta.

Main units: -

No 1 Flt, Coast Defence Development Unit (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

74 Sqn (11 Sep 1935 - 21 Sep 1936)

22 Sqn (10 Oct 1935 - 21 Aug 1936)

Malta Fighter Flt (19 - 29 Apr 1940, 2 May - 1 Aug 1940)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Halesworth

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

56th Fighter Group, USAAF (8 Jul 1943 - 18 Apr 1944)

  • 61st Fighter Sqn

  • 62nd Fighter Sqn

  • 63rd Fighter Sqn

489th Bomb Group, USAAF (1 May - 29 Nov 1944)

  • 844th Bomb Sqn

  • 845th Bomb Sqn

  • 846th Bomb Sqn

  • 847th Bomb Sqn

5th Emergency Rescue Sqn, USAAF (16 Jan - May 1945)

798 Sqn FAA (6 Sep - 28 Nov 1945)

762 Sqn FAA (3 Dec 1945 - 15 Jan 1946)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:   52:21:45N  01:32:00E

Grid Ref -  TM402798

Height Above Sea Level - 120 ft

Railway Station - Halesworth LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 17 Jun 1943

3rd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (17 Jun - 1 Jul 1943)

2nd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (1 Jul - 20 Aug 1943)

VIII Fighter Command, USAAF (20 Aug 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website,

RAF Halfpenny Green

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 3 Air Observer & Navigation School (17 Feb - 18 Oct 1941)

No 795 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 3 Air Observer School (18 Oct 1941 - 11Apr 1942)

No 2795 Defence Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

No 3 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit (11 Apr 1942 - 1 Dec 1945)

School of Flying Control (15 Nov 1942 - 14 Nov 1943)

No 1545 Beam Approach Training Flt (25 Apr 1944 - 17 Dec 1945)

Pilot-Navigation Instructors Course (xxx xxxx - 29 Oct 1945)

Sub-site, No 25 Maintenance Unit (1 Mar 1946 - 15 Nov 1956)

No 2 Air Signallers' School (5 May 1952 - 13 Sep 1953)


County: - Worcestershire

Lat/Long:   52:30:53N  02:15:38W

Grid Ref -  SO824912

Height Above Sea Level - 270 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 17 Feb 1941

No 51 Group (17 Feb - 7 Jul 1941)

No 25 Group (7 Jul 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1953


Initially named RAF Bobbington, the name was changed on 1 September 1943 to avoid any confusion with Bovingdon.

It is now known as Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website,

RAF Halton

RAF Halton badge

Main units (continued): -

School of Technical Training (1918 - 1919)

School of Technical Training (Boys) (23 Dec 1919 - 16 Mar 1920)

No 1 School of Technical Training (16 Mar 1920 -  9 Sep 1993)

School of Parachute Training (Aug/Sep - Nov 1920)

No 1 Air Stores Park (xx - 12 Sep 1939)

HQ, No 24 Group (10 Jul 1936 - 3 Nov 1940, Dec 1944 - Dec 1945)

No 24 Group Communications Flt (xxx - Oct 1940, Dec 1944 - xxx 1948)

No 60 Group Communications Flt (23 Mar 1940 - xxx 1944)

HQ, No 5 Wing (16 Jun - 6 Jul 1940)

No 112 Sqn RCAF (13 Nov - 11 Dec 1940)

RLG for No 24 Elementary Flying Training School  (18 Aug 1941 - 7 Feb 1942)

No 1448 (Rota) Flt (2 Mar 1942- 15 Jun 1943 )

No 2804 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 80 Group Communications Flt (1942)

Bomber Command Communication Flt (12 May 1942 - Oct 1946)

Air Training Corps Flight (1 Jan 1943 - Nov 1945)

529 Sqn (15 Jun 1943 - 20 Oct 1945)

No 121 Gliding School (1944 - 1945)

No 23 Group Communications Flt (1 Oct 1946 -15 Sep 1947)

No 122 Gliding School (21 Sep 1947 - 1 Sep 1955)

No 613 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - Current)

No 612 Volunteer Gliding School (1992 - 7 Jun 1995)


County: - Buckinghamshire

Lat/Long:  51:46:53N  00:43:30W

Grid Ref:  SP870112

Height above sea level:  360ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1917

RAF Halton (1920 - 1936)

No 24 Group (1944)

Personnel & Training Command (2005)

No 22 (Training) Group


Main units: -

Boys Training School (10 Sep 1919 - 16 Mar 1920)

Boys Training Depot (9 Oct 1919 - 23 Dec 1919)

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Halton Aircraft Apprentices Association, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hambuhren

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No. 291 Signals Unit (23 Feb 1953 – 30 Jul 1955)

 No. 5 (Signals) Wing (1 Apr 1953 10 Jul 1955)

 No. 755 Signals Unit (30 Jul 1955 – 15 Nov 1957)


Country: - Germany

Lat/Long:   52:37:48N  09:59:00E  Approx

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1953

Closed - 1957


The station served as a Luftwaffe signals unit from November 1957 until August 1993, when it ceased operations.  It finally closed in March 1994 and was demolished in 2000.

Thanks to Peter Jackson for these details

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo of general area on Google Maps,

RAF Hamworthy

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

461 Sqn (31 Aug 1942 - 21 Apr 1943)

210 Sqn (21 Apr - Dec 1943)

No 8210 Servicing Echelon (23 Jun - 31 Dec 1943)


County: - Dorset

Lat/Long:   50:43:15N 02:00:39W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ Opened - 1 Aug 1942

No 19 Group (1 Aug 1942 - 13 Jan 1944)

C & M (1 - 13 Jan 1944)

No 116 Wing (13 Jan 1944 - 1 May 1944)

Closed - 1 May 1944


On 13 January 1944 it became the Parent Station for BOAC operations on Sunderland flying boats from Poole Harbour.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Hardwick

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

310th Bomb Group USAAF (Oct - Nov 1942)

93rd Bomb Group USAAF(6 Dec 1942 - 12 Jun 1945) except:-

329th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (6 - 14 Dec 1942)

329th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (15 Jun 1943 - 12 Jun 1945)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:28:08N 01:18:45E

Grid Ref -  TM248906

Height Above Sea Level - 170 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 10 Jun 1942

No 2 Group (10 Jun 1942 - 12 Apr 1943)

2nd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (12 Apr - 12 May 1943)

2nd Bombardment Wing, USAAF (12 May 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1962


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational station was issued in April 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website,

RAF Harrington

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

RLG for No 84 Operational Training Unit  (6 Nov 1943 - 26 Mar 1944)

801st Bomb Group (Provisional), USAAF (27 Mar 1944)

  • 36th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (28 Mar - 14 Aug 1944)

  • 406th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (28 Mar - 5 Aug 1944)

  • 788th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (27 May - 10 Aug 1944)

  • 850th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (27 May - 12 Aug 1944)

492nd BG USAAF

  • 856th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (10 Aug 1944 - 4 Aug 1945)

  • 857th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (10 Aug 1944 - 10 Mar 1945)

  • 858th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (10 Aug 1944 - Aug 1945)

  • 859th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (10 Aug - 17 Dec 1944)

  • 406th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (16 Mar - 6 Aug 1945)

Sub-site, No 25 Maintenance Unit (9 Oct 1945 - 31 Mar 1949)

218 Sqn (1 Dec 1959 - 23 Aug 1963)


County: - Northamptonshire

Lat/Long:   52:23:30N  00:51:30W

Grid Ref -  SP775778

Height Above Sea Level - 520 ft

Railway Station - Lamport LMS

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1943

No 92 Group (xx Nov 1943 - 1 Apr 1944)

1st Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (1 Apr - 1 May 1944)

VIII Air Force Composite Command  (1 May - xx Sep 1944)

VIII Fighter Command (xx Sep 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1963


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as an operational bomber satellite for RAF Market Harborough was issued in November 1941.

In early 1943 construction of the airfield was undertaken by the 826th US Engineer Battalion (Aviation).

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers websiteStation history website,

RAF Harrogate

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Air Ministry Unit (xx xxx xxxx - xx Nov 1939)

RAF Unit Harrogate (xx Nov 1939 - 6 Apr 1940)

Air Ministry Unit (6 Apr 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

WAAF Depot (18 Sep 1940 - 1 Jan 1941)

No 1 WAAF Depot (1 Jan - 30 May 1941)

No 7 Personnel Reception Centre (23 Mar 1942 - 5 Jul 1943)

Medical Training Establishment and Depot (xx xxx 1941 - xx xxx 1943)


County: - North Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   53:59:34N  01:31:55W Approx

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft


Operational Control: -

No 4 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 6 Apr 1940)

No 26 Group (6 Apr 1940 - 10 Feb 1942)

No 20 Group (10 Feb 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ opened - 10 May 1943

No 54 Group (10 May 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


It opened as the Air Ministry Unit, Harrogate on xx xxx xxxx, administered by RAF Dishforth.  A SHQ was supposed to have formed on 6 Apr 1940 but it was renamed Air Ministry (Harrogate) Unit on 31 Oct 1940, possibly without the SHQ having been formed so the October change was back-dated to April..

SHQ responsible for the administration of: -

  • Air Ministry Communication Centre

  • Air Ministry MT Pool

  • RAF personnel at Harrogate (excluding Air Ministry establishment and buildings requisitioned and administered for them in Harrogate.

  • Telephone Operators (WAAF) GPO Centre, Harrogate

  • Domestic services for RAF personnel on Air Ministry establishment, Harrogate, previously performed by Air Ministry (Unit), Harrogate.

SHQ responsible for the

  • Pay and Equipment Accounting for: -

    • HQ, No 51 Group, Leeds

    • Leeds University Air Squadron

    • Communications Flight, Yeadon

    • Training commitment at Burley-in-Wharfedale

  • Equipment, Pay and Ration for: -

    • Wireless and Radio Mechanics course - Bradford Technical College

    • Wireless and Radio Mechanics course - Leeds College of Technology

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of the general area on Google Maps,

RAF Harrow

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

'Z' (1 Jan 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 702 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2702 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xx Apr 1943)

HQ, Transport Command (15 Apr 1943 - 17 Apr 1945)

Czechoslovak Air Force Transport Pool (15 Jul 1944 - 15 Feb 1946)

Royal Norwegian Air Force Transport Pool (6 Oct 1944 - 9 Aug 1946)

Air Staff, SHAEF (Rear) (1 - xx Apr 1945)

HQ No 103 (Air Disarmament) Wing (1 Apr - 18 Jul 1945)


County: - Middlesex (Greater London)

Lat/Long:   51:34:58N  00:20:45W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ Opened - 1 Jan 1941

No 26 Group (1 Jan 1941 - 10 Feb 1942)

No 27 Group (10 Feb 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 28 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 30 Apr 1943)

SHQ closed - 30 Apr 1943


This station was originally known as RAF Unit 'Z' at 'The Manor' Harrow Weald, Middlesex.  It controlled RAF personnel at 'Z', Z Annexe, Fisher Road School and Hibbert Road School.

The SHQ was closed when it became HQ Transport Command,

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of the general area on Google Maps,

RAF Harrowbeer

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

183 Sqn (5 Jun - 4 Aug 1943)

No 3013 Servicing Echelon (18 Sep 1943 – 15 Feb 1944)

266 Sqn (21 Sep 1943 - 7 Mar 1944, 12 - 15 Mar 1944)

No 3043 Servicing Echelon (21 Sep 1943 – 22 Mar 1944)

No 2891 Sqn, RAF Regiment (16 Mar - xx xxx 1944)

No 6263 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 19 Jun 1944)

131 Sqn (24 Mar - 24 May 1944)

No 6131 Servicing Echelon (24 Mar – 24 May 1944)

838 Sqn FAA (20 Apr - 8 Aug 1944)

HQ, No 156 Wing (22 Apr - 8 Aug 1944)

610 Sqn (24 May - 2 Jul 1944)

No 6610 Servicing Echelon (24 May – 19 Jun 1944)

1 Sqn (20 - 22 Jun 1944)

165 Sqn (20 - 22 Jun 1944)

No 6001 Servicing Echelon (20 – 22 Jun 1944)

No 6165 Servicing Echelon (20 – 22 Jun 1944)

64 Sqn (23 Jun -30 Aug 1944)

611 Sqn (23 Jun - 3 Jul 1944)

No 6064 Servicing Echelon (23 Jun – 29 Aug 1944)

No 6611 Servicing Echelon (24 Jun – 3 Jul 1944)

126 Sqn (3 Jul - 29 Aug 1944)

No 6126 Servicing Echelon (3 Jul – 28 Aug 1944)

275 Sqn (10 Jan -5 15 Feb 1945)

26 Sqn (14 - 21 Jan 1945, 3 - 13 Apr 1945, 1 - 23 May 1945)

No 6026 Servicing Echelon (15 – 22 Jan 1945, 3 Apr – 22 May 1945)

691 Sqn (21 Feb - 1 Aug 1945)

329 Sqn (25 May 1945 16 Jun 1945, 19 Jun 1945 14 Jul 1945)

No 19 Group Communication Flt (15 Dec 1947 - 29 Jul 1948)

No 82 Gliding School (19 Feb 1948 - 16 Aug 1950)


County: - Devon

Lat/Long:   50:29:30N  04:05:45W

Grid Ref -  SX513680

Height Above Sea Level - 650 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 May 1941

No 10 Group (15 May 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1950


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a fighter operational station was issued in September 1940, originally known as Roborough Down this changed in October 1940 to Harrowbeer, presumably to avoid confusion with RNAS Roborough.

Main Units: -

302 Sqn (6 Oct 1941 - 26 Apr 1942)

No 78 Wing Calibration Ft (15 Oct 1941 -  Jun 1943)

130 Sqn (25 Oct - 30 Nov 1941)

No 3036 Servicing Echelon (14 – 30 Nov 1941)

312 Sqn (2 - 19 May 1942, 31 May - 1 Jul 1942, 8 Jul - 16 Aug 1942, 20 Aug - 10 Oct 1942 )

175 Sqn (10 Oct - 9 Dec 1942)

193 Sqn (18 Dec 1942 - 17 Aug 1943, 18 Sep 1943 - 20 Feb 1944, Mar 1944 - xxx xxxx)

263 Sqn (20 Feb - 15 Mar 1943, 19 Mar - 19 Jun 1944)

No 3031 Servicing Echelon (15 – 18 Mar 1943)

616 Sqn (16 - 18 Mar 1943)

No 401 Air Sores Park (19 - 20 Apr 1943)

414 Sqn (25 May - 4 Jun 1943)

Detachments **

286 Sqn (Apr - May 1942)

19 Sqn (Oct 1942 - xxx xxxx)

834 Sqn FAA (14 Apr - 15 Apr 1943)

279 Sqn (Jun - 2 Nov 1943)

197 Sqn (29 Apr 1944 - xxx xxxx)

691 Sqn (23 Jan - 21 Feb 1945)

257 Sqn (Mar 1944 - xxx xxxx)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsHarrowbeer Website, Atlantikwall website,

RAF Hartland Point

RAF Hartland Point badge


County: - Devon

Lat/Long:  51:01:15N  04:30:52W

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1939

Closed -


Main units: -

Chain Home Low Radar Station

Coast watching radar

10cm radar

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Harwell

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 15 Operational Training Unit (8 Apr 1940 - 25 Jul 1941, 12 Feb 1942 - 15 Mar 1944)

No 737 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

Ferry Training and Despatch Flt (Nov 1941 - 21 Jan 1942)

No 1443 (Ferry Training) Flt (21 Jan 1942 - 30 Apr 1943)

No 2737 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 16 Jun 1942)

215 Sqn (1 - xx Mar 1942)

No 91 Group Servicing Section (15 Dec 1942 - 15 Feb 1944)

No 310 Ferry Training Unit (30 Apr - 17 Dec 1943)

295 Sqn (14 Mar - 7 Oct 1944)

570 Sqn (14 Mar - 7 Oct 1944)

No 3140 Servicing Echelon (14 – 22 Mar 1944)

No 5 (Horsa) Glider Servicing Unit (15 Mar 1944 - xxx xxxx)

No 6 (Horsa) Glider Servicing Unit (15 Mar 1944 - xxx xxxx)

No 3137 Servicing Echelon (15 – 22 Mar 1944)

No 6295 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 11 Oct 1944)

No 6570 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 7 Oct 1944)

No 4570 Servicing Echelon (1 Jun – 8 Oct 1944)

Engine Control Instructional Flt (20 Aug - 31 Dec 1945)

Transport Command Development Unit (20 Sep - 31 Dec 1945)


County: - Berkshire

Lat/Long:   51:34:30N  01:18:30W

Grid Ref -  SU475865

Height Above Sea Level - 375 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1937

No 6 Group (xx xxx 1940 - xx xxx 1942)

No 91 Group (xx xxx 1942 - 15 Mar 1944)

No 38 Group (15 Mar 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


It is now the Atomic Energy Research Establishment

Main Units: -

226 Sqn (16 Apr 1937 - 2 Sep 1939)

105 Sqn (26 Apr 1937 - 3 Sep 1939)

107 Sqn (14 Jun 1937 - 3 Aug 1938, 8 Aug 1938 - 11 May 1939)

HQ, No 72 (Bomber) Wing (23 Aug - 2 Sep 1939)

75 Sqn (4 - 14 Sep 1939)

148 Sqn (4  - 14 Sep 1939)

No 3 Group Pool (14 Sep 1939 - 8 Apr 1940)


166 Sqn (xxx 1939 - xxx 1940)

215 Sqn (Jan - Mar 1940)

59 Sqn (Apr - May 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Officers Commanding Control Towers website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hassani

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

108 Sqn (25 Oct 1944 - 2 Mar 1945)

No 372 Repair and Salvage Unit (22 Oct 1944 - 30 Apr 1946)

No 373 Air Stores Park det (Oct 1944 - Jan 1947)

221 Sqn (23 Oct 1944 - 8 Apr 1945)

335 Sqn (12 Nov 1944 - 10 Sep 1945)

38 Sqn (14 Nov - 13 Dec 1944)

336 Sqn (14 Nov 1944 - 16 May 1945)

No 107 Staging Post (6 Dec 1944 - 1 Jun 1947)

AHQ Greece Flight (xx Jan 1945 - 11 Jan 1947)

252 Sqn (18 Feb - 28 Aug 1945)

RHAF Communication Flight (by 26 May 1945 - 10 Sep 1946)

13 Sqn (14 Sep 1945 - 19 Apr 1946)

18 Sqn (14 Sep 1945 - 31 Mar 1946)

55 Sqn (20 Dec 1945 - 1 Dec 1946)

HQ, No 232 Wing (21 Sep 1945 - 12 Dec 1946)

RAF Delegation Greece Communication Flight (11 Jan 1947 - 30 Apr 1952


Country: - Greece

Lat/Long:  37:53:54N 23:43:46E

Height above sea level: 68 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1945


Originally a built as a civil airport in 1938 known as Kalamaki it was used by the Luftwaffe during the German occupation and was renamed RAF Hassani on 1 December 1944.

This entry shows units based at Kifissia, Kalamaki, Hassani and Ellenikon.

Main units: -

112 Sqn (16 - 22 Apr 1941)

208 Sqn (18 - 19 Apr 1941)

AHQ Greece Communication Flight (15 Oct 1944 - 1 Mar 1945)

HQ, No 337 Wing (16 Oct 1944 - 21 Sep 1945)

32 Sqn (17 Oct - 13 Nov 1944)

94 Sqn (17 Oct 1944 - 14 Feb 1945)


294 Sqn (Mar 1944 - Jun 1945)

683 Sqn (Mar 1944 - Dec 1945)

283 Sqn (Apr 1944 - Mar 1946)

39 Sqn (Jul 1944 - Jun 1945)

73 Sqn (Sep - Apr 1944)

680 Sqn (Feb 1945 - Jul 1946)

624 Sqn (Apr - Jul 1945)

38 Sqn (Jul 1945 - Jul 1946)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Hastings

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Detachment** - 200 Sqn (Jun 1941 - Jul 1943)

Fighter Flt, 95 Sqn (Jul - 7 Oct 1941)

128 Sqn (7 Oct 1941 - 8 Mar 1943)

No 176 Maintenance Unit (1 Nov 1941 - xxx 1943)

No 36 Personnel Transit Centre (16 Mar 1943 - 8 Jul 1945)1


Country: -   Sierra Leone

Lat/Long:   08:23:42N  13:07:48W  Approx

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - xx xxx 1942

SHQ closed - 15 Mar 1943


The buildings and airfield were taken over by the Admiralty on 16 March 1943 and renamed HMS Spurwing on 22 March.

1Lodger unit on RN station.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Hatfield

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 1 Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School (May 1930 - 3 Sep 1939)

No 1 Elementary Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 - 7 Sep 1942)

ATA (Womens Section) (Jan - Jun 1940)

'D' Section, No 3 Ferry Pilots Pool (27 May - 5 Nov 1940)

2 Sqn (8 Jun - 24 Oct 1940)

239 Sqn (18 Sep 1940 - 22 Jan 1941)

Sub-site, No 7 Maintenance Unit (xxx 1940 - xxx 1941)

No 5 Ferry Pilots Pool (5 Nov 1940 - 1 Apr 1942)

No 1 Anti-Aircraft Calibration Flight (25 Jan - 17 Feb 1941)

116 Sqn (17 Feb - 24 Apr 1941)

Detachment - ATA Elementary Flying Training School (Jul 1941 - 1 Apr 1942)

Purgatory Storage Unit, No 15 MU.

No 12 Joint Services Trials Unit (1 Jan 1955 - 1 Feb 1956)


County: - Hertfordshire

Lat/Long:   51:45:53N  00:14:45W

Grid Ref -  TL206090

Height Above Sea Level - 250 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

No 50 Group (1944)

Closed -


This was the company airfield for De Havilland, Hawker Siddeley and later BAe Systems but is now being/has been redeveloped.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Haverfordwest

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 3 Operational Training Unit (23 Jun 1943 - 4 Jan 1944)

Polish Flt (5 Oct 1943 - 11 Jan 1944)

General Reconnaissance Aircraft Preparation Pool (7 May - 1 Oct 1944)

No 4 Refresher Flying Unit (16 May - 29Sep 1944)

516 Sqn (27 Aug - 11 Sep 1944)

Navigators' "W" Holding Course (xxx - 1 Oct 1944)

No 8 Operational Training Unit (3 Jan - 21 Jun 1945)

No 20 Air Crew Holding Unit (18 Jun - 15 Nov 1945)

No 21 Air Crew Holding Unit (15 Aug - 15 Nov 1945)


County: - Pembrokeshire

Lat/Long:   51:49:53N  04:57:45W

Grid Ref -  SM958192

Height Above Sea Level - 163 ft

Railway Station - Haverfordwest GWR

Operational Control: -

Opened (temporary) - 10 Nov 1942 (still under construction)

No 17 Group (10 Nov 1942 - xx xxx 1943)

Closed - xx xxx 1943

SHQ opened - 8 Jun 1942

No 17 Group (8 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational Training Unit aerodrome was issued in March 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Hawarden

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 3 Ferry Pilots Pool (5 Nov 1940 - 1 May 1942)

No 3 Aircraft Delivery Flt (7 Apr 1941 - 10 Jan 1942)

No 51 Wing Communication Flt (Apr 1941 - 21 Nov 1942)

No 3 Ferry Pool ATA (1 May 1942 - 30 Nov 1945)

No 41 Operational Training Unit (15 Nov 1942 - 23 Mar 1945)

No 3210 Servicing Commando (Oct - 1 Dec 1943)

808 Sqn (1 - 25 Sep 1944, 28 Sep - 12 Oct 1944)

Detachment - 885 Sqn (1 Sep - 13 Oct 1944)

No 58 Operational Training Unit (2 Apr - 20 Jul 1945)

No 4 Ferry Pool (30 Nov 1945 - 7 Jun 1952)

577 Sqn (8 Apr - 15 Jun 1946)

173 Sqn (2 Jul 1946 - 25 Aug 1947)

No 63 Group Communication Flt (23 Apr 1947 - 1 Feb 1957)

No 47 Maintenance Unit (15 Mar 1951 - 15 Mar 1959)

No 4 Ferry Unit (7 Feb 1952 - 1 Feb 1953)

No 186 Gliding School (Dec 52 - 1 Sep 1955)

Home Command Modified Officer Cadet Training Unit (Jan 1953 - 1 Jun 1956)

173 Sqn (1 Feb 1953 - 1 Sep 1957)

No 192 Gliding School (May 1953 - xxx xxxx)

No 631 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - 11 May 1963)


County: - Flintshire (Cheshire)

Lat/Long:   53:10:45N  02:58:45W

Grid Ref -  SJ345651

Height Above Sea Level - 15 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1939

No 81 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 15 Nov 1942)

No 71 Group (15 Nov 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 70 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Nov 1943 )

No 9 Group (1 Nov 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 12 Group (1944)

Closed -


It is now owned and operated by BAe Systems

Main Units: -

No 48 Maintenance Unit (1 Sep 1939 - 1 Jul 1957)

No 9 (Service) Ferry Pilots Pool (1 Nov 1940 - 10 Feb 1941)

RLG fro No 5 Flying Training School  (xxx 1939 - xxx 1940)

No 7 Operational Training Unit (15 Jun - 1 Nov 1940)

‘B’ Flt, 4 Ferry Pilots Pool Filton (11 Oct - 1 Nov 1940)

No 57 Operational Training Unit (1 Nov 1940 - 10 Nov 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding,

RAF Hawkinge

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

41 Sqn (30 Jun - 8 Jul 1942, 13 Apr - 21 May 1943)

65 Sqn (30 Jun - 7 Jul 1942)

616 Sqn (14 - 20 Aug 1942)

66 Sqn (8 - 9 Oct 1942)

501 Sqn (8 - 10 Oct 1942, 21 Jun 1943 - 21 Jan 1944, 4 Feb - 30 Apr 1944)

No 3016 (Eagle) Servicing Echelon (12 Apr – 21 May 1943)

No 3037 Servicing Echelon (21 Jun 1943 – 21 Jan 1944, 4 Feb – 22 Mar 1944)

313 Sqn (21 Aug - 18 Sep 1943)

350 Sqn (1 - 13 Oct 1943, 31 Oct - 30 Dec 1943, 10 - 13 Mar 1944, 8 Aug - 29 Sep 1944)

No 3012 Servicing Echelon (1 Oct 1943 – 14 Mar 1944)

No 3210 Servicing Commando (1 Dec 1943 - 18 Jan 1944, 16 - 30 Apr 1944)

322 Sqn (31 Dec 1943 - 25 Feb 1944, 1 - 9 Mar 1944)

'B' Section, No 3210 Servicing Commando (1 Feb - 16 Apr 1944)

No 6501 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 30 Apr 1944)

854 Sqn FAA (23 May - 7 Aug 1944)

855 Sqn FAA (31 May - 3 Aug 1944)

402 Sqn (8 Aug - 30 Sep 1944)

No 6402 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (8 Aug – 30 Sep 1944, 3 – 29 Apr 1945)

1 Sqn (24 Sep - 22 Oct 1944)

132 Sqn (30 Sep - 14 Dec 1944)

441 Sqn (30 Sep - 28 Dec 1944, 3 - 29 Apr 1945)

277 Sqn (5 Oct 1944 - 26 Feb 1945)

26 Sqn (6 - 10 Oct 1944)

451 Sqn (2 Dec 1944 - 11 Feb 1945, 3 - 18 May 1945)

No 6451 (RAAF) Servicing Echelon (1 Dec 1944 – 11 Feb 1945, 30 Apr – 17 May 1945)

611 Sqn (31 Dec 1944 - 3 Mar 1945)

No 6611 Servicing Echelon (28 Dec 1944 – 3 Mar 1945)

No 6 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (19 Feb 1945 - 25 Feb 1946)

504 Sqn (25 Feb - 28 Mar 1945)

No 6504 Servicing Echelon (28 Feb – 28 Mar 1945)

No 6345 (French) Servicing Echelon (3 – 29 Apr 1945)

124 Sqn (7 - 27 Apr 1945)

No 6441 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (xx – 29 Apr 1945)

No 6124 Servicing Echelon (7 – 27 Apr 1945)

No 6453 (RAAF) Servicing Echelon (30 Apr – 26 May 1945)

453 Sqn (2 May -13 Sep 1945)

567 Sqn (13 Jun - 21 Aug 1945)

658 Sqn (2 - 6 Jul 1945)

No 3 Armament Practice Station (10 Aug - 1 Nov 1945)

234 Sqn (27 Aug - 12 Feb 1946)

No 1 Aircraft Delivery Flt (xx - 7 Sep 1945)

122 Sqn (24 Sep - 19 Oct 1945)

No 6122 Servicing Echelon (24 Sep – 19 Oct 1945)

No 166 Gliding School (Dec 1945 - 5 Sep 1955)

Home Command Gliding Centre (1 Dec 1955 - 31 Mar 1959)

No 1 Gliding Centre (31 Mar 1959 - 8 Dec 1961)

WRAF Depot (Jul 1947 - 1 Jun 1960)

WRAF Officer Cadet Training School (1 Jan 1960 - 3 Jan 1962)


County: - Kent

Lat/Long:   51:06:40N  01:09:30E

Grid Ref -  TR211395

Height Above Sea Level - 540 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1915

SHQ Opened - 4 Nov 1935

No 22 Group, ADGB (4 Nov 1935 - 14 Jul 1936)

No 22 Group, Fighter Command (14 Jul 1936 - 12 Oct 1939)

No 24 Group (12 Oct 1939 - 16 Feb 1940)

No 22 Group (16 Feb - 17 Jun 1940)

No 11 Group (C & M) (17 Jun 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1962


Main units: -

Aircraft Acceptance Park (27 Jul - 12 Oct 1917)

No 12 Aircraft Acceptance Park (12 Oct 1917 - May 1919)

Aircraft Acceptance Park (under construction Dec 1918 - Jun 1919)

38 Sqn (14 Feb - 4 Jul 1919)

83 Sqn (14 Feb - 15 Oct 1919)

120 Sqn (20 Feb - 17 Jul 1919)

Storage Section (28 Jul 1919 - 26 Apr 1920)

25 Sqn (26 Apr 1920 - 28 Sep 1922, 3 Oct 1923 - 12 Sep 1938, 10 Oct 1938 - 22 Aug 1939)

56 Sqn (1 Nov 1922 - 7 May 1923)

17 Sqn (1 Apr 1924 - 14 Oct 1926, 17 Apr - 21 May 1940, 6 - 8 Jun 1940)

2 Sqn (30 Nov 1935 -6 Oct 1939)

Pilotless Aircraft Unit/Section (15 Feb - 18 Jun 1940)

16 Sqn (16 Feb - 14 Apr 1940)

416 Flt (1 - 31 Mar 1940, 17 Apr - 26 May 1940, 14 Aug - 23 Sep 1942)

'D' (Army Co-operation) Flt (17 - 19 Apr 1940)

No 11 Observer Screen (20 Apr - 20 May 1940)

No 12 Observer Screen (19 May - xxx 1940)

Rear HQ, RAF Component (Back Violet) (20 May - xx xxx 1940)

605 Sqn (21 - 28 May 1940)

No 245 Sqn (28 May 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 11 Servicing Flt (24 May - xx xxxx 1940)

4 Sqn (24 - 25 May 1940)

613 Sqn (25 May - 29 Jun 1940)

79 Sqn (2 - 11 Jul 1940)

No 421 (Reconnaissance) Flt (15 Nov 1940 - 11 Jan 1941)

91 Sqn (11 Jan 1941 - 23 Nov 1942, 11 Jan - 20 Apr 1943, 21 May - 28 Jun 1943)

Air-Sea Rescue Flt (18 Jul - 22 Dec 1941)

No 1 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (1 Aug 1941 - 9 Feb 1942, xxx - 27 Nov 1944)

No 3028 Servicing Echelon (14 – 23 Nov 1941, 12 Jan – 20 Apr 1943, 21 May – 28 Jun 1943)

'A' Flt, No 3203 Servicing Commando (9 Feb - 19 May 1942)

No 3201 Servicing Commando (10 May - Jun 1942)


613 Sqn (xxx - 23 Aug 1939, 11 Mar 1940 - xxx xxxx)

3 Sqn (17 Dec 1939 - 10 Feb 1940)

416 (Army Co-operation) Flt (26 May - 14 Jun 1940)

‘A’ Flt, 245 Sqn  (28 May - 5 Jun 1940)

57 Sqn (May 1940)

245 Sqn (9 Jun - 1 Jul 1940)

141 Sqn (19 Jul 1940 - xxx 1940)

No 1 Coastal Artillery Co-operation Unit (Aug 1941)

277 Sqn (22 Dec 1941 - 5 Oct 1944)

91 Sqn (Nov - Dec 1942)

567 Sqn (31 Dec 1944 - 21 Jan 1945)

278 Sqn (24 Feb - 14 Oct 1945)

‘D’ Flt, 567 Sqn (22 May - 13 Jun 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Headley Court

RAF Headley Court badge


County: - Surrey

Lat/Long:  51:16:22N  00:16:15W

Operational Control: -

Opened -


Originally used in WW2 as the HQ for Canadian forces in the UK.

Main units: -

Defence Medical Services Rehabilitation Centre

Links to related sites/pages

Help for Heroes website, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Hednesford

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 6 School of Technical Training (14 Mar 1939 - 9 Aug 1948)

262 Sqn (29 Sep 1942)

No 21 Air Crew Holding Unit (15 Jan - 10 Apr 1944)

RAF Prisoners of War Holding Unit (21 Mar 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 53 Repair Unit (Plant) (xxx - 7 May 1945)

No 11 School of Technical Training (8 Oct 1945 - 31 Aug 1947)

No 5 Personnel Transit Centre (1 Sep 1948 - 21 Aug 1951)


County: - Staffordshire

Lat/Long:   52:42:41N  02:00:02W Approx

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1938

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, RAF Hednesford website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Heho

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

None found

Country: -


Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 17 Sep 1941

C & M Party disbanded - xx Jul 1942


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Helensburgh

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Marine Aeroplane Experimental Establishment (21 Sep 1939 - 1 Aug 1945)

Special Duties Flt (21 Sep - 26 Nov 1940) (also known as 'G' Flt)

No 776 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2776 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

No 62 Maintenance Unit (28 Aug 1945 - 30 Nov 1947)


County: - Dunbartonshire (Argyll and Bute)

Lat/Long:   56:00:11N  04:43:59W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -


Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Heliopolis

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

Fighter Wing, Egypt (Jan - 21 Apr 1939, 19 May - 12 Sep 1939)

AHQ Middle East Communication Flt (xxx 1939 - xxx xxxx)

HQ, No 2 Wing (25 Aug - 21 Sep 1939)

HQ, No 251 (Bomber) Wing (21 Sep 1939 - Mar 1940)

Communication Unit, Heliopolis (18 Jan - 20 Aug 1940)

39 Sqn (7 - 13 May 1940, 23 Jan - 21 Mar 1941)

Intelligence Photographic Flt (Jun 1940 - 3 Mar 1941)

267 Sqn (20 Aug 1940 - 18 Aug 1942)

84 Sqn (24 Sep - 16 Nov 1940, 23 - 26 Apr 1941, 2 - 14 Jan 1942)

No 2 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (17 Oct 1940 - 9 Dec 1942)

73 Sqn (30 Nov - 30 Dec 1940)

55 Sqn (15 Feb - 10 Mar 1941)

No 204 Group Communication Flt (14 - 15 Apr 194

Air element, 211 Sqn (23 - 27 Apr 1941)1)

No 206 Group Communication Flt (17 Jun 1941 - 1 Apr 1946)

Marine Craft Section, Heliopolis (2 Jan 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 1437 (Strategic Reconnaissance) Flt (13 Jun - Aug 1942)

HQ, No 276 (Signals) Wing (1 Aug - 15 Nov 1942)

Desert Defence Flt (24 Aug - Oct 1942)

Mobile Wellington Repair Unit (West Africa) (1 Nov 1942 - 25 Feb 1943)

Rear HQ, No 276 (Signals) Wing (15 Nov 1942 - xxx 1944)

Engine Handling School (xxx xxxx - 25 Aug 1946)

No 130 Maintenance Unit (10 Jan - 29 Feb 1944)

451 Sqn (27 Jan - 16 Feb 1942)

HQ, No 282 (Transport) Wing (1 Feb 1942 - 1 Jun 1946)

30 Sqn (19 - 25 Feb 1942)

92 Sqn (30 Apr - 4 Aug 1942)

173 Sqn (9 Jul 1942 - 29 Feb 1944)

40 Sqn (13 - 20 Jan 1943)

No 20 Air Despatch & Reception Unit(9 Apr 1943 - Sep 1944)

No 203 Group Communication Flt (10 May 1943 - 1 Mar 1945)

No 5 (Middle East) Air Crew Reception Centre (5 Dec 1943 - Apr 1945)

Middle East Communication Sqn (29 Feb - 27 Jun 1944, 31 May - 1 Nov 1945)

No 216 Group Communication Flt (27 Jun 1944 - 1 Apr 1946)

No 1 Staging Post (Sep 1944 - 15 Aug 1945)

No 5 Ferry Unit (23 Sep 1944 - 10 Aug 1945)

Mediterranean and Middle East Communication Sqn (10 Nov 1945 - May 1947)

HQ, No 219 Group (1 Mar - 1 Dec 1946)


Country: -   Egypt

Lat/Long:   30:05:24N  31:21:36E

Height above sea level:  380 ft

Operational Control: -



This station was originally set up by the RFC.

Main units: -

HQ, No 5 Wing (Nov 1915 - 9 Feb 1916)

14 Sqn (6 Dec 1915 - 29 Jan 1916, 12 Apr - 1 May 1941)

17 Sqn (18 Dec 1915 - 2 Jul 1916)

67 Sqn (12 Sep - 17 Dec 1916)

No 196 Training Sqn (9 Aug - 31 Nov 1917)

Wireless & Observers' School (17 Aug 1917 - Feb 1918)

HQ, Training Group (15 Sep 1917 - 24 Jan 1918)

No 3 School of Instruction (Oct 1917 - 22 Jul 1919)

School of Aerial Gunnery (Nov 1917 - Mar 1919)

School of Aerial Fighting (13 Nov 1917 - 5 Sep 1918)

HQ, 38th (Training) Wing (9 Nov 1917 - 15 Apr 1919)

HQ, Training Brigade (Middle East) (24 Jan 1918 - 18 Mar 1920)

No 5 Fighting School (5 Sep 1918 - 22 Jul 1919)

58 Sqn (2 May 1919 - 1 May 1920)

206 Sqn (24 - 27 Jun 1919)

No 16 Training Depot Station (6 Jul 1919 - Aug 1920)

214 Sqn (29 Jul - Aug 1919)

70 Sqn (1 Feb 1920 - 16 Jan 1922, 11 Jun - 9 Sep 1940)

216 Sqn (15 Apr 1921 - 7 Oct 1941)

Cape-Cairo Flt (Jan - 1 Mar 1926, 27 - 29 May 1926, xxx - 20 Mar 1927, xxx - 1 Mar 1928, 28 Apr 1928)

45 Sqn [Cadre] (11 Feb - 25 Apr 1927)

208 Sqn (27 Oct 1927 - 24 Jan 1936, 18 Apr - 30 Sep 1936, 9 Nov 1936 - 28 Sep 1938, 11 Oct 1938 - 26 Feb 1939, 16 Mar - 7 Aug 1939, 15 Nov 1939 - 9 Jun 1940, 3 Mar - 5 Apr 1941, 30 Jun - 12 Jul 1942)

Special Instruction Flt (xxx 1928 - xxx xxxx)

East African Flt (xxx - 1 Jan 1932, 20 Feb - 2 Apr 1932)

64 Sqn (1 Mar - 9 Apr 1936)

Communication Flt, Heliopolis (1 Jun 1938 - 18 Jan 1940)

Practice Flt, Heliopolis (xxx xxxx - 1 Jun 1938)

33 Sqn (29 Sep - 2 Oct 1938)

113 Sqn (11 Oct 1938 - 21 Apr 1939, 21 May 1939 - 10 Jun 1940)


14 Sqn (Jan 1916 - Jan 1917)

208 Sqn (Sep - Nov 1936, Jan - Mar 1944)

6 Sqn (Feb - Apr 1941)

11 Sqn (May - Jun 1940)

33 Sqn (Jun - Sep 1941)

272 Sqn (Mar - Nov 1942)

417 Sqn (Sep 1942 - Jan 1943)

80 Sqn (Nov 1943 - Jan 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Personnel Listings,

RAF Helwan

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

113 Sqn (23 - 30 Dec 1941)

6 Sqn (13 - 22 Jan 1942)

Base Salvage Depot (11 Feb 1942 - 1 Jun 1944)

HQ, No 240 Wing (7 Mar - 1 Jul 1942, 19 May - 18 Jun 1943)

HQ, No 241 Wing (15 Apr - 17 May 1942)

145 Sqn (30 Apr - 25 May 1942)

No 1 ( Middle East) Aircraft Repair Unit (15 May 1942 - 11 May 1943)

No 2 ( Middle East) Aircraft Repair Unit (15 May 1942 - 11 May 1943)

HQ, No 244 (Fighter) Wing (4 - 22 Jun 1942)

134 Sqn (9 Jun - 6 Jul 1942)

74 Sqn (21 Jun - 8 Jul 1942)

No 23 Personnel Transit Centre (1 Jul 1942 - 10 Aug 1943)

HQ, No 234 Wing (1 Jul - 5 Sep 1942)

No 63 Repair & Salvage Unit (9 - 28 Jul 1942)

601 Sqn (11 - 22 Aug 1942)

HQ, No 249 (Heavy Air Transport) Wing (11 Nov - 28 Jun 1942)

HQ, No 242 Wing (22 - 25 Nov 1942)

HQ, No 233 Wing (4 - 5 Jan 1943)

No 30 Personnel Transit Centre (1 - 4 Apr 1943)

HQ, No 275 (Balloon) Wing (2 - 8 Apr 1943)

No 39 (RN) Personnel Transit Centre (4 - 12 Apr 1943)

No 157 Maintenance Unit (11 May 1943 - 15 Apr 1944)

No 158 Maintenance Unit (11 May 1943 - 15 Apr 1944)

No 3232 Servicing Commando (19 - 25 May 1943)

No 42 Air Stores Park (9 Jul - 1 Mar 1943)

No 132 Maintenance Unit (29 Jul 1943 - 31 Mar 1945)

No 2 Base Recovery Unit (Feb - 11 Mar 1944)

318 Sqn (23 - 24 Apr 1944)

Base Salvage Unit (1 - 20 Jun 1944)

No 1 Base Recovery Unit (20 Jun - 21 Jul 1944)


Country: -   Egypt

Lat/Long:   29:49:30N  31:19:16E

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -



Main units: -

No 3 School of (Aerial) Navigation & Bomb Dropping (19 Aug 1918 - 22 Jul 1919)

206 Sqn (27 Jun 1919 - 1 Feb 1920)

47 Sqn (1 Feb 1920 - 21 Oct 1927)

8 Sqn (18 Oct - 11 Dec 1920)

45 Sqn (1 Apr - 1 Jul 1921, 21 Oct 1927 - 27 Aug 1929, 8 Dec 1929 - 16 Jan 1939, 18 Jun - 27 Sep 1940, 4 - 8 Dec 1940, 9 Feb - 4 Apr 1941, 2 Jan - 13 Feb 1942)

29 Sqn (20 Jul - 6 Aug 1936)

211 Sqn (12 May - 18 Jul 1938, 29 Sep 1938 - 31 Jan 1939)

80 Sqn (16 Jan - 21 Apr 1939, 19 May - 15 Jul 1939)

33 Sqn (24 Apr - 25 May 1939, 25 Jun - 22 Sep 1940)

112 Sqn (29 May 1939 - 19 Jul 1940)

70 Sqn (20 Aug 1939 - 1 Jun 1940)

Towed Target Flt, Helwan (xxx 1940 - xxx xxxx)

11 Sqn (1 Dec 1940 - 28 Jan 1941, 22 Feb - 17 1942)

39 Sqn (1 Dec 1940 - 23 Jan 1941)

55 Sqn (3 Jun - 1 Jul 1941, 22 Mar - 3 Apr 1942)

No 124 Maintenance Unit (1 Aug - 5 Sep 1941)

Aircraft Repair Depot (20 Aug 1941 - May 1942)

No 101 Maintenance Unit (xxx - xxx 1941)

No 122 Maintenance Unit (16 Sep 1941 - 29 May 1942)

Hurricane Repair Section (20 Nov 1941 - xxx xxxx)

American Aircraft Repair Unit (22 Nov 1941 - 15 May 1942)


142 Sqn (Oct 1935 - Aug 1936)

208 Sqn (Nov 1936 - Sep 1938)

30 Sqn (Jun - Nov 1940)

Air echelon, 18 Sqn (Jan - Mar 1942)

39 Sqn (Aug - Oct 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hemswell

RAF Hemswell badge

Main units (continued): -

305 Sqn (22 Jul 1942 - 22 Jun 1943)

No 2706 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 - 22 Mar 1944)

No 1 Group Aircrew School (xx xxx xxxx - 4 Apr 1944)

No 1 Lancaster Finishing School (20 Jan - 25 Nov 1944)

No 91 Group Servicing Unit (xx xxx xxxx - 25 Mar 1944)

150 Sqn (22 Nov 1944 - 7 Nov 1945)

170 Sqn (29 Nov 1944 - 15 Nov 1945)

Sub-station of No 15 Base (1 Dec 1944 - 20 Oct 1945)

Night Bomber Tactical School/Unit (May - Dec 1944)

No 1687 Bomber (Defence) Training Flt (2 Apr 1945 - 19 Mar 1946)

109 Sqn (27 Nov 1945 - 4 Nov 1946, 31 Mar 1950 - 1 Jan 1956)

139 Sqn (4 Feb - 4 Nov 1946, 1 Apr 1950 - 1 Jan 1956)

100 Sqn (28 Oct 1946 - 23 Mar 1950)

83 Sqn (5 Nov 1946 - 1 Jan 1956)

97 Sqn (7 Nov 1946 - 1 Jan 1956, 1 Dec 1958 - 24 May 1963)

Detachment - 57 Sqn (Oct - Dec 1947)

12 Sqn (12 Jan - 14 Mar 1948)

199 Sqn (17 Apr 1952 - 1 Oct 1957)

Bomber Command Jet Conversion Flt (7 Jul 1952 - 7 Apr 1953)

Lincoln Conversion Flt (9 Jan 1956 - 18 Feb 1957)

Attack Wing, Bomber Command Bombing School (1 Jan 1955 - 1 Oct 1957)

Antler Sqn (1 Jan 1956 - 1 Oct 1957)

Arrow Sqn (31 Jan 1956 - 1 Oct 1957)

Bomber Command Modification Centre (1 Aug 1956 - 15 Oct 1962)

76 Sqn (1 Apr 1957 - 17 Jul 1958)

No 1439 Flt (8 May - xxx 1957, xx - 20 Nov 1957)

542 Sqn (31 Mar 1957 - 17 Jul 1958)

No 1321 Flt (1 Oct 1957 - 23 Jan 1958)

No 643 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Oct 1965 - 21 Apr 1974)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:  53:24:08N  00:34:53W

Grid Ref:  SK941908

Height above sea level: 200 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 6 Jan 1937

No 3 (Bomber) Group (31 Dec 1937 - 1 Sep 1937)

No 5 (Bomber) Group (1 Sep 1937 - 17 Jul 1941)

No 1 Group (18 Jul 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1967


It was a sub-station of No 15 Base from 1 Dec 1944 to 20 Oct 1945.

Main units: -

144 Sqn (9 Feb 1937 - 17 Jul 1941)

61 Sqn (8 Mar 1937 - 17 Jul 1941)

New Zealand Flt (27 Sep 1939 - 15 Jan 1940)

300 Sqn (18 Jul 1941 - 18 May 1942, 31 Jan - 22 Jun 1943)

301 Sqn (18 Jul 1941 - 7 Apr 1943)

No 717 (Ground Defence) Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2717 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 26 May 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

 RAF Hemswell Association,, Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hendon

RAF Hendon badge

Main units (continued): -

The King's Flt ( 20 Jul 1936 - 15 Sep 1939)

'A' Equipment Depot (Temporary) (2 Feb 1937 - xxx 1938)

'A' Temporary Maintenance Unit (xxx 1938 - 28 Jun 1939)HQ, Reserve Command (1 Feb - 4 Sep 1939)

No 50 Group Communications Flt (1 Feb - 2 Sep 1939)

No 21 Aircraft Park (11 - 25 Sep 1939)

No 61 Wing Servicing Unit (23 - 30 Sep 1939)

No 62 Wing Servicing Unit (17 - 25 Oct 1939)

Blenheim Conversion Flt (xxx 1939 - 16 Jan 1940)

248 Sqn (30 Oct 1939 - 24 Feb 1940)

HQ, No 52 (Army Co-operation) Wing (1 - 12 Nov 1939)

81 Sqn (5 May - 15 Jun 1940)

257 Sqn (16 May - 4 Jul 1940)

No 1 Radio Fitting Unit (Jun 1940 - Mar 1941)

504 Sqn (6 - 26 Sep 1940)

No 1 Camouflage Unit (8 Nov 1940 - 1 Jun 1942)

No 1416 (Reconnaissance) Flt (10 Mar - 5 Sep 1941)

No 1 Aircraft Delivery Flt (22 Mar 1941 - 23 Jan 1942)

116 Sqn (24 Apr 1941 - 20 Apr 1942)

No 151 Wing (Aug 1941)

No 2722 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx xxxx)

510 Sqn (15 Oct 1942 - 8 Apr 1944)

VRU-4, USN (xxx xxxx - xx 1942)

512 Sqn (18 Jun 1943 - 14 Feb 1944)

575 Sqn (1 - 14 Feb 1944)

Metropolitan Communication Sqn (8 Apr 1944 - 19 Jul 1948)

Transport Command Communication Flt (8 Apr 1944 - May 1946)

Allied Flt (12 Jun 1944 - xxx 1946)

No 1316 (Dutch Communication/Transport) Flt (7 Jul 1944 - 4 Mar 1946)

C-47 Conversion Section (xx 1944 - xxx xxxx)

No 4024 Servicing Echelon (26 Jul 1944 – 24 Feb 1946)

HQ, No 116 Wing (23 Jul 1944 - 1 Jan 1945)

31 Sqn (19 Jul 1948 - 1 Mar 1955)

RAF Antarctic Flt (25 Apr 1949 - Jan 1951)

No 1958 Flt, 661 Sqn (1 Jul 1949 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 142 Gliding School (Aug 1950 - 1 Aug 1953)

VR-25, USN (xxx - xxxx - Feb 1953)

FASRON 76, USN (Feb 1953 - xxx 1954)

32nd AAA Brigade, US Army (Oct 1953 - Apr 1957)

FASRON 200, USN (xxx 1954 - 1 Oct 1956)

Metropolitan Communication Sqn (1 Mar 1955 - 4 Nov 1957)

No 617 Volunteer Gliding School (25 Nov 1958 - xxx xxxx)


County: - Middlesex

Lat/Long:  51:36:00N  00:14:42W

Grid Ref: TQ215905

Height above sea level: 160 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1910 (as an airfield)

SHQ Opened - 1 Dec 1927

Inland Area (1 Dec 1927 - 1 Jun 1936)

No 6 Group (1 Jun - 1 Dec 1936)

No 11 Group (1 Dec 1936 - 25 Apr 1942)

No 44 Group (25 Apr 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1957


Main units: -

34 Sqn (8 - 10 Jul 1916)

18th Wing School of Instruction (22 Sep 1916 - xxx 1918)

No 2 Aircraft Acceptance Park (xxx 1917 - xxx 1919)

Communications Sqn (23 - 26 Jul 1918)

No 1 Communications Sqn (26 Jul 1918 - 13 Apr 1919)

No 29 Training Sqn (1 - 6 Aug 1918)

School of Instruction, Hendon (xxx - 12 Oct 1918)

No 86  Wing (Feb - 13 Apr 1919)

600 Sqn (18 Jan 1927 - 1 Oct 1938, 4 Oct 1938 - 25 Aug 1939)

601 Sqn (18 Jan 1927 - 2 Sep 1939, 10 May 1946 - 27 Mar 1949)

Home Communications Flt (16 Apr 1928 - 10 Jul 1933)

405 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (13 Jun - 17 Jul 1929)

604 Sqn (17 Mar 1930 - 2 Sep 1939, 10 May 1946 - 28 Mar 1949)

Inland Area Practice Flt (xxx 1933 - xx Jul 1936)

24 Sqn (10 Jul 1933 - 25 Feb 1946)

No 1 MT Storage Unit (1 Aug 1935 - 27 Nov 1936)

610 Sqn (10 Feb - 16 Apr 1936)

611 Sqn (10 Feb - 1 Apr 1936)


19 Training Sqn (Apr - xxx 1916)

271 Sqn (May 1940, Oct 1940 - Feb 1944)

59 Sqn (11 Sep - xxx  1940)

No 91 Forward Staging Post (Jan - Aug 1944)

No 19 Reserve Sqn (Jan - May 1916)

Units located in Hendon but not on the station: -

HQ, No 26 Group (1 Dec 1937 - 1 Feb 1939)

HQ, No 116 (Transport) Wing (1 Jan - 23 Jul 1944)

HQ, No 107 (Transport) Wing (16 Oct 1944 - 1 Jan 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hendon Hall

No Badge authorised 

Main units: -

Base Personnel Office (xx xxx xxxx - 9 Nov 1940)

Base Accounts Office (xx xxx xxxx - 16 Dec 1940)

2nd Air Formation Signals (Army unit)


County: - Middlesex

Lat/Long:  51:36:00N  00:14:42W

Grid Ref: TQ215905

Height above sea level: 160 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - xx xxx xxxx

SHQ closed/RAF Unit formed - 12 Nov 1940

RAF Unit closed - xx xxx xxxx

Notes: -

It ceased to be a separate RAF Station on 12 Nov 1940 on being renamed RAF Unit, Hendon Hall.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Henlow

RAF Henlow badge

Main units (continued): -

RAF School of Aeronautical Engineering (Officers) (xxx 1938 - 15 Aug 1947)

No 13 Maintenance Unit (1 Jun 1939 - 20 Jan 1948)

No 20 Air Stores Park (26 Aug - 15 Sep 1939)

No 2 Air Stores Park (27 Aug - 12 Sep 1939)

No 6 Air Stores Park (15 Sep - 5 Oct 1939)

No 21 Aircraft Depot Communication Flt (11 - 25 Sep1939)

No 1 Salvage Centre (18 Sep - 4 Oct 1939)

No 2 Salvage Centre (18 - 22 Sep 1939)

No 3 Salvage Centre (18 - 24 Sep 1939)

No 4 Salvage Centre (18 - 24 Sep 1939)

No 49 Maintenance Unit (1 Mar - 1 Apr 1940)

No 4 Repair and Salvage Unit (xxx xxxx - 24 Jun 1940)

No 5 Repair and Salvage Unit (xxx xxxx - 24 Jun 1940)

No 6 Repair and Salvage Unit (xxx xxxx - 24 Jun 1940)

No 12 Repair and Salvage Unit (xxx xxxx - 24 Jul 1940)

No 13 School of Technical Training (6 Jun - 28 Aug 1940)

No 14 School of Technical training (28 Aug 1940 - 28 Aug 1944, 1 Jun 1945 - 1 Sep 1948)

241 Sqn Detachment  (Jul 1941 - May 1942)

No 709 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2709 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 20 Apr 1942)

No 2727 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 511 Forward Repair Unit (6 Sep - 16 Nov 1943)

No 106 Gliding School (xxx 1944 - 1 Sep 1955)

No 43 Group Communications Flt (1 Jan 1946 - 28 Jun 1947)

No 3 Ferry Pool (30 Apr - 10 Sep 1947)

RAF Technical College (15 Aug 1947 - 1 Jan 1966)

Signals Dev Unit (Sep 1947 - 1 Jan 1950)

No 1959 Reserve AOP Flt (1 May 1949 - 17 Oct 1955)

No 1961 Reserve AOP Flt (1 May 1949 - 10 Mar 1957)

Radio Engineering Unit (1 Jan 1950 - xxx 1966)

Parachute Test Unit (Min of Supply) (1 Sep 1950 - 31 Dec 1959)

No 616 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Jun 1958 - Current)

Officer Cadet Training Unit (1 Oct 1965 - xxx xxxx)

Rapier Cold Trials Unit (1 May 1973 - 14 Jul 1974)

Radio Introduction Unit (xxx xxxx - Current)

Joint Arms Control Implementation Group (31 May 1996 - Current)


County: - Bedfordshire

Lat/Long:  52:01:00N  00:18:15W

Grid Ref: TL165378

Height above sea level:  184ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1918

Training Command (1 May 1936 - 21 Sep 1939)

No 43 Group (21 Sep 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)


Main units: -

No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot (31 Jan 1918 - 16 Mar 1920)

Inland Area Aircraft Depot (16 Mar 1920 - Apr 1926)

6 Mar 1920 - Apr 1926)

23 Sqn (1 Jul 1925 - 6 Feb 1927)

43 Sqn (1 Jul 1925 - 12 Dec 1926)

Parachute Test Section/Flight (20 Sep 1925 - 1 Sep 1950)

Home Aircraft Depot (Apr 1926 - 2 Feb 1939)

19 Sqn (11 Jun - 20 Jul 1935)

RAF Meteorological Flt (27 Jun - 20 Jul 1935)

Pilotless Aircraft Section/Unit (31 Jan 1937 - 15 Feb 1940)

80 Sqn (15 Mar - 9 Jun 1937)

Queen Bee Flt (10 May - 27 Jul 1937)

'Y' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (11 Apr - 29 Jun 1938, 4 Oct 1938 - 15 May 1939)

'W' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (xx - 8 May 1939)

'X' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (15 - 16 May 1939)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Signals Museum, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website, Personnel Listings,

AOC's Inspection 1962
AOC's Inspection 1962
AOC's Inspection 1962

RAF Hereford (Credenhill)

RAF Hereford badge

Main units (continued): -

No 11 School of Technical Training (15 Jun 1940 - 30 Sep 1945)

No 7 Mobile Parachute Servicing Unit (17 Apr 1944 - Feb 1945)

HQ, No 24 Group (Sep - Dec 1944)

No 50 Gliding School (Mar 1944 - Jan 1946)*

No 1 Air Crew Officers School (1 Nov 1944 - 1 May 1946)

Administrative Apprentice Training School (1950-1960)

Senior NCO training course

No 533 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Jul 1952 - xxx xxxx)

No 3 School of Technical Training (Apr 1959 - 17 May 1974)

WRAF Depot

WRAF clerical trades training school.

RAF/WRAF cooks trade training school.

*This unit was initially located at Lugg Meadows in Hereford and later on Hereford Racecourse, but is included here for convenience.


County: - Herefordshire

Lat/Long: 52:05:06N  02:47:42W

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


After the RAF vacated the site it was taken over by the Army becoming the new Regimental Depot for the Special Air Service Regiment.

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

Photo of Equipment Accounts Course No 75

No 2 School of Admin Trades, RAF Hereford

courtesy - Gareth Bryan

RAF Heston

No Badge authorised

Main units (Continued): -

302 Sqn (5 May - 30 Jun 1942, 7 Jul - 21 Sep 1942, 29 Sep - 1 Feb 1943, 1 - 20 Jun 1943)

308 Sqn (30 Jul - 15 Sep 1942, 21 Sep - 29 Oct 1942, 21 Sep - 11 Nov 1943)

515 Sqn (29 Oct 1942 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 3097 Servicing Echelon (29 Oct 1942 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 3104 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (21 Sep - 4 Oct 1943)

No 411 (Polish) Repair and Salvage Unit (7 Oct 1942 - 1 Apr 1944)

303 Sqn (5 Feb - 5 Mar 1943, 12 - 26 Mar 1943, 8 Apr - 1 Jun 1943)

350 Sqn (1 - 5 Mar 1943)

No 3012 Servicing Echelon (1 - 5 Mar 1943)

317 Sqn (1 - 21 Jun 1943)

No 405 Repair and Salvage Unit (4 Jul - 14 Aug 1943)

No 4 Aircraft Delivery Flight (27 Jul - 21 Sep 1943)

306 Sqn (22 Sep - 19 Dec 1943, 1 Jan - 15 Mar 1944, 20 Mar - 1 Apr 1944)

No 133 Airfield HQ (1 Nov 1943 - 1 Apr 1944)

315 Sqn (13 Nov - 19 Dec 1943, 1 Jan - 24 Mar 1944, 28 Mar - 1 Apr 1944)

AEAF Communication Flight (13 Dec 1943 - 6 Apr 1944)

129 Sqn (16 - 30 Mar 1944)

No 6129 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar - 26 Jun 1944)

No 6306 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar - 1 Apr 1944)

AEAF Communication Sqn (6 Apr - 15 Oct 1944)

No 85 Group Communication Sqn (3 Jun - 5 Sep 1944)

SHAEF (RAF) Communication Sqn (15 - 20 Oct 1944)

'S' Flight, RAE (1 Nov - 31 Dec 1944)

No 144 Gliding School (xx May 1945 - xx Mar 1948)


County: - Middlesex

Lat/Long:   51:29:59N 02:23:52W

Grid Ref -  T!118781

Height Above Sea Level - 100 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xx xxxx

Coastal Command (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Jan 1941)

No 11 Group (1 Jan 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1947


Main units: -

Heston Flight (24 Sep - 3 Nov 1939)

No 2 Camouflage Unit (3 Nov 1939 - 19 Jan 1940)

Photographic Development Unit (19 Jan - 18 Jun 1940)

212 Sqn (14 - 18 Jun 1940)

Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (18 Jun - 16 Nov 1940)

No 1 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (16 Nov - 27 Dec 1940)

No 53 Operational Training Unit (18 Feb 1941 - 15 Apr 1942)

Airborne Target Illumination Flight (xx xxx - 12 Apr 1941)

No 1422 Flight (12 Apr 1941 - 3 Jun 1944)

No 61 Operational Training Unit (9 Jun - 1 Jul 1941)

116 Sqn (20- Apr - 12 Dec 1942)

316 Sqn (23 Apr - 30 Jul 1942)

Links to related sites/pages


RAF Hethal

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

389th Bomb Group, USAAF (11 Jun 1943 - 30 May 1945)

  • 564th Bomb Sqn

  • 565th Bomb Sqn

  • 566th Bomb Sqn

126 Sqn (5 - 15 Sep 1945, 5 Oct 1945 - 10 Mar 1946)

No 6126 Servicing Echelon (5 – 15 Sep 1945, 5 Oct 1945 – 10 Mar 1946)

65 Sqn (6 Sep 1945 - 11 Feb 1946)

No 6065 Servicing Echelon (6 Sep 1945 – 13 Feb 1946)

316 Sqn (15 Mar - 11 Dec 1946)

303 Sqn (23 Mar - 11 Dec 1946)

No 6303 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (23 Mar – 11 Dec 1946)

No 131 Wing Communication Flt (7 Oct 1946 - 2 Jan 1947)

302 Sqn (7 Oct - 18 Dec 1946)

308 Sqn (7 Oct - 18 Dec 1946)

317 Sqn (7 Oct - 18 Dec 1946)

No 6308 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (7 Oct 1946 – 2 Jan 1947)

No 6302 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (16 Oct 1946 – 2 Jan 1947)

No 19 Personnel Transit Centre (15 Apr 1947 - 30 Apr 1948)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:33:38N  01:10:30E

Grid Ref -  TG155008

Height Above Sea Level - 160 ft

Railway Station - Wymondham LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 13 Jun 1942

No 2 Group (13 Jun 1942 - 12 Apr 1943)

2nd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (12 Apr - 23 Aug 1943)

2nd Bombardment Wing, USAAF (23 Aug 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1947


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational station was issued in April 1941.

Main units: -

320th Bomb Group, USAAF(12 Sep - 1 Oct 1942)

  • 441st Bomb Sqn

  • 442nd Bomb Sqn

  • 443rd Bomb Sqn

  • 444th Bomb Sqn

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Hibaldstow

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Detachment** - 93 Sqn (Dec 1940 - Nov 1941)

255 Sqn (15 May - 20 Sep 1941)

Detachment** - 409 Sqn (Aug 1941 - Feb 1943)

253 Sqn (21 Sep 1941 - 14 Jun 1942, 7 Jul - Oct 1942)

No 1459 (Fighter) Flt (21 Sep 1941 - 25 Jan 1943)

No 3009 Servicing Echelon (14 Nov 1941 – Nov 1942)

Detachment - 486 Sqn (21 Jul - 21 Aug 1942)

1453 (Fighter) Flt (27 Jul - 2 Sep 1942)

538 Sqn (2 Sep 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

532 Sqn (11 Sep 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

‘D’ Flt, 53 Operational Training Unit  (9 May 1943 - 15 May 1945)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:   53:29:45N  00:31:00W

Grid Ref -  SE982010

Height Above Sea Level - 25 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 12 May 1941

No 12 Group (12 May 1941 - 8 May 1943)

No 9 Group (8 May 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


From 3 Nov 1941 the station became a satellite of RAF Kirton in  Lindsay.

Part of the airfield is used for sport parachuting.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google,

RAF High Ercall

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 1456 (Fighter) Flt (6 Jun - 2 Sep 1942)

257 Sqn (6 Jun - 21 Sep 1942)

No 3010 Servicing Echelon (6 Jun – 21 Sep 1942)

309th Fighter Sqn, USAAF (11 Jun - 4 Aug 1942)

27th Fighter Sqn, USAAF (27 Aug - 15 Sep 1942)

535 Sqn (2 Sep 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

247 Sqn (21 Sep 1942 - 1 Jan 1943)

No 3008 Servicing Echelon (21 Sep 1942 – 28 Feb 1943)

92nd Fighter Sqn, USAAF (8 Oct - 12 Dec 1942)

Detachment - No 1489 (Fighter) Gunnery Flt (Dec 1942 - Jun 1943)

Detachment - 285 Sqn (Jan - 20 Dec 1943)

41 Sqn (25 Feb - 13 Apr 1943)

No 3016 (Eagle) Servicing Echelon (25 Feb – 12 Apr 1943)

No 60 Operational Training Unit (17 May 1943 - 15 Mar 1945)

No 99 Maintenance Unit (1 Mar 1957 - 8 Jun 1962)

RLG for No 6 Flying Training School (27 Mar 1951 - xxx 1955, 1 Mar 1957 - xxx 1961)

RLG for Central Navigation & Control Sschool (1 Mar 1957 - xxx xxxx)


County: - Shropshire

Lat/Long:   52:45:45N  02:35:15W

Grid Ref -  SJ608186

Height Above Sea Level - 220 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1940

Maintenance Command (xx xxx 1940 - 10 Apr 1941)

No 9 Group (10 Apr 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 12 Group (1944)

Closed - 1962


Main Units: -

No 29 Maintenance Unit (1 Oct 1940 - 1 Mar 1957)

68 Sqn (17 Apr 1941 - 8 Mar 1942)

No 3 Aircraft Delivery Flt (10 Jan 1942 - 23 Jul 1943, 20 Sep - 22 Oct 1943)

255 Sqn (2 Mar - 6 Jun 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF High Wycombe

RAF High Wycombe badge

Main units: -

HQ, Bomber Command (13 Mar 1940 - 30 Apr 1968)

Night Bomber Tactical School/Unit (17 Aug 1943 - 10 Mar 1944)

7006 Sqn RAFVR/RAuxAF (Apr 1986 - Oct 2000)

HQ, Strike Command (1 Apr 1993 - 31 Mar 2007)

HQ, No 38 Group (1 Nov 1992 - 1 Apr 2000)

Air Warfare Centre (1 Jul 1993 - 4 Sep 1995)

HQ, Franco-British European Air Group (27 Jun 1995 - Jan 1998)

HQ, No 1 Group (1 Apr 1996 - Current)

HQ, European Air Group (Jan 1998 - Current)

Combined Air Operations Centre Nine (1 Sep 1999 - Current)

HQ, No 2 Group (1 Apr 2000 - Current)

HQ, No 3 Group (1 Apr 2000 - xxx xxxx)

HQ, Air Command (1 Apr 2007 - Current)

HQ, No 22 (Training) Group (xxx xxxx - Current)


County: - Buckinghamshire

Lat/Long:  51:37:04N  00:44:53W

Operational Control: -

Bomber Command (Mar 1940 - Apr 1968)

Strike Command (Apr 1968 - Current)

Notes From 1940 until 1969, it was known as Southdown, being formally named RAF High Wycombe on 1 January 1969

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Hinaidi

No Badge authorised

Main units (Continued): -

Iraq Aircraft Depot (1 May 1922 - Jun 1929)

8 Sqn (29 Dec 1921 - 26 May 1924, 29 May 1924 - 27 Feb 1927)

45 Sqn (20 Apr 1922 - 26 May 1926, 29 May 1926 - 11 Feb 1927)

70 Sqn (31 May 1922 - 26 May 1924, 29 May 1924 - 16 Oct 1937)

6 Sqn (20 Oct 1922 - 19 May 1924)

30 Sqn (3 Dec 1922 - 18 May 1924, 15 Feb 1926 - 11 Apr 1927, 27 Oct 1927 - 23 Oct 1929)

55 Sqn (19 - 26 May 1924, 29 May - 19 Sep 1924, 1 Nov 1924 - 8 Jan 1928, 6 May 1928 - 25 Apr 1932, 6 Jul 1932 - 14 Sep 1937)

HQ, Iraq Command (Dec 1928 - 9 Jan 1938)

Aircraft Depot, Iraq (Jun 1929 - 21 Jun 1937)


Country: - Iraq


Height above sea level:  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx Apr 1921


Main units: -

Aircraft Park, Iraq (Apr 1921 - May 1922)

1 Sqn (20 Apr 1921 - 1 Nov 1926)


30 Sqn det (May 1924 - Feb 1926, Apr - Oct 1927)

84 Sqn det (Oct 1928 - Dec 1934)

208 Sqn  (Feb - Jul 1943)

Links to related sites/pages


RAF Hinton in the Hedges

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite, RAF Bicester (1 Nov 1940 - xx xxx 1942)

RLG for No 13 Operational Training Unit (1 Nov 1940 - 23 Aug 1942)

Satellite, RAF Upper Heyford (xx xxx 1942 - 15 Apr 1943)

RLG for No 16 Operational Training Unit (18 Jul 1942 - 2 Apr 1943)

Beam Approach Development Unit (12 Apr 1943 - 15 Apr 1943)

Parent station - 15 Apr 1943

Signals Development Unit (15 Apr 1943 - 29 Jul 1944)

Ground Control Approach Flt (Nov 1943 - 29 Jul 1944)

No 1478 Flt (15 Apr - 11 Jun 1943)


County: - Northamptonshire

Lat/Long:   52:01:38N  01:12:30W

Grid Ref -  SP545371

Height Above Sea Level - 470 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1940

No 6 Group (xx xxx 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 92 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 15 Apr 1943)

No 26 Group (15 Apr 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for RAF Bicester was issued in May 1940.  It was later transferred to RAF Upper Heyford as a satellite before being raised to parent station status on 14 April 1943.

The Signals Development Unit was responsible for the development and servicing of radio aids to navigation.   It also operated SBA and VHF/BA Sections, tasked with calibration, servicing and modification of these systems.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Hixon

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

30 Operational Training Unit (28 Jun 1942 - 2 Feb 1945)

No 1686 (Bomber) Defence Training Flt (5 Jun 1943 - 21 Aug 1944)

No 12 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (8 Feb 1945 - 21 Jun 1946)

Sub-site, No 16 Maintenance Unit (31 Jul 1945 - 5 Nov 1957)


County: - Staffordshire

Lat/Long:   52:50:08N  02:00:23W

Grid Ref -  SJ993266

Height Above Sea Level - 267 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 18 Jun 1942

No 92 Group (18 Jun - 15 Jul 1942)

No 93 Group (15 Jul 1942- 28 Oct 1944)

Closed - 1957


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber aerodrome was issued in April 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Hmawbi

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 7110 Servicing Echelon (16 Aug – 11 Sep 1945)

117 Sqn (19 Aug - 17 Dec 1945)

HQ, No 908 Wing (17 Aug - 19 Sep 1945)

HQ, No 345 Wing (19 Aug 1945 - 31 Jan 1946)

215 Sqn (19 Aug - 23 Oct 1945)

96 Sqn (4 Sep 1945 - 16 Apr 1946)

89 Sqn (6 - 2 Sep 1945)

No 7089 Servicing Echelon (6 – 25 Sep 1945)

No 12 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (Sep - 28 Oct 1945)

No 7084 Servicing Echelon (10 – 12 Sep 1945)

No 69 Staging Post (xxx 1945 - Apr 1946)

HQ, No 910 Wing (xxx - 13 Nov 1945)

No 94 Air Sores Park (Oct - 21 Nov 1945)

Japan Force Communication Flt (Mar - 28 Apr 1946)

No 8 Staging Post (25 Mar - 30 Apr 1946)


Country: -   Myanmar (Burma)

Lat/Long:   17:07:16N  96:04:12E

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -



Main Units: -

No 326 Maintenance Unit (Aug - 15 Nov 1945)

47 Sqn (15 Aug 1945 - 15 Jan 1946)

No 3207 Servicing Commando (10 - 22 Aug 1945)

84 Sqn (10 - 12 Sep 1945)

No 7047 Servicing Echelon (14 Aug 1945 – 15 Jan 1946)

110 Sqn (16 Aug - 11 Sep 1945)


No 132 (Mobile) Repair & Salvage Unit (xxx 1945 - 31 Mar 1946)

No 7020 Servicing Echelon (11 – 23 Mar 1946)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Holbeach

RAF Holbeach badge


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:  52:52:26N  00:08:13E

Operational Control: -


Main units: -

Air Weapons Range

Links to related sites/pages, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Holme on Spalding Moor

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 812 (Defence) Sqn (3 Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

458 Sqn (25 Aug 1941 - 20 Mar 1942)

No 2812 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 31 Jul 1942)

101 Sqn (29 Sep 1942 - 15 Jun 1943)

No 1520 Beam Approach Training Flt (10 Oct 1941 - 6 Jun 1944)

No 460 Conversion Flt (15 Aug - 26 Sep 1942)

No 1503 Beam Approach Training Flt (5 Sep 1942 - 3 Jan 1943)

76 Sqn (16 Jun 1943 - 6 Aug 1945)

No 1689 (Bomber) Defence Training Flt (15 Feb 1944 - 7 May 1945)

HQ, No 44 Base, (15 Apr 1944 - 1 Sep 1945)

512 Sqn (6 Aug - 8 Oct 1945)

No 4512 Servicing Echelon (14 Aug – 7 Oct 1945)

Sub-site, No 35 Maintenance Unit (15 Dec 1945 - 23 Jan 1946)

Sub-site, No 268 Maintenance Unit (4 Dec 1946 -31 Dec 1948)

Sub-site, No 91 Maintenance Unit (31 Dec 1948 - 15 Apr 1951)

No 14 Flying Training School (3 Mar 1952 - 31 Jan 1953)

RLG for No 1 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1962 - 23 Jun 1966)


County: - East Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   53:48:23N  00:44:23W

Grid Ref -  SE829351

Height Above Sea Level - 12 ft

Railway Station - Market Weighton LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 24 Jul 1941

No 1 Group (24 Jul 1941 - 15 Jun 1943)

No 4 Group, Bomber Command (15 Jun 1943 - 7 May 1945)

No 4 Group, Transport Command (7 May 1945 - 25 Oct 1945)

Care & Maintenance (25 Oct 1945 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber station was issued in April 1940.

With Linton on Ouse being transferred  to No 6 Group, its personnel and units transferred to Holme on Spading Moor, whilst Holme's personnel and units moved to Ludford Magna

It was later operated by Hawker Siddeley and British Aerospace until 1984

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Commanding Officers Control Towers website,

RAF Holmpton

See RAF Patrington

RAF Holmsley South

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

245 Sqn (1 - 25 Apr 1944, 22 May -27 Jun 1944)

No 6174 Servicing Echelon (1 Apr – 17 Jun 1944)

No 6175 Servicing Echelon (1 Apr – 20 Jun 1944)

No 6245 Servicing Echelon (1 Apr – 27 Jun 1944)

No 6418 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (7 Apr – 10 Jul 1944)

418 Sqn (8 Apr - 14 Jul 1944)

No 3205 Servicing Commando (6 - 15 May 1944)

HQ, No 121 (Rocket Projectile) Wing (12 May - 16 Jun 1944)

No121 Wing Communication Flt (12 May - 28 Aug 1944)

184 Sqn (13 - 20 May 1944, 17 - 27 Jun 1944)

No 6184 Servicing Echelon (14 – 20 May 1944, 16 – 27 Jun 1944)

No 1320 Special Duties Flt (8 - 22 May 1944)

HQ, No 133 Wing (22 - 26 Jun 1944)

129 Sqn (22 Jun - 9 Jul 1944)

182 Sqn (22 Jun - 3 Jul 1944)

306 Sqn (22 - 27 Jun 1944)

315 Sqn (22 - 26 Jun 1944)

No 6129 Servicing Echelon (22 – 24 Jun 1944)

No 6182 Servicing Echelon (22 Jun – 3 Jul 1944)

No 6306 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (22 – 27 Jun 1944)

No 6315 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (22 – 25 Jun 1944)

394th Bomb Group, USAAF (24 Jul - 20 Aug 1944)

  • 584th Bomb Sqn

  • 585th Bomb Sqn

  • 586th Bomb Sqn

  • 587th Bomb Sqn

No 4167 Servicing Echelon (1 Oct 1944 – 30 Mar 1945)

167 Sqn (21 Oct 1944 - 27 Mar 1945)

Halifax Development Flt (15 Nov 1944 - Mar 1945)

246 Sqn (1 Dec 1944 - 15 Oct 1946)

No 4246 Servicing Echelon (1 Dec 1944 – 16 Oct 1946)

Detachment - 232 Sqn (Feb - May 1945)

No1 Section, No 1552 Beam Approach Training Flt, (8 Dec 1945 - 5 Feb 1946)


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:   50:47:15N  01:42:00W

Grid Ref -  SZ215988

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Railway Station - Hinton Admiral SR

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Sep 1942

No 19 Group (1 Sep 1942 -1 Jan 1944)

C & M, No 11 Group (1 Jan - xx Jul 1944)

USAAF (xx Jul - 31 Aug 1944)

No 11 Group (31 Aug - 1 Sep 1944)

No 116 Wing (1 Sep 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational station was issued in July 1941.  This was later changed a Fighter Command station and was transferred to Costal Command whilst under construction.  In December 1941 it was re-allocated a a Fighter satellite airfield.

Main Units: -

547 Sqn (21 Oct - 10 Dec 1942)

58 Sqn (2 Dec 1942 - 6 Dec 1943)

502 Sqn (2 - 25 Mar 1943, 30 Jun - 10 Dec 1943)

295 Sqn (1 May - 30 Jun 1943, xxx -  Jun 1944 [‘A’ Flt], xxx 1945 - xxx xxx [det])

HQ, No 144 Airfield (14 Mar - 1 Apr 1944)

No 2812 Sqn, RAF Regiment (15 Mar - xx xxx 1944)

441 Sqn (18 Mar - 1 Apr 1944)

442 Sqn (18 Mar - 1 Apr 1944)

443 Sqn (18 - 27 Mar 1944)

No 6441 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 1 Apr 1944)

No 6442 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 1 Apr 1944)

No 6443 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 22 Apr 1944)

174 Sqn (1 Apr - 19 Jun 1944)

175 Sqn (1 Apr - 20 Jun 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding, Atlantikwall website,

RAF Holwell Hyde

See RAF Panshanger

RAF Ho Mun Tin

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 393 Equipment Depot (31 Mar 1946 - 1 Apr 1947)


Country: -   Hong Kong

Lat/Long:   22:18:54N  114:10:48E

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -



Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of general area on Google Maps,

RAF Honeybourne

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 828 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

Ferry Training Unit (11 Nov 1941 - 28 Mar 1942)

No 1425 (Communication) Flt (16 Nov 1941 - 5 Apr 1942)

No 2828 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 1 Jul 1942)

No 24 Operational Training Unit (15 Mar 1942 - 24 Jul 1945)

No 107 Storage Sub-site (Oct 1945 - 31 Jul 1948)


County: - Worcestershire

Lat/Long:   52:04:45N  01:50:00W

Grid Ref -  SP112426

Height Above Sea Level - 178 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 24 Aug 1941

No 7 Group (24 Aug 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 91 Group (1944)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this aerodrome for use as an operational station was issued in July 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website,

RAF Hong Kong

RAF Hong Kong badge

Main units: -

HQ RAF Hong Kong (15 Sep 1945 - 15 May 1946)

AHQ RAF Hong Kong (15 May 1946 - 24 Mar 1967)

Hong Kong (Auxiliary Air Force) Wing (1 May 1949 - xxx 1951)

Royal Hong Kong (Auxiliary Air Force) Wing (xxx 1951 - 1 Apr 1994)


Country: -   Hong Kong

Lat/Long:   22:17N  114:08E

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -



Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Honiley

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 3028 Servicing Echelon (20 Apr - 9 May 1943)

416th Night Fighter Sqn, USAAF (13 May - 11 Jun 1943)

130 Sqn (5 Jul - 4 Aug 1943)

No 504 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (5 Jul – 4 Aug 1943)

No 3208 Servicing Commando (6 Jul - 2 Aug 1943)

234 Sqn (8 Jul - 5 Aug 1943)

No 3038 Servicing Echelon (8 Jul – 4 Aug 1943)

No 63 Operational Training Unit (7 Sep 1943 - 21 Mar 1944)

RLG for No 16 Flying Training Sqn (7 - 21 Feb 1944)

219 Sqn (15 - 26 Mar 1944)

No 3136 Servicing Echelon (15 – 22 Mar 1944)

No 6219 Servicing Echelon (22 – 26 Mar 1944)

RLG for No 18 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (30 - 31 May 1944)

Signals Flying Unit 7N, 9T (formed) 20 Jul 1944 1 Sep 1946 (into Radio Anson; Wellington;

Ground Controlled Approach Sqn (30 Jul 1944 - 1 Mar 1945)

Ground Controlled Approach Training Unit (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

20 FTS RLG Church Lawford by  May 1947 23 Jul 1947 Church Lawford Harvard

41 Gliding School Hockley Heath  Jun 1947  May 1953

Reserve Command Major Servicing Unit (18 Aug 1948 - 1 Aug 1950)

Reserve Command Instrument Training Flt (6 Apr 1949 - 1 Aug 1950)

Home Command Instrument Training Flt (1 Aug 1950 - 22 Jun 1952)

Home Command Major Servicing Unit (1 Aug 1950 - 15 Oct 1952)

718 Sqn FAA (4 Jul - 31 Dec 1955)

1833 Sqn FAA (23 Oct 1955 - 10 Mar 1957)


County: - Warwickshire

Lat/Long:   52:21:30N  01:39:30W

Grid Ref -  SP233736

Height Above Sea Level - 426 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 23 Aug 1941

No 9 Group (23 Aug 1941 - 15 Jul 1944)

No 26 Group (15 Jul 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1958


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a flying training school was issued in June 1940.

Main units: -

No 832 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

135 Sqn (4 Sep - 10 Nov 1941)

605 Sqn (4 Sep - 31 Oct 1941, 10 May 1946 - 10 Mar 1957)

257 Sqn (7 Nov 1941 - 6 Jun 1942)

No 3010 Servicing Echelon (14 Nov 1941 – 6 Jun 1942)

No 1456 (Fighter) Flt (24 Nov 1941 - 25 Jan 1943)

No 2832 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - May 1943)

255 Sqn (6 Jun - xxx 1942)

No 3003 Servicing Echelon (7 Sep – 19 Oct 1942)

32 Sqn (9 Sep - 18 Oct 1942)

96 Sqn (20 Oct 1942 - 4 Mar 1943, 12 Mar - 4 Aug 1943)

285 Sqn (29 Oct 1942 - 27 Aug 1943)

91 Sqn (20 Apr - 9 May 1943)


No 9 Group Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Flt (4 Sep - xxx 1941)

287 Sqn (xxx 1941 - xxx xxxx)

98 Sqn (Oct 1942 - Aug 1943)

6 (P) AFU (14 Feb -  Mar 1943)

504 Sqn (5 Jul - 4 Aug 1943)

No 60 Operational Training Unit (3 - 10 Aug 1943)

285 Sqn (25 Aug 1943 - xxx xxxx)

116 Sqn (xxx xxxx - 25 Oct 1943

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Honington

RAF Honington badge

Main units (continued): -

No 103 Gliding School (xxx - xxx 1944, 20 May 1946 - 25 Apr 1948)

No 1 Transport Aircraft Modification Unit (1 Apr - 15 Jul 1946)

Transport Command Signals training Unit (1 Apr 1946 - Oct 1947)

Transport Command Major Servicing Unit (5 Oct 1946 - 31 Mar 1950)

Transport Command Examining Unit (2 Jul 1949 - 15 May 1950)

No 58 Maintenance Unit (15 May - xxx 1950, Dec 1952 - 20 Jul 1954)

No 1 Mechanical Transport Repair Unit (xxx - 1 Sep 1952)

15 Sqn (18 Feb 1955 - 15 Apr 1957, 1 Oct 1970 - 11 Jan 1971)

57 Sqn (19 Feb 1955 - 15 Nov 1956, 1 Jan 1959 - 1 Dec 1965)

44 Sqn (20 Feb 1955 - 15 Jul 1957)

10 Sqn (16 May 1955 - 15 Jan 1957)

7 Sqn (1 Nov 1956 - 26 Jul 1960)

90 Sqn (1 Jan 1957 - 1 Mar 1965)

199 Sqn (1 Oct 1957  - 17 Dec 1958)

55 Sqn (1 Sep 1960 - 24 May 1965)

12 Sqn (1 Oct 1969 - 4 Oct 1980)

No 237 Operational Conversion Unit (1 Mar 1971 - 19 Oct 1984)

204 Sqn (1 Apr 1971 - 1 May 1972)

Avionic Development and Servicing Unit (Buccaneer) (1 Oct 1972 - Aug 1975)

809 Sqn (18 Oct - 7 Nov 1972, 11 Dec 1972 - 9 Feb 1973, 14 Mar - 2 May 1973, 24 Jul - 30 Sep 1973, 5 Oct - 13 Nov 1973, 30 Nov 1973- 6 Jun 1974, 17 Jun - 3 Jul 1974, 25 Jul - 5 Sep 1974, 3 Nov 1974 - 8 Jan 1975, 9 Jun - 6 Oct 1975, 20 Nov 1975 - 6 Feb 1976, 14 Jul - 4 Sep 1976, 18 Oct 1976 - 5 Sep 1977, 12 Dec 1977 - 23 Feb 1978, 5 Mar - 6 Apr 1978)

208 Sqn (1 Jul 1974 - 1 Jul 1983)

216 Sqn (1 Jul 1979 - 4 Jul 1980)

Tornado Weapons Conversion Unit (8 Jan 1982 - 1 Apr 1992)

9 Sqn (1 Jun 1982 - 1 Oct 1986)

13 Sqn (1 Jan 1990 - 1 Feb 1994)

16 Sqn RAF Regiment (Mar 1993 - 28 Sep 2006)

15 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Apr 1992 - 1 Nov 1993)

Rapier FSC Conversion Unit (Mar 1993 - 1 Apr 1999)

RAF Regiment Depot (1994 - 1999)

2 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxxx - Current)

15 Sqn RAF Regiment (1996 - Current)

Joint Nuclear and Chemical Regiment (1 Apr 1999 - Current)

Joint Rapier Training Unit (1 Apr 1999 - xx xxx 2006)

Survive to Operate Centre (xxx xxxx - Apr 2000)

Force Protection Centre (Apr 2004 - Current)

2623 (East Anglian) Sqn, RAuxAF Regiment (Apr 2004 - Current)

No 27 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

RAF Force Protection Force Headquarters,

RAF Force Protection Centre,

Defence Chemical Biological Radiological & Nuclear Wing (20 Wg RAF Regt),

Support Wing

Training Wing


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:  52:20:33N  00:46:23W

Grid ref:  TL891754

Height above sea level: 174ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 3 May 1937

No 3 Group (3 May 1937 - 22 Mar 1943)

3rd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (22 Mar - 29 Apr 1943)

VIII Air Force Service Command  (29 Apr 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

VIII Fighter Command (xx xxx - xx Sep 1944)

1st Bombardment Division (xx Sep 1944 - 26 Feb 1946)

Transport Command (28 Feb 1946 - 1949)

Bomber Command (1949 - 1950)

Maintenance Command (1950 - 1955)

Bomber Command (1955 - 1965)

No 1 Group (Oct 1969 - Mar 2000)

No 2 Group (1 Apr 2000 - Current)


Main units: -

No 3 Group Practice Flt (15 Jun - Oct 1937)

77 Sqn (7 Jul 1937 - 25 Jul 1938)

102 Sqn (7 Jul 1937 - 11 Jul 1938)

75 Sqn (11 Jul 1938 - 13 Jul 1939)

215 Sqn (25 Jul 1938 -10 Sep 1939, 8 Apr - 10 May 1940)

9 Sqn (15 Jul 1939 - 7 Aug 1942, 1 Jun 1982 - 1 Oct 1986)

105 Sqn (14 Jun - 10 Jul 1940)

103 Sqn (18 Jun - 3 Jul 1940)

311 Sqn (29 Jul - 16 Sep 1940)

No 5 Blind Approach Training Flt (1 Jan - Oct 1941)

26 Sqn (2 - 3 Oct 1941)

No 1505 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 - 5 Sep 1942)

214 Sqn (5 - 12 Jan 1942)

No 1504 Beam Approach Training Flt (14 Aug - 3 Nov 1942)

3rd Air Division Depot, USAAF (Sep 1942 -  Feb 1944)

No 13 Blind Approach Training Flt (22 Sep - Oct 1941)

No 1513 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 - 31 Oct 1942)

364th Fighter Group, USAAF (9 Feb 1944 - 3 Nov 1945)

  • 383rd Fighter Sqn

  • 384th Fighter Sqn

  • 385th Fighter Sqn

Detachments **

75 Sqn (Sep 1939 - Apr 1940)

311 Sqn (Jan - Oct 1941)

199 Sqn (Apr 1952 - Oct 1957)

58 Sqn (Apr - Sep 1970)

801 Sqn FAA (27 Feb - 1 Mar 1989)

Links to related sites/pages

 Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hook

No Badge authorised

Main units (No 2 BC): -

No 2 Balloon Centre (4 Aug 1938 - 21 Sep 1941)

Main units (RAF Hook): -

HQ No 30 (Balloon) Group (21 Sep 1941 - xx Apr 1942)


County: - Surrey

Lat/Long:  51:21:46N  00:17:56W Approx

Grid Ref -

Height Above Sea Level - 

Operational Control: -

Opened - 4 Aug 1938 (No 2 Balloon Centre)

No 30 Group (4 Aug 1938 - xx xxx xxxx)

Renamed RAF Chessington - xx Apr 1942


From 1 October 1941, the station became responsible for the administration of: -

  • HQ No 30 Group
  • No 954 (Balloon) Sqn

Its name was changed to RAF Chessington in order to avoid confusion with Hook in Hampshire.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Hooton Park

RAF Hooton Park badge#

Main units: -

Satellite for No 5 Flying Training School (1939 - 1940)

No 3 Coastal Patrol Flt (1 Dec 1939 - 27 May 1940)

RLG for No 5 Service Flying Training School (xxx 1939 - xxx 1940)

13 Sqn (30 May - 17 Jun 1940, 14 Jul 1940 - 17 Jul 1941)

No 1 School of General Reconnaissance (19 Jun - 11 Jul 1940)

No 7 Aircraft Assembly Unit (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

48 Sqn (16 Jul 1940 - 3 Aug 1941)

Martin Hearn Ltd (Civilian Repair Organisation) (1941 - xxx xxxx)

No 15 Group Communications Flt (1 Feb 1941 - 15 Dec 1942)

701 Sqn FAA (13 Mar - 22 Mar 1941)

No 749 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2749 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

No 1447 Flt (19 Mar - 11 Dec 1942)

No 3 Radio Direction Finding School (1 - 13 Dec 1942)

No 11 Radio School (11 Dec 1942 - 31 Aug 1944)

No 100 Storage Sub-site, No 61 Maintenance Unit (1 Nov 1944 - 30 Sep 1946)

No 100 Satellite Landing Ground (21 Dec 1944 - xxx 1947)

No 192 Gliding School (xxx 1945 - May 1946, xxx - xxx 1947, 5 Mar 1948 - xxx 1949)

611 Sqn (26 Jun - 22 Jul 1946, 9 Jul 1951 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 186 Gliding School (Mar 1947 - 15 Mar 1948)

663 Sqn (1 Jul 1949 - 15 Oct 1950)

No 1953 Reserve AOP Flt (1 Jul 1949 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 1955 Reserve AOP Flt (1 Jul 1949 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 19 Reserve Flying School (10 Jul 1950 - 15 Jul 1951)

Liverpool University Air Sqn (1 Dec 1950 - 13 Jul 1951)

The Temperature and Humidity Flt (1 May - 13 Jul 1951)


County: - Cheshire

Lat/Long:  53:18:15N  02:56:15W

Grid Ref:    SJ375792

Height above sea level: 95ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1917

Fighter Command (xx xxx xxxx - 20 Oct 1939)

No 15 Group (20 Oct 1939 - 13 Dec 1942)

No 27 Group (13 Dec 1942 - 20 Oct 1944)

C & M (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

No 56 Wing, Maintenance Command (20 Oct 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1957


No 4 Training Depot Station (19 Sep 1917 - 14 Mar 1919)

185th Aero Sqn, USAAS (28 Feb 1918 - xxx xxxx)

No 4 Training Squadron (14 Mar - 31 May 1919)

610 Sqn (16 Apr 1936 - 10 Oct 1939, 10 May 1946 - 10 Mar 1957)

Detachments **

43rd Aero Sqn, USAAS (24 Aug 1918 - xxx xxxx)

502 Sqn (30 Nov 1939 - xxx xxxx, Feb - 20 Jul 1940)

‘B’ Flt, 13 Sqn  (7 - 13 Jul 1940)

116 Sqn (2 Oct 1941 - xxx xxxx)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Horham

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

323rd Bomb Group, USAAF (12 May - 14 Jun 1943)

  • 453rd Bomb Sqn

  • 454th  Bomb Sqn

  • 455th  Bomb Sqn

  • 456th  Bomb Sqn

95th Bomb Group, USAAF (15 Jun 1943 - 3 Aug 1945)

  • 334th  Bomb Sqn
  • 335th  Bomb Sqn
  • 336th  Bomb Sqn
  • 412th  Bomb Sqn

Sub-site, No 25 Maintenance Unit (9 Oct 1945 - 30 Jun 1948)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:   52:18:35N  01:14:00E

Grid Ref -  TM205735

Height Above Sea Level - 180 ft

Railway Station - Horham LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 5 Sep 1942 (C & M, administered by RAF Hardwick)

No 3 Group (5 Sep 1942 - 22 Mar 1943)

3rd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (22 Mar - 12 Jul 1943)

3rd Bombardment Wing, USAAF (12 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1963


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational station was issued in May 1941.

In early 1943 this station acted as the Parent Station for the the following US Engineer Battalions whilst constructing the indicated airfields: -

  • 820th Engineer Battalion - Debach

  • 827th Engineer Battalion - Eye

  • 829th Engineer Battalion - Eye

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Hornchurch

RAF Hornchurch badge

Main units (continued): -

411 Sqn (19 Nov 1941 - 7 Mar 1942)

No 3022 Servicing Echelon (14 – 17 Nov 1941)

No 3023 Servicing Echelon (16 Nov 1941 – 6 Feb 1942, 22 Feb – 30 Mar 1942, 26 Apr - 8 Sep 1942, 2 Jan – 15 Nov 1943)

313 Sqn (15 Dec 1941 - 6 Feb 1942, 7 Mar - 29 Apr 1942)

No 3047 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (15 Dec 1941 – 6 Feb 1942, 6 Mar 1942 – xxx 1943)

122 Sqn (1 Apr - 8 Jun 1942, 17 Jul - 29 Sep 1942, 3 Oct - 16 Nov 1942, 9 Dec 1942 - 18 May 1943)

No 3032 Servicing Echelon (1 – 11 Apr 1942, 28 May – 17 Jul 1942)

81 Sqn (14 May - 17 Jul 1942)

154 Sqn (7 Jun - 27 Jul 1942)

340 Sqn (28 Jul - 23 Sep 1942)

453 Sqn (25 Sep - 2 Oct 1942, 27 Mar - 28 Jun 1943)

No 3012 Servicing Echelon (25 Sep 1942- 1 Mar 1943, 15 – 23 Mar 1943)

132 Sqn (2 - 9 Oct 1942)

No 2718 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx xxxx)

350 Sqn (7 Dec 1942 - 1 Mar 1943, 13 - 15 Mar 1943, 19 Feb - 10 Mar 1944)

167 Sqn (18 - 21 May 1943)

129 Sqn (28 Jun 1943 - 17 Jan 1944)

239 Sqn (15 Aug - 30 Sep 1943)

No 611 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (11 Oct – 15 Nov 1943)

485 Sqn (18 Oct - 21 Nov 1943, 28 Feb - 21 Mar 1944, 27 Mar - 7 Apr 1944)

66 Sqn (8 - 16 Nov 1943, 1 Dec 1943 - 22 Feb 1944)

HQ, No 135 Airfield (15 Nov 1943 - Feb 1944, 10 Mar - 11 Apr 1944)

HQ, No 20 Wing (Dec 1943 - 9 Apr 1944)

No 412 Repair and Salvage Unit (3 Jan 1944 - Feb 1945)

No 25 (Base) Defence Wing (1944)

504 Sqn (19 - 28 Jan 1944, 4 Feb - 10 Mar 1944)

349 Sqn (11 Mar - 6 Apr 1944)

No 6229 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 19 May 1944)

No 6274 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 19 May 1944)

No 6485 (RNZAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 7 Apr 1944)

229 Sqn (24 Apr - 19 May 1944)

274 Sqn (24 Apr - 19 May 1944)

80 Sqn (5 - 19 May 1944)

No 6080 Servicing Echelon (5 – 19 May 1944)

No 25 (Base Defence) Sector (12 May - 18 Aug 1944)

567 Sqn (14 Nov 1944 - 21 Aug 1945)

116 Sqn (2 - 26 May 1945)

287 Sqn (3 May - 15 Jun 1945)

Aviation Candidates Selection Board (2 Apr 1946 - 19 Apr 1947)

No 146 Gliding School (17 Aug 1946 - 1 Sep 1955)

Officers Advanced Training School (25 Jul 1947 - 25 Oct 1948)

No 17 Reserve Flying School (1 Jul 1948 - 31 Jul 1953)

No 1 Civilian Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (7 Dec 1950 - 31 Dec 1956)

Aircrew Selection Centre (1 Apr 1952 - 9 Apr 1962)

No 142 Gliding School (1 Aug 1953 - 1 Sep 1955)

No 614 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - 1 Feb 1962)

No 1959 Reserve AOP Flt, No 661 Sqn (17 Oct 1955 - 10 Mar 1957)

HQ, No 160 Wing (23 Mar - Nov 1956)

No 1 Mobile Glider Servicing Party (xxxx - 1 Jul 1988)


County: - Essex

Lat/Long: 51:32:15N  00:12:45E

Grid ref:  TQ530845

Height above sea level:  36ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Apr 1928 (as RAF Sutton's Farm)

Renamed RAF Hornchurch - 1 Jun 1928

Fighting Area (1 Apr 1928 - 1 May 1936)

SHQ Opened - 15 Jan 1930

No 11 Group (1 May 1936 - Jun 1945)

Technical Training Command (Jun 1945 - xxx 1947)

Reserve Command (Jul 1948 - Jul 1953)

Flying Training Command (Jul 1953 - Jul 1962)

Closed - 1 Jul 1962


During WW1, the station was known as Suttons Farm

Main units (Suttons Farm): -

46 Sqn (10 Jul - 30 Aug 1917)

51 Sqn (14 May - 13 Jun 1919)

78 Sqn (20 Sep 1917 - 31 Dec 1919)

No 189 (Night) Training Sqn (1 Apr 1918 - 1 Mar 1919)

Main units (Hornchurch): -

111 Sqn (1 Apr 1928 - 12 Jul 1934)

54 Sqn (15 Jan 1930 - 28 Oct 1939, 3 - 17 Nov 1939,  2 - 16 Dec 1939, 29 Dec 1939 - 16 Jan 1940, 14 Feb -23 Mar 1940, 20 Apr - 28 May 1940, 4 - 25 Jun 1940, 24 - 28 Jul 1940, 8 Aug - 3 Sep 1940, 23 Feb - 31 Mar 1941, 20 May - 11 Jun 1941, 13 Jun - 4 Aug 1941, 25 Aug - 17 Nov 1941)

65 Sqn (1 Aug 1934 - 2 Oct 1939, 28 Mar - 28 May 1940, 5 Jun - 27 Aug 1940)

74 Sqn (1 - 3 Sep 1935 , 21 Sep 1936 - 22 Oct 1939, 29 Oct - 3 Nov 1939, 14 Nov - 2 Dec 1939, 16 - 29 Dec 1939, 16 Jan - 14 Feb 1940, 23 Mar - 20 Apr 1940, 27 May - 6 Jun 1940, 26 Jun - 14 Aug 1940)

600 Sqn (2 - 16 Oct 1939, 20 Oct - 27 Dec 1939, 24 Aug - 12 Sep 1940)

19 Sqn (25 May - 5 Jun 1940)

41 Sqn (28 May - 17 Jun 1940, 26 Jul - 8 Aug 1940, 3 Sep 1940 - 23 Feb 1941)

222 Sqn (28 May - 4 Jun 1940, 29 Aug - 11 Nov 1940, 29 Apr - 20 Dec 1943, 27 - 30 Dec 1943, 10 Mar - 4 Apr 1944)

92 Sqn (23 - 25 May 1940, 9 - 18 Jun 1940)

266 Sqn (14 - 21 Aug 1940)

264 Sqn (22 - 29 Aug 1940)

603 Sqn (28 Aug - 3 Dec 1940, 16 May - 16 Jun 1941, 9 Jul - 12 Nov 1941)

64 Sqn (11 Nov 1940 - 27 Jan 1941, 31 Mar - 9 May 1941, 15 - 16 May 1941, 16 Nov 1941 - 6 Feb 1942, 22 Feb - 31 Mar 1942, 1 May - 19 Jul 1942, 27 Jul - 8 Sep 1942, 14 Nov - 9 Dec 1942, 15 - 28 Mar 1943)

611 Sqn (27 Jan - 20 May 1941, 14 Jun - 12 Nov 1941)

403 Sqn (4 - 25 Aug 1941)


23 Sqn (Oct 1915 - Mar 1916)

39 Sqn (Apr 1916 - Dec 1917)

114 Sqn (Aug 1940 - Mar 1941)

No 11 Group Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Flt (xxx - xxx 1941)

287 Sqn (Nov 1941 - Jul 1944)

278 Sqn (13 Nov 1944 - 15 Feb 1945)

765 Sqn FAA (14 Nov 1944 - 14 Jun 1945)

Wing Command 'Paddy' Finucane, Kenley Wing Leader

Wing Commander 'Paddy' Finucane, Hornchurch Wing Leader - 1942

Links to related sites/pages

  Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Hornchurch Wing Leaders, Personnel Listings,

RAF Horsham St Faith

RAF Horsham St Faith badge

Main units (continued): -

458th Bomb Group USAAF (29 Jan 1944 - 19 Jul 1945)

  • 752nd Bomb Sqn

  • 753rd Bomb Sqn

  • 754th Bomb Sqn

  • 755th Bomb Sqn

No 102 Gliding School (xxx 1945 - Jun 1953)

No 11 Group Servicing Unit (xxx 1945 - xxx xxxx)

No 1004 Air Servicing Wing (xxx 1945 - xxx xxxx)

No 4724 Airfield Construction Flt (xxx 1945 - xxx xxxx)

HQ, Norfolk Sector (8 Aug 1945 - 12 Jul 1946)

No 11 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (Aug 1945 - 1 May 1946)

695 Sqn (11 Aug 1945 - 11 Feb 1949)

64 Sqn (15 Aug 1945 - 6 Aug 1946)

No 6064 Servicing Echelon (15 Aug 1945 – 6 Aug 1946)

307 Sqn (24 Aug - 4 Nov 1945, 15 Nov 1945 - 9 Feb 1946, 24 Feb 1946 - 2 Jan 1947)

No 6307 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (24 Aug 1945 – 2 Jan 1947)

118 Sqn (8 Sep 1945 - 10 Mar 1946)

No 6118 Servicing Echelon (8 Sep – 19 Oct 1945)

No 102 Gliding School (xxx 1945 - Jun 1953)

No 8 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (Dec 1945 - 1 May 1946)

65 Sqn (14 Mar - 11 Aug 1946)

No 6065 Servicing Echelon (14 Mar – 11 Aug 1946)

HQ, Eastern Sector (12 Jul 1946 - 13 Jan 1947)

74 Sqn (14 Aug - 23 Sep 1946, 30 Oct 1946 - 1 Jul 1947, 28 Aug 1947 - 1 Jul 1950, 4 Aug 1950 - 8 Jun 1959)

No 6074 Servicing Echelon (14 Aug – 20 Sep 1946)

245 Sqn (16 Aug - 29 Oct 1946, 15 Dec 1946 - 30 Jun 1947, 30 Aug 1947 - 27 Jun 1955)

No 6245 Servicing Echelon (16 Aug – 1 Nov 1946, cadre from 25 Sep 1946, 15 Dec 1946 – 5 Jul 1947)

257 Sqn (15 Apr -13 Jun 1947, 28 Aug 1947 - 27 Oct 1950)

No 6263 Servicing Echelon (14 Apr – 1 Jul 1947)

263 Sqn (15 Apr - 1 Jul 1947, 28 Aug 1947 -  8 Aug 1949, 1 Sep 1949 -23 Oct 1950)

34 Sqn (11 Feb 1949 - 24 Jul 1952)

504 Sqn (17 Sep - 12 Oct 1951)

23 Sqn (15 Jan - 4 Jul 1952, 12 Oct 1956 - 28 May 1957, 7 Sep 1958 - 5 Jun 1959, 31 Mar - 11 Jul 1960)

'D' Flt, 275 Sqn (Nov 1954 - Sep 1959)

No 12 Group Modification Centre (1 Dec 1954 - 11 Mar 1957)

141 Sqn (14 Oct 1956 - 28 May 1957)

Fighter Command Modification Centre (Oct 1958 - 11 Sep 1961)

HQ, No 12 Group (14 Aug 1959 - 1 Apr 1963)

No 12 Group Communication Flt (14 Aug 1959 - 31 Mar 1963)

'D' Flt, 228 Sqn (Sep 1959 - xxx xxxx)

Battle of Britain Flt (3 Nov 1961 - 1 Apr 1963)

No 12 Sector (1 Apr - 29 May 1963)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:  52:40:23N  01:17:00E

Grid Ref:  TG221137

Height above sea level: 120 ft

Railway Station - Norwich Thorpe LNER

Operational Control: -

Satellite Airfield (Apr - May 1940)

SHQ Opened - 1 Jun 1940

No 2 Group (1 Jun 1940 - 12 Apr 1943)

2nd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (12 Apr 1943 - 1 Mar 1944)

2nd Bombardment Wing, USAAF (1 Mar 1944 - 19 Jul 1945)

No 12 Group (19 Jul 1945 -

Closed - 1963


Now Norwich Airport

Main units: -

19 Sqn (17 Apr - 16 May 1940)

66 Sqn (16 - 29 May 1940)

HQ, No 71 Wing (June 1940)

114 Sqn (10 Jun - 10 Aug 1940)

139 Sqn (10 Jun 1940 - 13 Jul 1941, 23 Oct - 9 Dec 1941, 3 Jan - 6 Feb 1942, 8 - 15 Jun 1942, 26 Jun - 29 Sep 1942)

No 8 Blind Approach Training Flt (4 Apr - Oct 1941)

18 Sqn (13 Jul - 16 Aug 1941, 27 Aug - 12 Oct 1941)

105 Sqn (9  Dec 1941 - 22 Sep 1942)

No 1508 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct - 20 Dec 1941, 19 Jan 1942 - 4 Apr 1943)

Ferry Training Flt (Dec 1941 - 21 Jan 1941)

No 1444 (Ferry Training) Flt (21 Jan - 20 Jun 1942)

Mosquito Conversion Unit (30 Aug - 28 Sep 1942)

319th Bomb Group USAAF (4 Oct - 11 Nov 1942)

  • 437th Bomb Sqn

  • 438th Bomb Sqn

  • 439th Bomb Sqn

  • 440th Bomb Sqn

56th Fighter Group USAAF (5 Apr - 9 Jul 1943)

  • 61st Fighter Sqn

  • 62nd Fighter Sqn

  • 63rd Fighter Sqn


107 Sqn (May 1939 - Mar 1941)

21 Sqn (1 - xx Dec 1939)

‘B’ Flt, 66 Sqn (29 Feb - 25 Mar 1940)

Photographic Development Unit (Mar - Apr 1940)

‘A’ Flt, 264 Sqn  (12 May - xxx 1940, 8 Dec 1940 - xxx xxxx)

110 Sqn (16 Feb - 15 Mar 1941)

316 Sqn (Aug 1945 - xxx xxxx)

‘C’ Flt, 567 Sqn (13 May - 15 Jun 1946)

Links to related sites/pages

 Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website,

RAF Hucknall

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

205 Sqn (18 Mar 1919 - 22 Jan 1920)

504 Sqn (26 Mar 1928 - 27 Aug 1939. 8 Nov 1945 - 2 Apr 1949)

98 Sqn (21 Aug 1936 - 2 Mar 1940)

104 Sqn (21 Aug 1936 - 2 May 1938)

No 1 Ferry Pilots Pool (1 Jan 1939 - 10 May 1940)

Polish Training Unit (14 Mar - 15 Jun 1940)

No 18 Operational Training Unit (15 Jun - 7 Nov 1940)

HQ No 1 (Bomber) Group (24 Jun 1940 - 20 Jul 1941)

No 1 (Polish) Flying Training School (28 Nov 1940 - 9 Jun 1941)

Detachment - 116 Sqn (xxx - Apr 1941)

No 16 (Polish) Service Flying Training School (9 Jun - 15 Jul 1941)

Nottingham University Air Sqn (29 Apr 1941 - 14 Dec 1945, 1 Nov 1946 - 9 Jun 1947)

No 25 Elementary Flying Training School (16 Jul 1941 - 1 Nov 1945)

No 12 Group Communication Flt (Jul 1941 - 25 Apr 1944, Sep 1944 - 12 Dec 1946)

Flight Trials Unit (Rolls Royce) (xxx xxxx - Nov 1943, xxx 1946 - xxx xxxx)

No 43 Group Communication Flt (28 Jun 1947 - 2 Jan 1956)

664 Sqn (1 Sep 1949 - 10 Mar1957)

No 1970 Reserve AOP Flt (1 Sep 1949 - 10 Mar1957)

No 1969 Reserve AOP Flt (15 Jun 1953 - 15 Jul 1954)

No 54 Maintenance Unit (31 Jul 1956 - 1 Nov 1957)


County: - Nottinghamshire

Lat/Long:   53:01:00N  01:13:00W

Grid Ref -  SK526470

Height Above Sea Level - 300 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1916

No 6 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 21 Aug 1936)

No 2 Group (21 Aug 1936 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 12 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 12 Mar 1940)

No 6 Group (12 Mar - 28 Nov 1940)

No 21 Group (28 Nov 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Main Units: -

No 15 Training Depot Station (1 Apr 1918 - 14 Mar 1919)

130 Sqn (1 Apr - 4 Jul 1918)

135 Sqn (1 Apr - 4 Jul 1918)

117 Sqn (3 Apr - 15 Jul 1918)

No 15 Training Sqn (14 Mar - 4 Nov 1919)

Detachment - 23rd Aero Sqn, USAAS (18 Aug - 5 Nov 1918)

218 Sqn (7 Feb - 24 Jun 1919)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsCommanding Officers, Personnel Listings,

RAF Hullavington

RAF Hullavington badge

Main units (continued): -

10 (Polish) Ferry Flt (27 Mar - Jul 1941)

No 9 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (14 Feb - 1 Aug 1942)

Empire Central Flying School (1 Apr 1942 - 7 May 1946)

No 1427 (Ferry Training) Flt (18 May - 5 Sep 1942)

No 3 Flying Instructors School (Advanced) (1 - 8 Aug 1942)

Handling Sqn, ECFS (22 Aug 1942 - 31 Jul 1949)

No 1532 Beam Approach Training Flt (15 Oct 1942 - 13 May 1943)

Empire Flying School (7 May 1946 - 31 Jul 1949)

No 88 Gliding School (28 Sep 1947  - May 1948)

No 1 Air Navigation School (7 Jul 1949 - 1 May 1954)

No 2 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1954 - 18 Nov 1957)

Flying Training Command Modification Centre (16 Aug 1954 - 31 Jul 1956)

(No 1) Air Electronics School (23 Dec 1957 - 14 Jan 1962)

114 Sqn (20 Nov - 15 Dec 1958)

No 2 Air Navigation School (15 Jan 1962 - 1 Sep 1965)

RLG for No 1 Initial Training School (26 Jul 1965 - xxx xxxx)

Hercules Power Plant Repair and Assembly Centre (24 Jun 1966 - xxx xxxx)

The Balloon Unit (31 Oct 1966 - 1 Jul 1967)

Parachute Support Unit (1 Jul 1967 - xxx xxxx)

No 5 Wing RAF Regiment (11 Oct 1982 - 31 Jul 1990)

Balloon Operations Sqn (xxx 1985 - 31 Mar 1995)

No 3 Sqn RAF Regiment (27 Jul 1987 - 1 Feb 1988)

No 3 Air Experience Flt (Jun 1989 - xxx 1993)

Bristol University Air Sqn (6 Mar - Nov 1992)

No 621 Volunteer Gliding School/Sqn (30 Jun 1993 - Current)

No 625 Volunteer Gliding School/Sqn (30 Jun 1993 - Current)

No 2 Sqn RAF Regiment


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:  51:31:30N  02:08:00W

Grid Ref:  ST900810

Height above sea level: 340 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1937

No 23 Group (1944)

Closed -


Also used as a sub-site for No 33 MU up to Dec 1959)

Main units: -

No 9 Flying Training School (9 Jul 1937 - 3 Sep 1939)

No 9 Maintenance Unit (8 Jul 1938 - 1 Feb 1939)

No 10 Maintenance Unit (1 Feb 1939 - 31 Dec 1959)

No 9 Service Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 - 14 Feb 1942)

RLG for No 6 Service Flying Training School (11 Dec 1939 - Jan 1940)

No 10 Group Communications Flt (1 Jun - 1 Jul 1940)

No 8 (Service) Ferry Pilots Pool (5 Nov 1940 - 27 Mar 1941)


139 Sqn (xx - 19 Sep 1939)

87 Sqn (Jul - Nov 1940)

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Atlantikwall website, Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Hunmanby Moor

See RAF Filey Camp

RAF Hunsdon

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 3207 Servicing Commando (14 Mar - 16 Apr 1944)

No 6409 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (16 Mar – 14 May 1944, 19 Jun – 25 Aug 1944)

No 6442 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (19 Mar – 17 May 1945)

No 6021 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 17 Apr 1944)

No 6464 (RNZAF) Servicing Echelon (22 – 25 Mar 1944)

No 6487 (RNZAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 18 Apr 1944)

409 Sqn (30 Apr - 14 May 1944, 19 Jun - 24 Aug 1944)

HQ, No 148 Wing (19 Jun - 24 Aug 1944)

HQ, No 147 Wing (29 Jun - 28 Dec 1944)

29 Sqn (19 Jun 1944 - 22 Feb 1945)

264 Sqn (26 Jul - 11 Aug 1944)

No 6029 Servicing Echelon (16 Aug – 10 Oct 1944)

418 Sqn (27 Aug - 21 Nov 1944)

No 6418 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (27 Aug – 21 Nov 1944)

219 Sqn (28 Aug - 10 Oct 1944)

No 6219 Servicing Echelon (29 Aug 1944 – 21 Feb 1945)

No 6410 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (9 – 22 Sep 1944)

488 Sqn (9 Oct - 15 Nov 1944)

No 6488 (RNZAF) Servicing Echelon (9 Oct – 15 Nov 1944)

No 6151 Servicing Echelon (18 Nov 1944 – 1 Mar 1945)

151 Sqn (19 Nov 1944 - 1 Mar 1945)

154 Sqn (1 Mar - 31 Mar 1945)

No 6154 Servicing Echelon (3 - 19 Mar 1945)

501 Sqn (3 Mar - 20 Apr 1945)

611 Sqn (3 Mar -7 May 1945)

No 6501 Servicing Echelon (3 Mar – 20 Apr 1945)

No 6611 Servicing Echelon (3 Mar – 7 May 1945)

442 Sqn (21 Mar - 17 May 1945)

441 Sqn (29 Apr - 17 May 1945)

No 6345 (French) Servicing Echelon (29 Apr – 17 May 1945)

No 6402 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (29 Apr – 17 May 1945)

No 6441 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (29 Apr – 23 Jun 1945)


County: - Hertfordshire

Lat/Long:   51:48:18N  00:03:36E

Grid Ref -  TL426138

Height Above Sea Level - 254 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 Mar 1941

No 11 Group (15 Mar 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1947


Main Units: -

85 Sqn (3 May 1941 - 13 May 1943)

No 1451 (Fighter) Flt (22 May 1941 - 25 Jan 1943)

No 5 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (1 Aug 1941 - 9 Feb 1942)

3 Sqn (9 Aug 1941 - 14 Aug 1942, 21 Aug 1942 - 14 May 1943)

No 1459 (Fighter) Flt (20 - 21 Sep 1941)

No 3002 Servicing Echelon (16 Nov 1941 – 15 May 1943)

'B' Flt, No 3202 Servicing Commando (9 Feb - 19 Feb 1942)

No 1530 Beam Approach Training Flt (14 Aug - 23 Nov 1942)

530 Sqn (2 Sep 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

No 4 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (xxx 1943 - 10 Jan 1944)

157 Sqn (13 May - 9 Nov 1943)

515 Sqn (31 May - 15 Dec 1943)

410 Sqn (8 Nov - 29 Dec 1943, 28 Apr - 18 Jun 1944, 9 - 22 Sep 1944)

21 Sqn (31 Dec 1943 - 17 Apr 1944)

464 Sqn (31 Dec 1943 - 25 Mar 1944, 8 - 17 Apr 1944)

487 Sqn (31 Dec 1943 - 17 Apr 1944)

No 3128 Servicing Echelon (31 Dec 1943 – 22 Mar 1944)

No 3130 Servicing Echelon (31 Dec 1943 – 22 Mar 1944)

No 3131 Servicing Echelon (31 Dec 1943 – 22 Mar 1944)


107 Sqn (xxx 1939 - xxx 1940)

110 Sqn (xxx 1939 - xxx 1940)

287 Sqn (Sep 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

605 Sqn (Jul 1942 - Feb 1943)

85 Sqn (6 Nov 1943 - xxx xxxx)

4 Sqn (xxx 1943 - Jan 1944)

285 Sqn (Feb 1945 - xxx xxxx)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding,

RAF Hurn

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 6440 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 27 Jun 1944)

125 Sqn (25 Mar - 30 Jul 1944)

No 6125 Servicing Echelon (25 Mar – 27 Jul 1944)

No 16 Wing Communication Flt (1 - 20 Apr 1944)

181 Sqn (1 Apr - 20 Jun 1944)

182 Sqn (1 Apr - 20 Jun 1944)

No 6182 Servicing Echelon (1 Apr – 20 Jun 1944)

No 403 Repair & Salvage Unit (6 Apr - 20 Jun 1944)

247 Sqn (24 Apr - 20 Jun 1944)

No 6247 Servicing Echelon (24 Apr – 20 Jun 1944)

604 Sqn (2 May - 13 Jun 1944)

No 22 (RCAF) Sector (12 May - 14 Jul 1944)

HQ, No 124 Wing (12 - 13 May 1944, 18 May - 16 Jun 1944)

No 124 Wing Communication Flt (12 May - 16 Jun 1944)

HQ, No 143 Wing (12 May - 28 Jun 1944)

No 3206 Servicing Commando (17 May - 5 Jun 1944)

164 Sqn (21 Jun - 17 Jul 1944)

183 Sqn (22 Jun - 14 Jul 1944)

198 Sqn (22 Jun - 1 Jul 1944)257 Sqn (2 - 15 Jul 1944)

609 Sqn (22 Jun - 1 Jul 1944)

No 19 Sector (22 Jun - 12 Jul 1944)

No 20 Sector (22 Jun - 12 Jul 1944)

No 136 Wing Communication Flt (22 Jun - 20 Jul 1944)

No 6164 Servicing Echelon (22 Jun – 17 Jul 1944)

No 6198 Servicing Echelon (22 Jun – 1 Jul 1944)

No 6257 Servicing Echelon (2 – 8 Jul 1944)

HQ, No 146Wing (3 - 8 Jul 1944)

193 Sqn (3 - 11 Jul 1944)

197 Sqn (3 - 17 Jul 1944)

No 6193 Servicing Echelon (3 – 11 Jul 1944)

No 6197 Servicing Echelon (3 – 8 Jul 1944)

263 Sqn (10 - 23 Jul 1944)

No 6263 Servicing Echelon (10 – 23 Jul 1944)

No 6418 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (10 – 29 Jul 1944)

266 Sqn (13 - 17 Jul 1944)

No 6266 Servicing Echelon (13 – 17 Jul 1944)

418 Sqn (14 - 29 Jul 1944)

397th Bomb Group, USAAF (4 - 30 Aug 1944)

  • 596th Bomb Sqn

  • 597th Bomb Sqn

  • 598th Bomb Sqn

  • 599th Bomb Sqn

No 2 Air Experience Flt (11 Dec 1978 - 1 Apr 1998)

Southampton University Air Sqn (11 Dec 1978 - xxx 1991)


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:   50:47:00N  01:50:18W

Grid Ref -  SU115980

Height Above Sea Level - 34 ft

Railway Station - Christchurch SR

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Aug 1941

No 10 Group (1 Aug 1941 - 20 May 1942)

Army Co-operation Command (20 May 1942 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 38 Wing (1 Jun - 11 Oct 1943)

No 38 Group (11 Oct 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

USAAF (xx xxx xxxx - 7 Sep 1944)

No 11 Group (7 Sep - 1 Nov 1944)

On loan to Directorate-General of Civil Aviation (1 Nov 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


In November 1940 it was decided that the site would be used as a forward satellite for RAF Middle Wallop.

From 1 August 1944 it was occupied by IX Bomber Command but was not transferred to USAAF.

It is now Bournemouth International Airport

Main Units: -

Telecommunications Flying Unit (10 Nov 1941 - 25 May 1942)

297 Sqn (5 Jun - 25 Oct 1942)

170 Sqn (17 Jun - 7 Oct 1942)

296 Sqn (25 Jul - 25 Oct 1942, 19 Dec 1942- 4 Jun 1943, 15 Oct 1943 - 14 Mar 1944)

239 Sqn (6 Dec 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

No 1498 (Target Towing) Flt (Dec 1942 - 14 Aug 1943)

No 3 Overseas Aircraft Delivery Unit (9 Jan 1943 -25 Jul 1944)

412 Sqn (1 - 6 Mar 1943)

Heavy Glider Maintenance Unit (1 - 6 May 1943)

295 Sqn (30 Jun 1943 - 14 Mar 1944)

570 Sqn (15 Nov 1943 - 14 Mar 1944)

No 3137 Servicing Echelon (19 Feb – 15 Mar 1944)

No 3138 Servicing Echelon (19 Feb – 14 Mar 1944)

No 3140 Servicing Echelon (19 Feb – 14 Mar 1944)

440 Sqn (14 Mar - 2 Apr 1944)

438 Sqn (18 Mar - 3 Apr 1944, 20 Apr - 27 Jun 1944)

439 Sqn (18 Mar - 2 Apr 1944, 19 Apr - 11 May 1944, 19 Apr - 27 Jun 1944, 20 May - 27 Jun 1944)

No 419 Repair & Salvage Unit (20 Mar - 2 Apr 1944)

No 6438 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 27 Jun 1944)

No 6439 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 27 Jun 1944)


88 Sqn (Sep 1942 - Mar 1943)

620 Sqn (Nov 1943 - Feb 1944)

No 2 Tactical Exercise Unit (29 May - 13 Jun 1944)

422nd Night Fighter Sqn, USAAF (28 Jun - 11 Jul 1944)

501 Sqn (May 1944 - xxx xxxx)

609 Sqn (Apr - May 1944)

277 Sqn (18 - 28 Aug 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Atlantikwall website Control Towers website,

RAF Husbands Bosworth

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

RLG for No 14 Operational Training Unit (28 Jul 1943 - 15 Jun 1944)

No 85 Operational Training Unit (15 Jun 1944 - 14 Jun 1945)

No 7 Personnel Reception Centre (15 Nov 1945 - 1 May 1946)

Storage Sub-site, No 273 Maintenance Unit (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx?)



County: - Leicestershire

Lat/Long:   52:26:00N  01:02:30W

Grid Ref -  SP653825

Height Above Sea Level - 505 ft

Railway Station - Welford & Kilworth LMS

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1943

No 92 Group (1944)

Closed - 1956


No 26 Air Crew Holding Unit (Aug 1945 - Sep 1946)


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for Bruntingthorpe was issued in December 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website,

RAF Hutton Cranswick

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

2 Sqn (22 Sep - 6 Oct 1943)

234 Sqn (9 Oct - 28 Dec 1943)

No 3038 Servicing Echelon (11 Oct – 20 Dec 1943)

No 16 Armament Practice Camp (18 Oct 1943 - 21 Feb 1945)

No 84 Group Communication Flt (Oct 1943)

291 Sqn (1 Dec 1943 - 26 Jun 1945)

26 Sqn (28 Dec 1943 - 12 Feb 1944, 28 Feb - 30 Mar 1944, 26 - 28 Apr 1944)

'B' Section, No 3207 Servicing Commando (4 - 21 Jan 1944)

412 Sqn (5 - 20 Jan 1944)

453 Sqn (21 Jan - 4 Feb 1944)

91 Sqn (8 Feb - 20 Feb 1944)

310 Sqn (21 - 25 Feb 1944)

403 Sqn (24 - 29 Feb 1944)

421 Sqn (2 - 8 Mar 1944)

No 2893 Sqn, RAF Regiment (16 Mar - xx xxx 1944)

No 6026 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 24 Apr 1944)

441 Sqn (12 - 23 Apr 1944)

No 6441 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (12 – 23 Apr 1944)

309 Sqn (23 Apr - 1 Jul 1944)

442 Sqn (24 - 30 Apr 1944)

No 6442 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (25 Apr – 1 May 1944)

No 6124 Servicing Echelon (27 Apr – 15 Jul 1945, 10 – 20 Aug 1945)

443 Sqn (27 - 8 Apr 1944)

439 Sqn (11 - 20 May 1944)

No 4 Aircraft Delivery Flight (7 xxx - 5 Jun 1945)

124 Sqn (27 Apr - 13 Jun 1945, 10 - 15 Jul 1945)

No 13 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (28 May - 14 Sep 1945)

1 Sqn (23 Jul - 24 Sep 1945, 22 Oct 1945 -30 Apr 1946)

No 6001 Servicing Echelon (23 Jul 1945 – 30 Apr 1946)

288 Sqn (13 Aug 1945 - 24 May 1946)

No 8 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (14 Sep - Nov 1945)

129 Sqn (3 Dec 1945 - 7 Jan 1946, 9 Feb - 3 May 1946)

No 6129 Servicing Echelon (3 Dec 1945 – 2 May 1946)


County: - East Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   53:57:00N  00:27:30W

Grid Ref -  TA008514

Height Above Sea Level - 107 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 23 Nov 1941

No 12 Group (23 Nov 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Main Units: -

610 Sqn (14 Jan - 4 Apr 1942)

No 610 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Jan – 6 May 1942)

885 Sqn FAA (22 Mar - 16 Jun 1942)

19 Sqn (4 Apr - 6 May 1942)

308 Sqn (7 May - 1 Jul 1942, 7 Jul - 30 Jul 1942, 5 Jul - 7 Sep 1943)

316 Sqn (30 Jul 1942 - 12 Mar 1943)

195 Sqn (21 Nov 1942 - 12 Feb 1943)

'A' Section, No 3209 Servicing Commando (12 Jan 1943 - 1 Feb 1944)

Target Towing Flt, No 5 Anti-Aircraft Practice Camp, Filey (Mar - 17 Jun 1943)

306 Sqn (13 Mar - 30 May 1943)

302 Sqn (17 Apr - 1 Jun 1943)

315 Sqn (1 Jun - 5 Jul 1943)

No 1489 (Fighter) Gunnery Flt (2 Jun - 18 Oct 1943)

No 1629 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (17 Jun - 1 Dec 1943)

No 1634 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (17 Jun - 1 Dec 1943)

No 1495 (Target Towing) Flt (10 Jul - 14 Nov 1943)

No 1613 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (13 Jul - 1 Dec 1943)

168 Sqn (20 Sep - 10 Oct 1943)

170 Sqn (20 Sep - 11 Oct 1943)


2 Operational Training Unit (Feb 1942 - xxx xxxx)

316 Sqn (7 May 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 6 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (13 Jul - 27 Oct 1943)

278 Sqn (19 Dec 1943 - 31 Mar 1944)

310 Sqn (xxx 1943 - xxx 1944 - 13 Jul 1944 - xxx xxxx)

No 2 Tactical Exercise Unit (29 May - 13 Jun 1944)

No 6310 (Czech) Servicing Echelon (13 Jul – 28 Aug 1944)

650 Sqn (Nov 1944 - Jun 1945)

290 Sqn (23 Feb 1945 - xxx xxxx)

598 Sqn (Mar -  Apr 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Hythe

RAF Hythe badge

Main units: -

Machine Gun School (27 Nov 1915 - 13 Sep 1916)

School of Aerial Gunnery (13 Sep 1916 - 1 Jan 1917)

No 1 (Auxiliary) School of Aerial Gunnery (1 Jan 1917 - 9 Mar 1918)

No 14 Balloon Base (15 Apr 1918 - 15 May 1919)

No 1 (Observers) School of Aerial Gunnery (9 Mar 1918 - Sep 1919)


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:   50:52:01N  01:23:38W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


During WW1 the actual airfield for Hythe was at Dymchurch.

There was also a SHQ at Hythe in WW2 but no units as listed as serving there as such.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

[Habbaniya | Hadera | Haifa | Hal Far | Halesworth | Halfpenny Green | Halton | Halton Hospital | Hambuhren | Hamworthy | Hardwick | Harrington | Harrogate | Harrow | Harrowbeer | Hartland Point | Harwell | Hassani | Hastings | Hatfield | Haverfordwest | Hawarden | Hawkinge | Headley Court | Hednesford | Heho | Helensburgh | Heliopolis | Helwan | Hemswell | Hendon | Hendon Hall | Henlow | Hereford | Heston | Hethal | Hibaldstow | High Ercall | High Wycombe | Hinaidi | Hinton in the Hedges | Hixon | Hmawbi | Holbeach | Holme on Spalding Moor | Holmpton | Holmsley South | Hook | Ho Mun Tin | Honeybourne | Hong Kong | Honiley | Honington | Hooton ParkHorham | Hornchurch | Horsham St Faith | Hucknall | Hullavington | Hunmanby Moor | Hunsdon | Hurn | Husbands Bosworth | Hutton Cranswick | Hythe]

Station badges on this page are courtesy of Dave Clifford except those marked #

Badges marked # have been produced by Mary Denton on behalf of the RAF Heraldry Trust and are displayed on this page with the permission of the RAFHT.  Mary Denton and the RAFHT have probably completed half of the 'official' badges authorised but are still looking for sponsorship for the remaining badges. The work continues and details can be found on their website.

**Detachment dates indicate that a detachment (s) took place at some point between these dates.

© Crown Copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights

This page was last updated on 22/07/24

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