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RAF Stations - M

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Machrihanish | Macmerry | Madley | Madura | Maghaberry | Maiduguri | Maison Blanche | Malvern | Manby | Manipur Road | Manorbier | Manston | Marham | Market Harborough | Marston Moor | Martlesham Heath | Masirah | Matching | Matlask | Matruh West | Mauripur | Mauritius | Mawatagama | Maydown | Medan | Medmenham | Meir | Melbourne | Meiktila | Melksham | Melton Mowbrey | Membury | Mendlesham | Mepal | Mergui | Merryfield | Mersa Matruh | Metfield | Metheringham | Methwold | Middleton St George | Middle Wallop | Mildenhall | Milfield | Mill Green | Millom | Mingaladon | Minneriya | Molesworth | Mombasa | Mona | Montrose | Morecambe | Moreton in Marsh | Morpeth | Mosul | Moulmein | Mount Batten | Mount Farm | Mount Pleasant | Mullaghmore | Muharraq | Murlough]

RAF Manipur Road (Dimapur)

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 132 (Mobile) Repair and Salvage Unit (10 - 13 Feb 1944)

No 22 Air Transit Section (xx xxx - 1 Sep 1944)

No 126 Repair and Salvage Unit (xx Apr - 15 May 1944)

656 Sqn (12 Apr - 24 Jun 1944)

11 Sqn (1 Jul - 1 Oct 1944)

HQ, No 243 Wing (26 Jul - 26 Sep 1944)

No 148 Repair and Salvage Unit det (5 Dec 1944 - 22 Jan 1945)

No 8 Staging Post (1 Sep 1944 - 26 Apr 1945)

No 7011 Servicing Echelon (30 Sep - 1 Oct 1944)

79 Sqn (19 Oct - 19 Nov 1944)

No 7079 Servicing Echelon (19 Oct - 19 Nov 1944)

No 82 Refuelling and Re-Arming Party (xx - 25 Nov 1944)


Country: - India

Lat/Long:  25:53:02N 093:46:16E

Height above sea level: 487 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (Dimapur) -


Originally called Dimapur, it was renamed RAF Manipur Road in November 1944.

Main units: -

No 342 Maintenance Unit (23 Nov 1943 - 5 Dec 1944)

No 340 (X) Maintenance Unit (25 Nov 1943 - 31 Jul 1945)

113 Sqn (22 Dec 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Machrihanish

RAF Machrihanish badge

Main units: -

272 Sqn (25 Jul 1918 - 5 Mar 1919)

No 531 (Special Duty) Flt (15 Aug 1918 - 5 Mar 1919)

No 532 (Special Duty) Flt (15 Aug 1918 - 5 Mar 1919)

No 533 (Special Duty) Flt (15 Aug 1918 - 5 Mar 1919)

65 Sqn (3 - 10 Jan 1943)

Detachment - 131 Sqn (11 - 22 Apr 1943)

Detachment - No 1680 (Transport) Flt (Sep 1944 - xxx xxxx)


County: - Argyllshire

Lat/Long:   55:26:14N  05:41:11W

Grid Ref -  NR660233

Height Above Sea Level - 30 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


It is now known as Campbeltown Airport.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive Website, Officers Commanding,

RAF Macmerry

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Detachment - 77 Sqn (Oct 1916 - May 1918 ) (when known as Penston)

77 Sqn (May 1918 - 13 Jun 1919) (when known as Penston)

Detachment - 263 Sqn (8 Nov - xxx 1940)

607 Sqn (16 Jan - 2 Mar 1941)

614 Sqn (5 Mar - 27 Sep 1941, 3 Oct 1941 - 26 Aug 1942)

Detachment - 241 Sqn (Aug 1941 - May 1942)

No 58 Operational Training Unit (10 Dec 1941 - 3 Apr 1942)

225 Sqn (xxx - 31 Aug 1942, 1 Sep - 30 Oct 1942)

13 Sqn (1 Aug 1942 14 Aug 1942, 20 Aug 1942 10 Nov 1942

63 Sqn (20 Nov 1942 26 Jul 1943, 26 Jul 1943 .43

RLG or No 132 Operational Training Unit (Dec 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 1497 (Target Towing) Flt (Dec 1942 - 2 Jun 1943)

No 3 Gliding School (Mar 1944 - Apr 1946)


County: - East Lothian

Lat/Long:   55:57:00N  02:53:45W

Grid Ref -  NT445734

Height Above Sea Level - 300 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (WW2) - 1940 (Satellite)

Fighter Command (xx xxx 1940 - 1 Apr 1941)

No 71 Group (1 Apr 1941 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 13 Group (1 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

(C & M) (7 Sep 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1953


It was known as Penston during WW1

It was opened as satellite for RAF Drem named Macmerry, it was renamed Tranent in June 1940 but reverted to Macmerry in March 1941.


No 58 Operational Training Unit (10 Dec 1941 - 3 Apr 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, FAA Archive WebsiteOfficers Commanding,

RAF Madley

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Detachment - No 8 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (Jul 1941 - xxx 1943)

No 833 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2833 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

No 4 Signals School (27 Aug 1941 - 1 Jan 1943)

Detachment - 26 Sqn (Feb - May 1942)

No 4 Radio School (1 Jan 1943 - 5 Dec 1946)

No 50 Gliding School (Jan 1946 - 22 Jan 1947)

Sub-site, No 25 Maintenance Unit (1 Apr 1952 - 30 Mar 1954)


County: - Herefordshire

Lat/Long:   52:01:50N  02:51:00W

Grid Ref -  SO418374

Height Above Sea Level - 265 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 27 Aug 1941

No 27 Group (27 Aug 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a W/T Air Gunners School was issued in September 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Madura

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 14 Care and Maintenance Party (7 May 1943 - xx Dec 1944)

203 Sqn (9 Oct 1944 - 28 Feb 1945)

17 Sqn (18 Jun - 9 Sep 1945)

No 7017 Servicing Echelon (18 Jun - 9 Sep 1945)

132 Sqn (25 Jun - 2 Sep 1945)

No 7132 Servicing Echelon (25 Jun - 2 Sep 1945)

HQ, No 902 Wing (27 Jun - 9 Sep 1945)

11 Sqn (17 Aug - 9 Sep 1945)


Country: - India

Lat/Long:  09:5001N 078:05:22E

Height above sea level: 446 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 28 Oct 1944

No 225 Group (28 Oct 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Maghaberry

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

231 Sqn (1 Feb - 20 Nov 1942)

Satellite for No 5 Operational Training Unit (2 Feb 1942 - Sep 1943)

Satellite, RAF Long Kesh (1 Feb - 15 Nov 1943)

No 306 Ferry Training Unit (15 Jun - 15 Oct 1943)

‘A’ Flt, No 104 Operational Training Unit  (7 Sep - 2 Oct 1943)

311th Ferry Sqn, USAAF (15 Nov 1943 - 8 May 1944)

312th Ferry Sqn, USAAF (15 Nov 1943 - May 1944)

321st ATS, USAAF (15 Nov 1943 - May 1944)

325th Ferry Sqn, USAAF (9 Dec 1943 - May 1944)

No 101 Storage Sub-Site (1 Jan 1945 - Oct 1947)


County: - County Antrim

Lat/Long:   54:30:53N  06:10:38W

Grid Ref -  J180645

Height Above Sea Level - 300 ft

Railway Station - Moira GNR

Operational Control: -

Opened (Satellite) - 1941

No 17 Group (Temporary loan) (xx xxx 1941 - 1 Feb 1943)

No 17 Group (1 Feb - 16 Aug 1943)

RAF in Northern Ireland, C & M (16 Aug - 15 Nov 1943)

VIII Air Force Composite Command (15 Nov 1943 - 6 Jun 1944)

C & M RAFNI (6 Jun 1944 - 1 Jan 1945)

Maintenance Command (1 Jan 1945 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Long Kesh was issued in September 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Maiduguri

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Squadron 'Topic' (10 - 24 Dec 1940)

Staging Post (Oct 1942 - 8 Mar 1943)

No 1560 Meteorological Flt (6 Dec 1942 - 1 Nov 1945)

No 53 Staging Post (8 Mar 1943 - 1 Mar 1946)



Country: - Nigeria

Lat/Long:  11:51:18N  13:04:48E

Height Above Sea Level:  1,099 ft

Operational Control: -



It is now Maiduguri International Airport

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Maison Blanche

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 133 Air Stores Park (14 - 24 Nov 1942)

255 Sqn (15 Nov - 7 Dec 1942)

72 Sqn (16 - 18 Nov 1942)

14th Fighter Group (18 – 22 Nov 1942)

No 325 Wing (22 Nov 1942 - 10 Jan 1943)

51st Troop Carrier Wing (23 Nov 1942 – 28 Mar 1943)

241 Sqn (30 Nov - 15 Dec 1942)

301st Bombardment Group (5 – 16 Dec 1942)

600 Sqn (7 Dec 1942 - 7 Jan 1943)

153 Sqn (20 Dec 1942 - 22 Jul 1943)

3rd Reconnaissance Group (25 Dec 1942 – 13 Jun 1943)

32 Sqn (10 Jan - 21 May 1943)

682 Sqn (1 Feb - 6 Jun 1943)

253 Sqn (13 Mar - Apr 1943)

No 144 Maintenance Unit (20 Mar - xxx 1943, 25 Oct 1943 - 31 Dec 1945)

No 242 Wing (1 May - 1 Jul 1943)

283 Sqn (6 - 13 May 1943)

63rd Fighter Wing (May – Aug 1943)

350th Fighter Group (May – Jul 1943)

No 1575 (Special Duties) Flight (11 - 25 Jun 1943)

Mk VIII AI Conversion Flight (12 Jun - 29 Jul 1943)

No 1478 Flight (13 - 30 Jun 1943)

Signals Communication Flight (22 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxxx)

No 29 Air Despatch and Reception Unit (5 Sep 1943 - Sep 1944)

No 72 Staging Post (8 Oct 1943 - 8 Aug 1946)

French Technical Liaison Unit (25 Oct 1943 - 16 Jun 1944)

Radar Conversion School (9 Nov 1943 - 21 Aug 1945)

MAAF Communication Unit (10 Dec 1943 - Jan 1944)

Marine Craft Base (21 Jan - 21 Apr 1944)

Mediterranean & Middle East Communication Sqn (1 - 9 Feb 1944)

No 218 Group Communication Flight (Jan - 30 Jun 1945)


Country: - Algeria

Lat/Long:  36:41:27N 003:12:55E

Height above sea level: 82 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx Mar 1943

Eastern Air Command (xx Mar 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ opened - 1 Jul 1944

No 218 Group (1 Jul 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Main units: -

No 323 Wing (8 Nov 1942 - 13 Mar 1943)

43 Sqn (8 Nov 1942 - 17 Mar 1943)

81 Sqn (8 - 13 Nov 1942)

242 Sqn (8 - 14 Nov 1942)

No 3201 Servicing Commando (8 - 20 Nov 1942)

No 3202 Servicing Commando (8 - 12 Nov 1942, 7 Dec 1942 - 12 Jan 1943)

No 3203 Servicing Commando (8 Nov - Dec 1942)

319th Bombardment Group (xx – 12 Nov 1942)

111 Sqn (11 - 14 Nov 1942)

No 324 Wing (13 - 20 Nov 1942)

93 Sqn (13 - 16 Nov 1942)

225 Sqn (13 - 19 Nov 1942)

No 4 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (13 Nov 1942 - 1 Dec 1943)

97th Bombardment Group (13 – 22 Nov 1942)

No 131 Air Stores Park (13 - 28 Nov 1942)

No 106 Repair and Salvage Unit (13 Nov 1942 - 20 Mar 1943)

152 Sqn (14 - 24 Nov 1942)


No 32 Sqn (Dec 1942 - Jan 1943)

219 Sqn (Jun - Aug 1943)

MAAF Communication Unit (Jan 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Malvern

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 5 Signals School (21 Nov 1941 - 15 May 1942)

RAF Section, TRE Malvern (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Dec 1943)

Air Defence Research and Development Establishment (xx xxx 1942 - xx xxx 1944)

Radar Research and Development Establishment (xx xxx 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Radar Research Establishment (xx xxx xxxx - 26 Mar 1976)

Royal Signal & Research Establishment (26 Mar 1976 - xx xxx xxxx)


County: -


Grid Ref: 

Height above sea level:  ft

Railway Station -

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 1 Dec 1943



This station was formed by renaming the RAF Section, TRE Malvern.

This entry also includes units located in Malvern prior to formation of the SHQ.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Manby

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 1 Air Armament School (15 Aug 1938 - 28 Oct 1944)

Armament Synthetic Development Unit (Jun 1943 - xxx 1944)

Empire Air Armament School (18 Apr 1944 - 31 Jul 1949)

RAF Flying College (1 Jun 1949 - 1 Jul 1962)

Empire Central Flying School Handling Sqn (31 Jul 1949 - xxx xxxx)

No 25 Group Communication Flt (15 Mar 1951 - 28 Jan 1961)

RAF College of Air Warfare (1 Jul 1962 - 1 Apr 1974)

School of Refresher Flying (1 Jul 1962 - Dec 1973)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:   53:21:30N  00:05:15E

Grid Ref -  TF385866

Height Above Sea Level - 51 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1938

No 25 Group (1944)

Closed - 1974


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, RAF-Lincolnshire.infoCommanding OfficersControl Towers website

RAF Manorbier

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

'Y' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (29 Jun - 4 Oct 1938, 15 May 1939 - 16 Aug 1942)

No 767 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2767 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

Pilotless Aircraft Unit (5 May 1942 - 15 Mar 1946)

Detachment - 595 Sqn (Dec 1943 - Apr 1946)


County: - Pembrokeshire

Lat/Long:   51:38:38N  04:46:45W

Grid Ref -  TR332599

Height Above Sea Level - 150 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Fighter Command (xx xxx xxxx - 24 Jun 1940)

No 22 Group (24 Jun - 1 Dec 1940)

No 70 Group (1 Dec 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ opened - 5 May 1942

No 11 Group (1944)

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Manston

RAF Manston badge#

Main units (continued): -

184 Sqn (12 Jun – 14 Aug 1943)

No 3034 Servicing Echelon (4 Aug – 22 Sep 1943)

164 Sqn (6 Aug – 22 Sep 1943)

263 Sqn (7 – 10 Sep 1943, 6 - 11 Sep 1944, 1 – 21 Sep 1945)

611 Sqn (8 – 13 Oct 1943)

No 616 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (8 – 13 Oct 1943)

No 2733 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 – xxx xxxx)

No 2715 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 – xxx xxxx)

415 Sqn (16 Oct - xxx 1943,15 Nov 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 3209 Servicing Commando (12 Nov - 12 Dec 1943)

No 3207 Servicing Commando (12 Dec 1943 - 4 Jan 1944)

183 Sqn (15 Mar – 1 Apr 1944)

197 Sqn (15 Mar – 1 Apr 1944, 3 – 11 Sep 1944)

No 86 Maintenance Unit (xx 1944 – 31 Aug 1945)

No 6183 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 1 Apr 1944)

No 6197 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 1 Apr 1944, 2 – 11 Sep 1944)

No 6137 Servicing Echelon (1 Apr - 13 Aug 1944)

605 Sqn (7 Apr – 27 Nov 1944)

No 6605 Servicing Echelon (7 Apr – 21 Nov 1944)

819 Sqn FAA (18 Apr - 1 Aug 1944)

848 Sqn FAA (20 Apr - 14 Jun 1944)

HQ, No 155 (General Reconnaissance) Wing (22 Apr – 19 Sep 1944)

143 Sqn (23 May – 9 Sep 1944)

119 Sqn (19 Jul – 9 Aug 1944)

No 2722 AA Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – Apr 1944)

No 2955 AA Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – Apr 1944)

No 2720 AA Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1944 – xxx xxxx)

616 Sqn (21 Jul 1944 – 21 Jan 1945)

No 6616 Servicing Echelon (21 Jul 1944 – 16 Jan 1945)

501 Sqn (2 Aug – 22 Sep 1944)

No 6501 Servicing Echelon (2 Aug – 23 Sep 1944)

504 Sqn (13 Aug 1944 – 25 Feb 1945)

No 6504 Servicing Echelon (13 Aug 1944 – 25 Feb 1945)

274 Sqn (17 Aug – 20 Sep 1944)

No 6274 Servicing Echelon (17 Aug – 19 Sep 1944)

80 Sqn (29 Aug – 20 Sep 1944)

No 6080 Servicing Echelon (29 Aug – 19 Sep 1944)

257 Sqn (1 – 2 Sep 1944, 4 – 6 Sep 1944)

No 6263 Servicing Echelon (6 – 11 Sep 1944)

193 Sqn (8 – 12 Sep 1944)

No 6193 Servicing Echelon (8 – 11 Sep 1944)

266 Sqn (8 – 9 Sep 1944, 10 – 11 Sep 1944)

No 6266 Servicing Echelon (8 – 11 Sep 1944)

118 Sqn (25 Sep – 5 Dec 1944)

No 6118 Servicing Echelon (25 Sep – 15 Dec 1944)

124 Sqn (25 Sep 1944 – 10 Feb 1945)

No 6124 Servicing Echelon (25 Sep 1944 – 10 Feb 1945)

229 Sqn (25 Sep – 22 Oct 1944)

No 6229 Servicing Echelon (25 Sep – 22 Oct 1944)

91 Sqn (29 Oct 1944 – 8 Apr 1945)

No 6091 Servicing Echelon (29 Oct 1944 – 7 Apr 1945)

63 Sqn (1 – 4 Nov 1944)

No 6063 Servicing Echelon (1 – 4 Nov 1944)

No 6130 Servicing Echelon (4 Nov – 1 Dec 1945, 27 Jan – 17 Jun 1946)

406 Sqn (27 Nov 1944 – 14 Jun 1945)

No 6406 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (27 Nov 1944 – 14Jun 1945)

No 6001 Servicing Echelon (16 Dec 1944 – 8 Apr 1945)

1 Sqn (18 Dec 1944 – 8 Apr 1945)

No 1333 Wing RAF Regiment (Jan 1945 – xxx xxxx)

No 2762 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – Jul 1945)

451 Sqn (11 – 23 Feb 1945)

No 6451 (RAAF) Servicing Echelon (11 – 23 Feb 1945)

No 1 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (19 Feb - Jun 1945)

No 2 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (19 Feb - Jun 1945)

No 3 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (19 Feb - Nov 1945)

No 4 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (19 Feb - 10 May 1945)

HQ, No 134 Wing (27 – 28 Feb 1945)

No 134 Wing Communication Flt (8 Feb - 24 Aug 1945)

310 Sqn (27 Feb – 7 Aug 1945)

No 6310 (Czech) Servicing Echelon (27 Feb – 7 Aug 1945)

312 Sqn (27 Feb – 7 Aug 1945)

No 6312 (Czech) Servicing Echelon (27 Feb – 7 Aug 1945)

313 Sqn (27 Feb – 7 Aug 1945)

No 6313 (Czech) Servicing Echelon (27 Feb – 7 Aug 1945) 

No 6219 Servicing Echelon (12 Apr – 29 Oct 1945)

822 Sqn FAA (14 Apr - 3 Jun 1945)

29 Sqn (11 May – 21 Sep 1945, 6 – 29 Oct 1945)

SCR.584 Training Unit (26 May – 19 Dec 1945)

175 Sqn (11 – 16 Jun 1945)

No 6175 Servicing Echelon (11 – 16 Jun 1945)

No 6056 Servicing Echelon (21 Jun - 22 Aug 1945)

311 Sqn (6 – 13 Aug 1945)

No 4311 (Czech) Servicing Echelon (6 – 13 Aug 1945)

567 Sqn (21 Aug 1945 – 26 Apr 1946)

No 6263 Servicing Echelon (1 – 21 Sep 1945)

No 6029 Servicing Echelon (7 Sep – 29 Oct 1945)

130 Sqn (4 Nov – 1 Dec 1945, 27 Jan – 17 Jun 1946)

No 91 (Forward) Staging Post (18 Feb 1946 – 24 Jul 1950)

16 Sqn (1 – 12 Jun 1946, 5 – 16 Sep 1946)

33 Sqn (1 – 12 Jun 1946)

4 Sqn (2 – 12 Jun 1946)

No 6003 Servicing Echelon (5 – 19 Sep 1946)

305 Sqn (7 – 16 Sep 1946)

Transport Command Examining Unit (15 Sep 1946 – 15 Nov 1947)

46 Sqn (11 Oct – 16 Dec 1946)

No 4046 Servicing Echelon (15 Oct – 24 Dec 1946)

77 Sqn (17 Dec 1946 – 10 Dec 1947)

No 4077 Servicing Echelon (31 Dec 1946 – 1 Dec 1947)

62 Sqn (8 – 10 Dec 1947)

Overseas Ferry Unit (17 May 1948 – 17 Jul 1950)

Air Force Department Fire Service School (Jan 1960 – 1 Jan 1989)

No 618 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Mar 1963 – 9 Jan 1965)

No 1 Air Experience Flt (1Apr 1963 – 1 Apr 1995)

No 617 Volunteer Gliding School (xxx 1971 – xxx xxxx)

845 Sqn FAA (25 Jan - 12 Mar 1974)

‘D’ Flt, 22 Sqn (Mar 1961 – xxx 1969, xx xxx 1974 - 1 Jun 1976)

‘E’ Flt, 22 Sqn (1 Jun 1976 – Aug 1988)

‘C’ Flt, 202 Sqn (xx Aug 1988 – Jul 1994)

 RAF Fire Services Central Training Establishment (1 Jan 1989 – Apr 2007)

Defence Fire Training and Development Centre (xx Apr 2007 – xxx 2021)


County: - Kent

Lat/Long:  51:20:45N  01:21:00E

Grid Ref:  TR332599

Height above sea level: 150 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - Spring 1916

No 1 Group (19 May 1924 - 12 Apr 1926)

No 23 Group (12 Apr 1926 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 22 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Dec 1935)

HQ Inland Area (1 Dec 1935 - 1 May 1936)

Training Command (1 May - 10 Jul 1936)

No 24 Group (10 Jul 1936 - 15 Nov 1939)

C & M  (13 Sep 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 11 Group (15 Nov 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Originally called Manstone.

During WW2, it was developed into one of three Emergency Landing Airfields, equipped with FIDO.

It is was later known as Kent International Airport.

Main units: -

Handley Page Training Flt (4 Jan 1916 – 19 Jan 1918)

Handley Page Training Sqn (1 Jul – 21 Dec 1916)

7 Sqn RNAS (Jul – Oct 1917)

RNAS War School (11 Sep 1917 – 1 Apr 1918)

‘A’ Sqn RNAS (5 – 11 Oct 1917)

RNAS DH4 School (19 Jan – 1 Apr 1918)

HQ, 57th Wing (xxx – 3 Jul 1918)

No 203 Training Depot Station (1 Apr – 14 Jul 1918)

Pool of Pilots (1 Apr – 5 Oct 1918)

Scout School, Pool of Pilots (1 Apr – 5 Oct 1918)

No 470 (Fighter) Flt (25 May 1918 – xxx 1919)

No 555 (Light Bomber) Flt (26 Jun 1918 – 17 Jun 1919)

No 556 (Light Bomber) Flt (26 Jun 1918 – 17 Jun 1919)

219 Sqn (Jul 1918 – Feb 1920)

No 55 Training Depot Station (14 Jul – 12 Sep 1918)

No 2 Observers School (14 Sep 1918 – Sep 1919)

No 1 (Observers) School of Aerial Gunnery (Sep – Dec 1919)

No 50 Training Depot Station (xxx – 24 Oct 1919)

School of Technical Training (Men) (May 1920 – 1 Jul 1935)

No 6 Flying Training School (21 Sep 1920 – 1 Apr 1922)

2 Sqn (31 Mar 1924 – 27 Apr 1927, 27 Oct 1927 – 30 Nov 1935)

3 Sqn (1 – 30 Apr 1924, 10 – 17 Sep 1939, 12 Oct – 13 Nov 1939, 11 Jun – 28 Dec 1943, 14 Feb – 6 Mar 1944, 2 – 12 Jun 1946, 5 – 19 Sep 1946)

9 Sqn (30 Apr – 26 Nov 1930)

500 Sqn (16 Mar 1931 – 28 Sep 1938)

Inland Area/Training Command Practice Flt (xxx 1931 – Oct 1937)

820 Sqn (6 Nov 1933 - 8 Jan 1934)

821 Sqn (20 Jul - 7 Sep 1933, 27 Oct 1933 - 8 Jan 1934)

822 Sqn (20 Jul - 28 Aug 1933, 23 Oct - 16 Dec 1934, 25 Mar - 4 May 1935, 17 -20 Jul 1935, 3 - 17 Aug 1935, 20 Aug - 3 Sep 1935, 9 Apr - 4 May 1938)

Parachute Training School (Jan 1935 – xxx xxxx)

No 3 School of Technical Training (1 Jul 1935 – 13 Sep 1939)

48 Sqn (16 Dec 1935 – 1 Sep 1937, 4 – 13 Aug 1939)

School of Air Navigation (6 Jan 1936 – 2 Sep 1939)

206 Sqn (15 Jun – 1 Aug 1936)

224 Sqn (1 – 15 Feb 1937)

235 Sqn (30 Oct 1939 – 27 Feb 1940)

253 Sqn (30 Oct 1939 – 14 Feb 1940)

79 Sqn (12 Nov 1939 – 8 Mar 1940)

No 1 General Reconnaissance Unit (19 Dec 1939 – 18 May 1940)

600 Sqn (27 Dec 1939 – 14 May 1940, 20 Jun – 24 Aug 1940)

56 Sqn (Feb – May 1940)

32 Sqn (8 – 22 Mar 1940, 27 Nov 1941 – 5 May 1942)

812 Sqn FAA (18 - 21 Apr 1940)

No 3 General Reconnaissance Unit (22 Apr – 24 May 1940)

601 Sqn (1 May – 30 Jun 1941)

604 Sqn (15 May – 20 Jun 1940)

151 Sqn (18 – 20 May 1940)

HQ, No 50 Wing (22 – 28 May 1940)

92 Sqn (9 Jan – 20 Feb 1941)

74 Sqn (20 Feb – 30 Apr 1941)

222 Sqn (1 – 19 Jul 1941, 30 May - 7 Jul 1942, 3 – 5 Sep 1945)

21 Sqn (17 - 25 Jul 1941)

242 Sqn (19 Jul – 16 Sep 1941)

No 2 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (1 Aug 1941 -9 Feb 1942)

18 Sqn (16 - 27 Aug 1941)

607 Sqn (10 Oct 1941 – 20 Mar 1942)

26 Sqn (12 – 15 Oct 1941, 22 – 30 Nov 1941, 1 – 4 Nov 1944)

No 607 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Nov 1941 – 21 May 1942)

No 615 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (14 – 27 Nov 1941)

No 3003 Servicing Echelon (27 Nov 1941 – 5 May 1942)

825 Sqn FAA (4 - 13 Feb 1942)

174 Sqn (3 Mar – 9 Jul 1942, 12 Jul – 1 Sep 1942, 21 Sep – 6 Dec 1942)

56 Sqn (29 May – 1 Jun 1942, 22 Jul – 6 Aug 1943, 15 – 23 Aug 1943, 21 – 22 Jun 1945)

158 Sqn (Jun – Nov 1942)

331 Sqn (30 Jun – 7 Jul 1942, 14 – 20 Aug 1942, 2 – 9 Oct 1942)

403 Sqn (1 – 8 Jul 1942, 16 - 20 Aug 1942)

23 Sqn (6 – 14 Aug 1942, 21 Aug – 13 Oct 1942)

332 Sqn (14 – 29 Aug 1942, 2 – 9 Oct 1942)

841 Sqn FAA (23 Aug 1942 - 1 Dec 1943)

137 Sqn (17 Sep 1942 – 12 Jun 1943, 8 Aug – 14 Dec 1943, 1 Apr – 14 Aug 1944)

No 2778 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 – xxx xxxx)

No 2898 Sqn RAF Regiment (Oct 1942 – xxx xxxx)

609 Sqn (2 Nov 1942 – 22 Jul 1943, 14Dec 1943 – 6 Feb 1944, 20 Feb – 16 Mar 1944)

No 609 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (9 Nov 1942 – 22 Jul 1943, 14 Dec 1943 – 6 Feb 1944, 20 Mar – 1 Apr 1944)

823 Sqn FAA (1 Jan - 22 Mar 1943)

No 3004 Servicing Echelon (23 Mar – 13 May 1943)

198 Sqn (24 Mar – 15 May 1943, 22 Aug 1943 – 16 Mar 1944)

No 3013 Servicing Echelon (xxx – 3 May 1942)

No 1401 (Meteorological) Flt (1 Apr – 25 Aug 1943, 1 Sep 1943 – 14 Jan 1945)

No 3002 Servicing Echelon (11 Jun – 28 Dec 1943, 14 Feb – 1 Mar 1944)


3 Wing RNAS (29 May – 14 Oct 1916)

3 Sqn (10 - 25 Sep 1939, 6 Jan - 26 Mar 1943)

600 Sqn (Nov 1939 - xxx xxxx)

79 Sqn (8 Mar – May 1940, 6 May - xxx 1940)

101 Sqn (Apr -  May 1940, 24 Apr 1941 - 11 Feb 1942)

32 Sqn (xxx - 6 May 1940, 24 - xx  May 1942)

615 Sqn (23 - 30 May 1940)

66 Sqn (May 1940 - xxx xxxx, Oct 1940 - xxx xxxx)

110 Sqn (26 May - 9 Jun 1941)

22 Sqn (Jun - 30 Aug 1941)

151 Sqn (May – Aug 1940)

213 Sqn (May – Jun 1940)

226 Sqn (Jun - Aug 1940, May – Nov 1941)

59 Sqn (Jul 1940 – Jun 1941)

1 Sqn (Aug – Sep 1940)

603 Sqn (Sep 1940 - xxx xxxx)

21 Sqn (Oct 1940 – Dec 1941)

46 Sqn (Jan 1941 - xxx xxxx)

141 Sqn (Apr 1941 - xxx xxxx)

107 Sqn (May 1941 – Jan 1942, 21 Sep - xxx 1944)

18 Sqn (Jul – Oct 1941)

139 Sqn (27 Aug - 7 Sep 1941)

88 Sqn (Aug 1941 – Sep 1942)

217 Sqn (Oct 1941 – Feb 1942)

23 Sqn (xxx – xxx 1942)

316 Sqn (8 Mar 1942 - xxx xxxx)

609 Sqn (8 Mar 1942 - xxx xxxx)

832 Sqn FAA (23 Sep - 22 Nov 1942)

158 Sqn (Nov - Dec 1942)

421 Sqn (Mar 1943)

618 Sqn (May 1943 - xxx xxxx)

618 Sqn (Apr – Oct 1943)

137 Sqn (Jul - 8 Aug 1943)

521 Sqn (Sep 1943 - xxx 1944)

236 Sqn (xxx - 2 Jul 1944)

143 Sqn (1 - 23 May 1944)

455 Sqn (6 Jun – Oct 1944)

489 Sqn (6 Jun 1944 - xxx xxxx)

415 Sqn (25 Apr 1944 - xxx xxxx, 10 Jun 1944 - xxx xxxx, 3 Jun - 26 Jul 1944)

456 Sqn (21 Sep 1944 - xxx xxxx)

331 Sqn (Sep 1944)

331 Sqn (Sep 1944)

765 Sqn FAA (14 Jun - 6 Sep 1945)

69 Sqn (Mar – Nov 1946)

39 Sqn (Apr – Jun 1948)

72 Sqn (Aug 1964 – Apr 1981)

824 Sqn FAA (1 - 5 May 1972)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Marham

RAF Marham badge

Main units (continued): -

109 Sqn (5 Jul 1943 - 2 Apr 1944)

No 19 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

No 2955 Sqn, RAF Regiment (23 Mar - xx xxx 1944)

Central Bomber Establishment (25 Sep 1945 - 14 Apr 1949)

340th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (9 - 16 Jun 1947)

Bomber Command Aircraft Maintenance Unit (1948)

307th Bomb Group, USAF (Jul - 4 Nov 1948)

97th Bomb Group, USAF (4 Nov 1948- 17 Feb 1949)

307th Bomb Group, USAF (Feb -  May 1949)

509th Bomb Group, USAF (May - 21 Aug 1949)

64th Bomb Sqn USAF (15 Aug - 15 Nov 1949)

22nd Bomb Group, USAF (20 Nov 1949 - 18 Feb 1950)

Bomber Command B-29 Training Sqn (23 Feb 1950 - 1 Jul 1950)

301st Bomb Group, USAF (May -  Dec 1950)

115 Sqn (13 Jun 1950 - 1 Jun 1957)

Washington Conversion Unit (1 Jul 1950 - 1 Sep 1951, 16 Jun 1952 - 27 Mar 1953)

328th Bomb Sqn, USAF (Jul 1950 - Feb 1951)

149 Sqn (9 Aug - 17 Oct 1950)

90 Sqn (4 Oct 1950 - 1 May 1956)

15 Sqn (29 Nov 1950 - 4 Feb 1951)

44 Sqn (7 Feb - 9 Apr 1951)

57 Sqn (4 Apr - 4 Jun 1951, 1 Dec 1965 - 30 Jun 1986)

207 Sqn (4 Jun 1951 - 27 Mar 1956, 1 Apr 1956 - 1 May 1965)

35 Sqn (1 Sep 1951 - 16 Jul 1956)

Bomber Command Jet Conversion Unit (16 Nov 1953 - 30 Sep 1954)

824 Sqn FAA (1 - 23 Jul 1955)t

214 Sqn (21 Jan 1956 - 1 Mar 1965, 1 Jul 1966 - 28 Jan 1977)

148 Sqn (1 Jul 1956 - 1 May 1965)

Air-to-Air Refuelling School (1 Jul 1965 - 13 Oct 1969)

242 Sqn (1 Oct 1959 - 30 Sep 1964)

49 Sqn (26 Jun 1961 - 1 May 1965)

55 Sqn (24 May 1965 - 15 Oct 1993)

No 1 (Bomber) Group Support Unit (xxx - Dec 1968)

Victor Training Unit (13 Oct 1969 - 6 Feb 1970)

Martel Servicing and Storage Unit (1 Nov 1970 - 1 Dec 1971)

No 232 Operational Conversion Unit (6 Feb 1970 - 4 Apr 1986)

Detachment - No 226 Operational Conversion Unit (Jun 1972 - xxx xxxx)

100 Sqn (5 Jan 1976 - 5 Jan 1982)

No 231 Operational Conversion Unit (12 Feb 1976 - 31 Aug 1982)

Detachment - 819 Sqn FAA (22 - 25 Oct 1979, 9 - 12 Jun 1980)

617 Sqn (1 Jan 1983 - 27 Apr 1994, xxx 20xx - Current)

27 Sqn (1 May 1983 - 30 Sep 1993)

Detachment - Tornado Weapons Conversion Unit (24 Apr - 24 Nov 1987)

2 Sqn (3 Dec 1991 - Current)

12 Sqn (1 Oct 1993 - 7 Jan 1994)

39 (1 PRU) Sqn (3 Dec 1993 - 30 Jul 2006)

13 Sqn (1 Feb 1994 - Current)

No 611 Volunteer Gliding School (Apr - May 1996)

Detachment - Tornado Tri-National Training Establishment (25 Jun - Oct 1996)

9 Sqn (17 Jul 2001 - xxx xxxx)

31 Sqn (15 Aug 2001 - xxx xxxx)

No 138 Expeditionary Air Wing (1 Apr 2006 - Current)

207 Sqn (xxx xxxx - Current)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:  52:39:08N  00:33:00E

Grid Ref:  TF725084

Height above sea level:  80ft

Railway Station - Narborough & Pentney LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - Aug 1915

Closed - 1919

Re-opened - 1 Apr 1937

No 3 Group (1 Apr 1937 - Sep 1942)

No 2 Group (Sep 1942 - 31 May 1943)

No 8 Group (31 May 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

C & M (1 Apr - 1 May 1944)

No 1 Group (


In WW1, there had been an airfield at Narborough and this was renamed Marham before the end of the war.

On 1 May 1944 the station was fully evacuated and handed over to the Air Ministry Works Directorate for work to be carried out converting the station for the use of Very Long Bombers.

Main units: -

‘C’ Flt, 51 Sqn (27 Nov 1916 - 7 Aug 1917)

51 Sqn (7 Aug 1917 - 14 May 1919)

192 (Depot) Training Sqn (10 Oct - 14 Nov 1917)

191 (Depot) Training Sqn (6 Nov - 21 Dec 1917)

No 50 Training Sqn (Nov 1917 - xxx xxxx)

No 53 Training Sqn (Nov 1917 - xxx xxxx)

No 64 Training Sqn (Nov - 20 Dec 1917)

191 (Night) Training Sqn (21 Dec 1917 - 1 Jul 1918)

38 Sqn (5 May 1937 - 12 Nov 1940)

115 Sqn (15 Jun 1937 - 24 Sep 1942)

New Zealand Flt (1 Jun - 27 Sep 1939 )

No 3 Group Target Towing Flt (14 Feb 1940 - 18 Nov 1941)

218 Sqn (25 Nov 1940 - 8 Jul 1942)

No 1418 Flt (6 Jan - 1 Mar 1942)

No 218 Conversion Flt (20 Jan - 2 Oct 1942)

Air Bomber Training Flt (No 3 Group) (13 Jul 1942 - 15 Mar 1943)

No 1483 (Target Towing & Gunnery) Flt (13 Jul - 18 Dec 1942)

No 1427 Flt (5 Sep - 2 Oct 1942)

105 Sqn (22 Sep 1942 - 23 Mar 1944)

139 Sqn (29 Sep 1942 - 4 Jul 1943)

Mosquito Conversion Unit (29 Sep - 18 Oct 1942)

No 1655 Mosquito Conversion Unit (18 Oct 1942 - 1 May 1943)

No 1483 (Bomber) Gunnery Flt (18 Dec 1942 - 29 Jun 1943)

No 4622 Airfield Construction Flight (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

No 4203 AA Flight (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

No 1655 Mosquito Training Unit (1 Jul 1943 - 7 Mar 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Station Website,   Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps,   Control Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Market Harborough

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 14 Operational Training Unit (1 Aug 1943 - 24 Jun 1945)

No 1683 (Bomber) Defence Training Flt (3 Feb - 1 Aug  1944)

No 26 Air Crew Holding Unit (21 Aug 1945 - 18 Sep 1946)

No 113 Storage Sub-site, No 273 Maintenance Unit (Feb 1946 - 5 Oct 1949)



County: - Leicestershire

Lat/Long:   52:29:30N  00:57:00W

Grid Ref -  SP712887

Height Above Sea Level - 360 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Jun 1943

No 92 Group (1 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1947


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a  operational bomber station was issued in October 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Marston Moor

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 839 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2839 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1944)

No 28 Conversion Flt (30 Dec 1941 - 2 Jan 1942)

No 1652 Conversion Unit (2 Jan - 7 Jul 1942, 24 Aug - 7 Oct 1942)

No 35 Conversion Flt (5 - 21 Sep 1942)

No 1652 Heavy Conversion Unit (7 Oct 1942 - 25 Jun 1945)

No 1475 (Training) Flt (7 Mar - 15 May 1943)

No 1665 Heavy Conversion Unit (1 - 10 Aug 1945)

No 1665 (Heavy Transport) Conversion Unit (10 Aug - 7 Nov 1945)

No 268 Maintenance Unit (18 Feb 1946 - 31 Dec 1948)

Sub-site, No 91 Maintenance Unit (31 Jan 1949 - 15 Sep 1953)


County: - West Yorrkshire

Lat/Long:   53:57:45N  01:18:00W

Grid Ref -  SE460520

Height Above Sea Level - 68 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 20 Nov 1941

No 4 Group (25 Oct 1941 - 7 Nov 1944)

No 7 Group (7 Nov 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as an bomber station was issued in September 1940.

It was HQ, Marston Moor Base from 5 Mar 1943, being numbered No 41 Base on 16 Sept 1943.  It transferred to No 7 Group as No 74 Base on 7 Nov 1944 until disbanding on 10 Jun 1945  

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsCommanding OfficersControl Towers website

RAF Martlesham Heath

RAF Martlesham Heath badge

Main units (continued): -

No 3012 Servicing Echelon (xxx xxxx – 22 Jun 1942)

412 Sqn (1 May – 4 Jun 1942, 10 - 14 Aug 1942)

No 2735 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 – xxx xxxx)

No 1488 (Target Towing) Flt (7 Jun 1942 – 17 Aug 1943)

65 Sqn (9 – 15 Jun 1942)

41 Sqn (15 – 30 Jun 1942)

No 3016 (Eagle) Servicing Echelon (18 Jun – 2 Jul 1942)

72 Sqn (22 - 29 Jun 1942)

122 Sqn (29 Jun – 6 Jul 1942, 29 Sep - 3 Oct 1942)

124 Sqn (5 – 13 Jul 1942, 7 – 21 Dec 1942, 21 Jan - 1 Mar 1943)

350 Sqn (7 – 16 Jul 1942, 7 – 15 Sep 1942)

611 Sqn (13 – 20 Jul 1942)

No 3203 Servicing Commando (15 Jul - xxx 1942)

416 Sqn (16 Jul – 14 Aug 1942, 20 Aug – 23 Sep 1942, 8 – 24 Nov 1942)

No 602 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (16 Jul 1942 – 1 Apr 1943)

401 Sqn (28 Jul – 3 Aug 1942, 21 – 31 Jul 1943)

No 3208 Servicing Commando (2 - 20 Aug 1943)

133 Sqn (22 – 31 Aug 1942)

182 Sqn (25 Aug – 7 Dec 1942, 30 Jan – 1 Mar 1943)

332 Sqn (1 – 6 Sep 1942)

111 Sqn (21 – 27 Sep 1942)

No 3024 Servicing Echelon (21 – 27 Sep 1942)

132 Sqn (23 Sep – 2 Oct 1942, 9 Oct 1942 – 28 Feb 1943)

‘A’ Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (26 Sep - 1 Nov 1942)

No 1616 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (1 Nov 1942 – 13 Mar 1943)

453 Sqn (24 Nov – 7 Dec 1942)

485 Sqn (15 - 22 Feb 1943)

165 Sqn (9 – 23 Mar 1943)

No 3204 Servicing Commando (12 Mar - 19 May 1943)

303 Sqn (26 Mar – 8 Apr 1943)

222 Sqn (1 – 29 Apr 1943)

421 Sqn (10 – 22 Apr 1943)

317 Sqn (29 Apr – 1 Jun 1943)

284 Sqn (17 May – 13 Jun 1943)

501 Sqn (17 May – 5 Jun 1943)

No 3037 Servicing Echelon (31 May – 5 Jun 1943)

198 Sqn (5 Jun – 19 Aug 1943)

239 Sqn (27 Jun – 9 Jul 1943)

26 Sqn (11 – 16 Jul 1943)

356th Fighter Group, USAAF (5 Oct 1943 - 2 Nov 1945)

RAF Section Martlesham (1 Nov 1943 - xx xxx xxxx), administering: -

  1. Orfordness Detachment

  2. Marine Craft  Section

  3. Trimley Heath GCI Station

  4. 1 x Flight, No 277 Sqn

  5. 1 x Fighter Sqn (until moved to Leiston)

  6. North Weald Forward Relay

  7. Aerial Lighthouse

1 Sqn (15 Feb – 3 Apr 1944)

No 3017 (Eagle) Servicing Echelon (15 Feb – 22 Mar 1944)

No 6001 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 3 Apr 1944)

HQ, No 25 (Base Defence) Wing (2 – 12 May 1944)

278 Sqn (27 Sep 1944 - 15 Feb 1945)

No 2787 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – Apr 1945)

Blind Landing Experimental Unit (Jul 1946 – 1 Nov 1949)

Bomb Ballistics Unit (Jul 1946 - 1 Nov 1949)

No 104 Gliding School (Apr 1948 – 1 Sep 1955)

Bomb Ballistic and Blind Landing Experimental Establishment (1 Nov 1949 – 1 May 1950)

Armament & Instrument Experimental Unit (1 May 1950 – 30 Jun 1957)

No 11 Group Communication Flt (15 Apr 1948 – 31 Dec 1960)

66 Sqn (6 May - 10 Jun 1948)

Rapid Landing Flt (xxx 1951 – xxx 1955)

‘B’ Flt, 22 Sqn (Jun 1955 – 16 May 1966)

No 612 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 – 6 May 1963)

No 11 (Fighter) Group Communication Flt (15 Apr 1958 - 31 Dec 1960)

Battle of Britain Flt (16 May 1958 – 3 Nov 1961)

HQ, No 11 (Fighter) Group (2 Jun 1958 – 31 Dec 1960)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:  52:03:30N  01:16:30E

Grid Ref:  TM242454

Height above sea level: 90 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1917

C & M Party (xx Sep 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ Opened - 14 Sep 1939

No 24 Group (14 Sep - 15 Nov 1939)

No 12 Group (15 Nov 1939 - 10 Aug 1940)

No 11 Group (10 Aug 1940 - 1 Non 1943)

VIII Fighter Command, USAAF (1 Nov 1943 - xx Sep 1944)

1st Bombardment Division (xx Sep 1944 - xx xxx 1945)

Closed - 1963


Main units: -

‘A’ Flt, Experimental Armament Sqn ( 1 - 16 Jan 1917)

Testing Sqn (16 Jan – 16 Oct 1917)

Aeroplane Experimental Station (16 Oct 1917 - 16 Mar 1920)

Aeroplane Experimental Establishment (16 Mar 1920 – 24 Mar 1924)

22 Sqn (24 Jul 1923 – 1 May 1934)

15 Sqn (20 Mar 1924 – 31 May 1934)

Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment (24 Mar 1924 – 9 Sep 1939)

64 Sqn (12 Sep 1936 – 18 May 1938, 9 – 15 May 1941, 19 – 27 Jul 1942)

Experimental Co-operation Unit (xxx 1937– 15 Sep 1939)

‘D’ Flt, A & AEE (9 – 15 Sep 1939)

Recruits Training Pool (14 Sep - xx xxx 1939)

56 Sqn (22 Oct 1939 – 28 Feb 1940, 23 – 26 Jun 1941, 6 – 15 Aug 1943, 4 Oct 1943 – 15 Feb 1944)

264 Sqn (7 Dec 1939 – 10 May 1940)

236 Sqn (9 Dec 1939 – 29 Feb 1940)

17 Sqn (16 – 24 Dec 1939, 30 Dec 1939 – 8 Jan 1940, 13 – 20 Jan 1940, 30 Jan – 11 Feb 1940, 22 – 27 Feb 1940, 5 – 12 Mar 1940,  19 – 20 Mar 1940, 23 – 27 Mar 1940, 5 – 13 Apr 1940, 23 – 30 Apr 1940, 9 Oct 1940 – 26 Feb 1941, 31 Mar - 4 Apr 1941)

504 Sqn (24 – 30 Dec 1939, 8 – 13 Jan 1940, 20 – 30 Jan 1940, 11 – 22 Feb 1940, 27 Feb – 5 Mar 1940, 12 – 18 Mar 1940, 27 Mar - 4 Apr 1940, 13 – 23 Apr 1940, 30 Apr – 7 May 1940)

Special Flt, Martlesham Heath (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)

266 Sqn (1 Mar – 14 May 1940, 28 Sep - 3 Oct 1941)

151 Sqn (13 – 17 May 1940)

25 Sqn (19 Jun – 2 Sep 1940)

257 Sqn (5 Sep – 8 Oct 1940, 7 Nov – 16 Dec 1940)

242 Sqn (16 Dec 1940 – 9 Apr 1941)

605 Sqn (25 Feb – 5 Mar 1941)

3 Sqn (3 Apr – 23 Jun 1941)

71 Sqn (5 Apr – 23 Jun 1941, 14 Dec 1941 – 2 May 1942)

ASR Flt (14 May – 22 Dec 1941)

402 Sqn (23 Jun – 10 Jul 1941, 3 – 9 Aug 1942)

310 Sqn (26 Jun - 20 Jul 1941)

258 Sqn (10 Jul – 3 Oct 1941)

312 Sqn (20 Jul – 19 Aug 1941)

No 8 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (1 Aug 1941 - 14 Feb 1942)

54 Sqn (4 – 25 Aug 1941)

607 Sqn (20 Aug – 10 Oct 1941)

403 Sqn (3 Oct – 22 Dec 1941, 3 – 19 Jun 1942)

No 3046 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Nov – 22 Dec 1941)

2 Sqn (5 – 7 Dec 1941)

No 3044 (Eagle) Servicing Echelon (14 Dec 1941 – 18 Mar 1943)

‘H’ Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (8 Jan – 1 Nov 1942)

No 3 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (14 Feb - 3 Nov 1942)


110 Sqn (Jun 1939 – Mar 1942)

17 Sqn (Aug 1939 - 9 Sep 1939)

604 Sqn (Sep 1939 – Jan 1940)

25 Sqn (Oct 1939 – May 1940, 1 Sep -  Nov 1940)

254 Sqn (Nov 1939 - xxx xxxx)

29 Sqn (Dec 1939 – Apr 1940)

151 Sqn (28 Feb - 12 May 1940)

‘A’ and ‘B’ Flts, 504 Sqn (10 - 12 May 1940)

32 Sqn (Jun 1940 - xxx xxxx)

85 Sqn (9 Jul - Aug 1940)

‘B’ Flt, 66 Sqn (3 Jun 1940 - xxx xxxx)

‘A’ Flt, 264 Sqn  (23 Oct 1940 - xxx xxxx)

613 Sqn (Sep 1940 – Jul 1941)

No 11 Group Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Flt (May 1941  - Nov 1941)

287 Sqn (Nov 1941 – Jul 1944)

‘A’ Flt, 277 Sqn (22 Dec 1941 – 22 Apr 1944)

610 Sqn (Apr 1942  - xxx xxxx)

165 Sqn (Aug – Nov 1942, xxx 1945 - xxx 1946)

124 Sqn (15 - 18 Dec 1942)

611 Sqn (May 1943  - xxx xxxx)

197 Sqn (13 - 26 Jun 1943)

278 Sqn (21 Apr - 23 Sep 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

  Commanding OfficersMartlesham Heath Aviation Society Website, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Masirah

RAF Masirah badge#

Main units: -

212 Sqn (Dec 1942 – May 1945)

No 33 Staging Post (1 Nov 1943 – 31 Mar 1946)

244 Sqn (17 Mar 1944 – 1 May 1945)

No 214 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (Apr 1944 - 15 Dec 1945)

8 Sqn (8 Aug – 8 Sep 1967)


209 Sqn (Jul 1942 – Jul 1945)

244 Sqn (Oct 1942 – Mar 1944)

321 Sqn (Oct 1942 – Apr 1945)

265 Sqn (Apr 1943 – May 1945)

259 Sqn (Sep 1943 – May 1945)

294 Sqn (Jun 1945 – Apr 1946)

No 8 Sqn (Oct 1961 – Aug 1967, Sep 1967 – Dec 1971)

204 Sqn (Apr 1971 – May 1972)


Country: - Muscat and Oman

Lat/Long:  20:40:30N  58:53:31E

Height Above Sea Level:

Operational Control: -

Opened (Landing Ground) - xx xxx 1942

SHQ opened (C & M) - xx xxx 1943

Closed - 31 Mar 1977


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Matching

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

391st Bomb Group, USAAF (26 Jan - 1 Oct 1944)

  • 572nd Bomb Sqn

  • 573rd Bomb Sqn

  • 574th Bomb Sqn

  • 575th Bomb Sqn

HQ, No 135 Airfield (Feb - 10 Mar 1944)

Detachment - 222 Sqn (Feb - Mar 1944)

Operational and Refresher Training Unit (27 Feb - 15 Oct 1945)

No 1677 (Target Towing) Flt (18 Apr - 19 Oct 1945)


County: - Essex

Lat/Long:   51:46:53N  00:14:45E

Grid Ref -  TL550120

Height Above Sea Level - 275 ft

Railway Station - Sawbridgeworth LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Sep 1943

4th Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (1 Sep 1943 - 4 Mar 1944)

IX Bomber Command (4 Mar - 13 Oct 1944)

No 3 Group (13 Oct 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


This was originally requisitioned for use as a bomber operational station.

In early 1943 construction of the airfield was undertaken by the 834th US Engineer Battalion (Aviation).

It was a sub-station of No 31 Base from Oct to 1 Nov 1944

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Matlask

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

137 Sqn (1 Dec 1941 - 24 Aug 1942)

No 12 Group TT Flt (13 Apr - 8 Dec 1942)

56 Sqn (24 Aug 1942 - 22 Jul 1943, 23 - 28 Sep 1944)

609 Sqn det (Aug -  Sep 1942)

No 1489 (F) Gunnery Flt (13 Apr -2 Jun 1943)

245 Sqn det (13 May 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

611 Sqn (1 Jul - 31 Jul 1943)

609 Sqn (22 Jul - 18 Aug 1943)

195 Sqn (31 Jul - 21 Aug 1943)

486 Sqn (19 Sep - 28 Sep 1944)

No 150 Wing Comm Flt (19 Sep - 15 Oct 1944)

3 Sqn (21 Sep - 28 Sep 1944)

122 Sqn (28 Sep - 14 Oct 1944)

No 122 Wing Comm Flt (28 - 29 Sep 1944)

65 Sqn (29 Sep - 14 Oct 1944)

602 Sqn (18 Oct - 20 Nov 1944)

453 Sqn (18 Oct 1944 -6 Apr 1945)

229 Sqn (22 Oct - 20 Nov 1944)

451 Sqn (23 Feb 1945 - 6 Apr 1945)

658 Sqn (10 Jul - 3 Sep 1945)

659 Sqn (10 Jul - 3 Sep 1945)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:  52:51:38N 01:11:30E

Grid Ref:  TG145340

Height above sea level: 145 ft

Railway Station - Corpusty LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened (Satellite) - xx xxx 1940

(C & M) (23 Aug 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ opened (C & M) - 7 Feb 1944

No 12 Group (7 Feb 1944 - xx xx xxxx)

No 11 Group (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)


This was originally approved for requisition in August 1939 as a satellite for Coltishall.

Main units: -

72 Sqn (30 Oct - 2 Nov 1940)

222 Sqn (6 Jun - 1 Jul 1941)

601 Sqn (2 Jul - 16 Aug 1941)

No 12 Group ASR Flt (xx Jul - 1 Oct 1941)

19 Sqn (16 Aug - 1 Dec 1941, 4 Jun - 20 Jun 1943, 28 Sep - 14 Oct 1944 )

278 Sqn (1 Oct1941 - 10 Apr 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Matruh West

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

238 Sqn (between May - Jul 1941)

250 Sqn (31 Aug - 8 Sep 1941)

No 40 Air Stores Park (10 Mar - 28 Apr 1942)

Detachment** - 272 Sqn (Mar - Nov 1942)

213 Sqn (23 - 24 Jun 1942)

274 Sqn (23 - 24 Jun 1942)

Detachment** - 459 Sqn (Dec 1942 - Dec 1943)

Detachment** - No 235 Wing (Jan 1943 - Deb 1944)

47 Sqn (4 Jan - 3 Mar 1943)

Detachment** - 294 Sqn (Sep 1943 - Jun 1945)


Country: - Egypt

Lat/Long:  31:19:48N  26:51:00E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -



Also known as LG07 and 'Z' LG.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Mauripur

RAF Mauripur badge

This is an unofficial badge

Main units: -

HQ, No 179 (Ferry) Wing (15-26 Apr 1943)

No 21 Ferry Control (May 1943 – 1 Sep 1944)

No 315 Maintenance Unit (18 Jun 1943 – 15 Mar 1944)

Check & Conversion Flt (Oct 1943 – 30 Jul 1944)

No 1577 Flt (5 – 12 Oct 1943, 7 May 1944 – 1 Jun 1945)

117 Sqn (1 – 6 Nov 1943)

No 1331 Conversion Flt (1 – 4 Sep 1944)

No 8 Ferry Unit (1 Sep 1944 – 15 Jun 1945)

No 48 Terminal Staging Post (1 Sep 1944 – 1 Jun 1947)

No 1 Detachment, No 141 Repair & Salvage Unit (xxx 1945 – Apr 1946)

77 Sqn (22 Oct 1945 – 1 Nov 1946)

No 1349 ASR Flt (30 Oct 1945 – 15 May 1946)

10 Sqn (5 Jun 1946 – 15 Dec 1947)

298 Sqn (24 Jul – 21 Dec 1946)

31 Sqn (1 Nov 1946 – 2 Sep 1947, 6 Nov – 15 Dec 1947)

62 Sqn (16 Jun – 10 Aug 1947)

5 Sqn (3 Jul – 1 Aug 1947)

20 Sqn (25 Jul – 1 Aug 1947)

RAF India Communication Flt (15 Aug 1947 – Aug 1948)


Country: - Pakistan (India)

Lat/Long:  24:53:37N  66:56:20E

Height Above Sea Level:  35 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (Dimapur) -

Closed - December 1956


Transferred to Royal Pakistan Air Force and still currently in use as Masroor Airbase.


267 Sqn (Mar 1945 – Jul 1946)

RAF Communication Flt (1 Dec 1947 – 30 Jun 1948)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Mauritius

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Detachment** - 259 Sqn (Sep 1943 - May 1945)

Detachment** - 265 Sqn (Apr 1943 - May 1945)


Country: - Mauritius

Lat/Long:  20:25:48S  57:40:58E

Height Above Sea Level:  186 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx Sep 1943

Middle East Command (xx Sep 1943 - xx xxx xxx)


From 1 June 1943 it was known as RAF Unit, Mauritius.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of the general area on Google Maps,

RAF Mawatagama

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 31 Care & Maintenance Party (19 May 1945 - xxx xxxx)

AHQ Ceylon Communication Flt (xxx - Sep 1946)



Country: - Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Lat/Long:  06:53:42N  79:57:18E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -



Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of what I believe to be the general area on Google Maps,

RAF Maydown

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 17 SLG (1 May -xx Sep 1941)

2nd Fighter Sqn USAAF (7 - 24 Aug 1942)

97th Fighter Sqn USAAF (6 Oct - c16 Dec 1942)

Various FAA units after transfer are not shown.

Combined Anti-Submarine Tactical School (16 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)


County: - Londonderry

Lat/Long:  55:02:00N 07:14:25W

Grid Ref:  C487208

Height above sea level: 50 ft

Railway Station - Culmore MNCI

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1942

Transferred (on loan) to FAA - 1 May 1943


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Medan

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 7 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (Dec 1945 - 20 Feb 1946)

No 35 Staging Post (Jan - 30 Apr 1946)

Detachment** - 656 Sqn (Jan - Nov 1946)

155 Sqn (4 Feb - 31 Aug 1946)

Detachment** - 60 Sqn (May - Dec 1946)



Country: -  North Sumatra, Indonesia (Netherlands East Indies)

Lat/Long:  03:3:10N  98:39:58E

Height Above Sea Level:  114 ft

Operational Control: -



It is now known as Polonia International Airport

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Medmenham

RAF Medmenham badge#

Main units: -

Central Interpretation Unit (Apr 1941 - Aug 1947)

HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group (25 Apr 1946 - 3 Nov 1958, 1Jan 1969 - 31 Aug 1973)

Joint Air Photographic Intelligence Centre (UK) (Aug 1947 - Dec 1953)

No 591 Signals Unit (xxx 1952 - xxx 1955)

Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre (Dec 1953 - xxx 1957)

HQ Signals Command (3 Nov 1958 - 1 Jan 1959)

Support Command Signals HQ (31 Aug 1973 - 14 Sep 1981)

HQ No 70 (Signals) Wing (22 Aug 1951 - 1 Aug 1953)


County: - Buckinghamshire

Lat/Long:   51:32:52N  00:50:17W Approx

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Meir

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 28 Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School (1 Aug 1938 - 3 Sep 1939)

No 1 Practice Flying Unit (4 Mar - 16 Jun 1940)

No 5 Elementary Flying Training School (17 Jun 1940 - 23 Dec 1941)

RLG for No 16 Elementary Flying Training School (Apr - Jun 1941)

No 45 Gliding School (Aug 1942 - 1 Sep 1955)

No 632 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - 6 Oct 1963)


County: - Staffordshire

Lat/Long:   52:57:54N  02:06:07W

Grid Ref:  SJ942407

Height Above Sea Level - 164 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (civil airport) - 1934

No 50 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Aug 1942)

No 21 Group (1 Aug 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

Transferred to MAP - 25 Jan 1943


A concrete runway was laid together with a connecting track to the nearby Rootes factory at Blythe Bridge from which test fly Blenheims and Beaufighters built there.

It was transferred to the Ministry of Aircraft Production on 25 January 1943.

It is now a housing estate.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Melbourne

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

10 Sqn (19 Aug 1942 - 6 Aug 1945)

No 1658 Heavy Conversion Unit (1 Nov 1942 - Jan 1943)

No 4 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1943 - 3 Jul 1945)

Sub-station, No 42 Base (15 Apr 1944 - 1 Sep 1945)

Air Crew Testing & Grading Unit (Jan - 1 Nov 1945)

575 Sqn (6 Aug - 24 Nov 1945)

No 4575 Servicing Echelon (6 Aug – 24 Nov 1945)

No 1510 Beam Approach Beacon System Flt (31 Aug 1945 - 16 Jul 1946)

No 1552 Radio Aids Training Flt (15 Sep 1945 - 29 Jul 1946)

No 1553 Radio Aids Training Flt (15 Sep - 1 Oct 1945)

1554 Radio Aids Training Flt (15 Sep - 1 Oct 1945)

Transport Command Air Crew Examining Unit (1 Nov - Dec 1945)

No 3 Section, No 1552 Radio Aids Training Flt (May - 5 Jun 1946)

Sub-site, No 91 Maintenance Unit (24 Jan 1949 - 18 Sep 1954)


County: - East Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   53:52:15N  00:50:15W

Grid Ref -  SE766421

Height Above Sea Level - 25 ft

Railway  Station -

Operational Control: -

Opened - 13 Jun 1942

No 4 Group (13 Jun 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Church Fenton was issued in November 1940.

Main units: -

Satellite - RAF Pocklington (13 Jun 1942 - 4 Mar 1943)

Sub-station, No 42 Base (4 Mar 1943 - 15 Apr 1944)


No 10 Conversion Flt (26 Aug - 7 Oct 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Control Towers website

RAF Meiktila

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

HQ, No 181 Wing (29 Apr - 3 Jul 1945)

No 9 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (3 - 8 May 1945)

No 10 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (3 - 8 May 1945)

No 1582 Calibration Flt (5 - 24 May 1945)

No 363 Maintenance Unit (10 - 25 May 1945)

No 14 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (xx - 25 May 1945)

79 Sqn (7 Jun - 30 Dec 1945)

146 Sqn (7 Jun - 1 Jul 1945)

No 7079 Servicing Echelon (7 Jun – 30 Dec 1945)

No 7146 Servicing Echelon (7 Jun – 1 Jul 1945)

113 Sqn (30 Jun - 17 Aug 1945)

No 7113 Servicing Echelon (30 Jun – 17 Aug 1945)

34 Sqn (1 Jul - 18 Aug 1945)

No 7034 Servicing Echelon (1 Jul – 18 Aug 1945)

42 Sqn (1 Jul - 30 Dec 1945)

No 7042 Servicing Echelon (31 Jul – 30 Dec 1945)

No 94 Air Sores Park (17 May - Oct 1945)

No 98 Air Sores Park (17 - 19 May 1945)

No 148 Repair & Salvage Unit (23 May - Dec 1945)

HQ, No 910 Wing (7 Jun - xxx 1945)

No 3 Repair & Salvage Unit (31 Jul 1945 - 28 Mar 1946)

No 27 Glider Servicing Echelon (xxx - Aug 1945)


Country: -  Myanmar (Burma)

Lat/Long:  20:53:10N  95:53:38E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -



Main units: -

No 154 Maintenance Unit (26 Jan - 12 Mar 1942)

No 3207 Servicing Commando (8 Mar 1945)

No 204 Staging Post (17 Mar 1945 - 30 Apr 1946)

28 Sqn (5 Apr - 22 May 1945)

No 7028 Servicing Echelon (5 Apr – 22 May 1945)

17 Sqn (11 - 18 Apr 1945)

No 7017 Servicing Echelon (11 – 18 Apr 1945)

HQ, No 221 Group (12 Apr - Jun 1945)

No 19 Satellite Airfield HQ (12 Apr - 15 Nov 1945)

No 7 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (12 Apr - 14 May 1945)

No 8 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (15 Apr - Aug 1945)

656 Sqn (26 Apr - 16 May 1945)

No 221 Group Communication Flt (29 Apr - 6 Jun 1945)


681 Sqn (May 1944 - May 1945)

89 Sqn (Aug 1944 - Sep 1945)

27 Sqn (Nov 1944 - Jun 1945)

194 Sqn (Mar - Aug 1945)

357 Sqn (Mar - Nov 1945)

47 Sqn (Apr 1945 - Jan 1946)

No 10 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (Apr - 3 May 1945)

No 8 Staging Post (May 1945 - Mar 1946)

28 Sqn (May - Oct 1945)

No 7028 Servicing Echelon (May – Oct 1945)

62 Sqn (Sep 1945 - Mar 1946)

10 Sqn (Oct 1945 - Jun 1946)

298 Sqn (Dec 1945 - May 1946)

AHQ Burma Communication Flt (Apr - May 1946)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Melksham

Used the badge of No 12 SoTT

Main units (continued): -

No 12 School of Technical Training (24 Jun 1940 – 26 Feb 1965)

WAAF NCO's School (23 Dec 1941 - 30 Jun 1943)

WAAF NCO's Administrative School (23 Oct 1942 - 30 Jun 1943)

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1940

Closed - 1965


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:   51:21:18N  02:07:48W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft


Links to related sites/pages

Unofficial website, Aerial photo on Google Maps, RAF Melksham on Facebook,

RAF Melton Mowbray

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 4 Overseas Aircraft Preparation Unit (1 Sep 1943 - 5 Jul 1944)

No 304 Ferry Training Unit (3 Jan - 9 Oct 1944)

No 307 Ferry Training Unit (14 Oct 1943 - 15 Jan 1944)

No 306 Ferry Training Unit (15 Oct 1943 - 15 Jan 1944)

No 1 Ferry Pilot Pool (14 Jan - 16 Mar 1944)

No 4 Aircraft Preparation Unit (5 Jul - 9 Oct 1944)

Mk X AI Conversion Flt (29 Aug - 8 Sep 1944)

Detachment - No 107 Operational Training Unit (10 - xx Sep 1944)

No 12 Ferry Unit ((9 Oct 1944 - 7 Nov 1945)

No 1341 Special Duties Flt (xxx - 21 Dec 1944)

‘K’ Flt (16 Sep - Oct 1945)

'J' Flt (28 Sep - 5 Oct 1945)

No 12 Ferry Unit (9 Oct 1944 - 7 Nov 1945)

254 Sqn (1 Dec 1959 - 23 Aug 1963)

A WW1 airfield was located a few miles away on the northern edge of Melton Mowbrey and was used by: -

38 Sqn (1 Oct 1916 - 31 May 1918)


County: - Leicestershire

Lat/Long:   52:44:00N  00:53:30W

Grid Ref -  SK750158

Height Above Sea Level - 400 ft

Railway Station - Melton Mowbray LMS

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Aug 1943

No 44 Group (1 Aug 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1964


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite aerodrome for Eastwell was issued in June 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Membury

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

67th Observation Group/Reconnaissance Group USAAF (6 Sep 1942 - xxx xxxx) comprising: -

  • 12th Tactical Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (7 Sep 1942 - 16 Dec 1943)

  • 107th Tactical Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (7 Sep - 25 Nov 1942, 8 Jan - 11 Dec 1943)

  • 109th Tactical Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (7 Sep - 21 Nov 1942, 15 May - 12 Dec 1943)

19 Sqn (10 - 13 Mar 1943)

153rd Liaison Sqn, USAAF (3 Oct - 28 Nov 1943)

366th Fighter Group, USAAF (10 Jan - 1 Mar 1944)

  • 389th Fighter Sqn

  • 390th Fighter Sqn

  • 391st Fighter Sqn

436th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (3 Mar 1944 - 26 Feb 1945)

  • 79th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 80th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 81st Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 82nd Troop Carrier Sqn

525 Sqn (15 Jul 1945 31 Oct 1945

No 4525 Servicing Echelon (15 Jul 1945 – 31 Oct 1946)

187 Sqn (7 Sep 1945 3 Oct 1946

No 4187 Servicing Echelon (17 Sep 1945 – 15 Oct 1946)

No 5 Section, No 1552 Radio Aids Training Flt (7 Mar - 25 Oct 1946)

Sub-site of No 3 Maintenance Unit (xxx xxxx - 31 Mar 1955)


County: - Berkshire

Lat/Long:   51:28:38N  01:33:23W

Grid Ref -  SU308754

Height Above Sea Level - 667 ft

Railway Station - Lambourn GWR

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1942

Fighter Command (xx xxx 1942 - 1 Jul 1943)

VIII Air Support Command, USAAF (1 Jul 1943 - 1 Feb 1944)

IX Fighter Command Substitution Unit (1 Feb - xx xxx 1944)

Closed - 1947


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational Training Unit aerodrome was issued in May 1941.

Main units: -

15th Photographic Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (6 Sep - 27 Oct 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Mendlesham

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

310 Sqn (9 - 21 Feb 1944, 25 Feb - 28 Mar 1944)

312 Sqn (19 - 22 Feb 1944, 3 Mar - 4 Apr 1944)

313 Sqn (19 Feb - 14 Mar 1944, 20 Mar - 4 Apr 1944)

34th Bomb Group, USAAF (18 Apr 1944 - 25 Jul 1945)

  • 4th Bomb Sqn

  • 7th Bomb Sqn

  • 18th Bomb Sqn

  • 391st Bomb Sqn

Sub-site, No 94 Maintenance Unit (15 Oct 1945 - 1 Apr 1954)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:   52:13:53N  01:07:15E

Grid Ref -  TM130638

Height Above Sea Level - 210 ft

Railway Station - Mendlesham LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Sep 1943

4th Bombardment Division Substitution Unit (1 Sep 1943 - 15 Apr 1944)

3rd Bombardment Division, USAAF (15 Apr 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1954


Originally requisitioned as the site for a bomber operational station.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Mepal

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Unbuilt Satellite, RAF Waterbeach (15 Mar - 25 Aug 1943)

No 1665 Heavy Conversion Unit (23 Apr - 1 May 1943)

Sub-Station, Waterbeach Base (25 Aug - 16 Sep 1943)

Sub-Station, No 33 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 1 Sep 1945)

75 Sqn (28 Jun 1943 - 21 Jul 1945)

44 Sqn (21 Jul - 25 Aug 1945)

7 Sqn (24 Jul 1945 - 29 Jul 1946)

49 Sqn (28 Aug 1945 - 29 Jul 1946)


County: - Cambridgeshire

Lat/Long:   52:23:38N  00:07:30E

Grid Ref -  TL445796

Height Above Sea Level - 80 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (unbuilt satellite)- 15 Mar 1943

No 3 Group (15 Mar 1943)

Closed - 1963


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for Waterbeach was issued in March 1942.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,   Control Towers website

RAF Mergui

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Detachment** - 60 Sqn (Feb 1941 - Feb 1942)

Detachment** - 67 Sqn (Oct 1941 - Jan 1942)

No 26 Staging Post (7 Jan - 15 Feb 1946)



Country: - Myanmar (Burma)

Lat/Long:  12:26:24N  98:37:16E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 1 Aug 1941

C & M Party formally disbanded - 28 Mar 1942


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Merryfield

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

238 Sqn (1 Dec 1944 - 14 Feb 1945)

No 1315 Transport Flt (1 Jan - 9 Mar 1945)

Detachment - 243 Sqn (4 Jan - 13 Mar 1945)

No 4243 Servicing Echelon (6 Jan – 15 Apr 1945)

No 4238 Servicing Echelon (30 Jan – 22 Feb 1945)

187 Sqn (1 Feb - 17 Sep 1945)

No 4187 Servicing Echelon (1 Feb – 17 Sep 1945)

Halifax Development Flt (xx - 31 Mar 1945)

53 Sqn (17 Sep - 3 Dec 1945)

No 4053 Servicing Echelon (17 Sep – 1 Dec 1945)

242 Sqn (9 Dec 1945 - 2 May 1946)

No 4242 Servicing Echelon (9 Dec 1945 – 7 May 1946)

No 3 Section, No 1552 Radio Aids Training Flt (9 Feb - 13 May 1946)

No 208 Advanced Flying School (19 Nov 1951 - 1 Jun 1954)

No 10 Flying Training School (1 Jun - 1 Jul 1954)

No 9 Flying Training School (1 Jul 1954 - 16 Feb 1955)

RLG for No 12 Flying Training School (22 Dec 1954 - 1 May 1955)

‘C’ Sqn, 231 Operational Conversion Unit (Apr - 25 Jun 1955, 1 Oct 1955 - 23 Oct 1956)


County: - Somerset

Lat/Long:   50:57:45N  02:56:15W

Grid Ref -  ST342186

Height Above Sea Level - 110 ft

Railway Station - Ilminster GWR

Operational Control: -

Opened - 9 Feb 1944

No 10 Group (9 Feb - 18 Mar 1944)

IX Fighter Command Substitution Unit (18 Mar - 20 Nov 1944)

No 70 Group (20 - 30 Nov 1944

Transport Command (30 Nov 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Originally requisitioned as the site for a standard bomber operational airfield for the USAAF unit and known as Isle Abbots, the name being changed in September 1943, whilst still under construction.

Main units: -

441st Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (25 Apr 1944 - 8 Sep 1944)

  • 99th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 100th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 301st Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 302nd Troop Carrier Sqn

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive WebsiteOfficers CommandingControl Towers website

RAF Mersa Matruh

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

Sub-site, No 101 Maintenance Unit (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

No 2 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (Middle East) (24 Dec 1941 - xxx 1942)

No 40 Air Stores Park (10 Mar - 28 Apr 1942)

Staging Post, Mersa Matruh (15 Jun 1942 - 8 Mar 1943)

AHQ Western Desert (8 - 12 Nov 1942)

Communication Unit, Rear HQ Western Desert (8 - 12 Nov 1942)

HQ, No 285 Wing (9 - 12 Nov 1942)

HQ, No 234 Wing (14 Nov - 6 Dec 1942)

127 Sqn (18 Nov 1942 - 6 Jan 1943)

47 Sqn (30 Nov 1942 - 4 Jan 1943)

No 60 (Middle East) Refuelling and Re-arming Party (xxx 1942 - 15 Feb 1943)

451 Sqn (1 Jan - 8 Feb 1943)

335 Sqn (8 Feb 1943 - 12 Jan 1944)

No 11 Staging Post (8 Mar 1943- 1 Aug 1945)

No 211 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (1 Jun - 21 Dec 1943)

252 Sqn (21 Jan - 20 Jun 1944, 30 Nov 1944 - 6 Feb 1945)

No 52 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (23 Feb - Jun 1944, 23 Jul - 10 Dec 1944)

336 Sqn (3 Apr - 13 Jul 1944)

621 Sqn (12 Nov 1945 - 20 Apr 1946)


Country: -  Egypt

Lat/Long:  31:19:48N  27:12:57E

Height Above Sea Level:  94 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (Landing Ground) - xx Oct 1941

SHQ opened - 29 Feb 1944

AHQ Eastern Mediterranean (29 Feb - 15 May 1944)

SHQ closed - 15 May 1944


SHQ formed from HQ No 237 Wing.

It was also known as LG08 and is now Mersa Matruh Airport

Main units: -

No 1 Air Stores Park (4 Oct - 25 Nov 1935)

33 Sqn (25 Oct 1935 - 13 Jul 1936, 1 Sep - 23 Oct 1939, 28 Oct 1939 - 17 Jun 1940, 17 Jan - 1 Apr 1944)

142 Sqn (26 Oct 1935 - 3 Aug 1936)

No 3 Air Stores Park (25 Nov 1935 - xxx xxxx)

208 Sqn (24 Jan - 18 Apr 1936, 28 Sep - 13 Oct 1938, 26 Feb - 16 Mar 1939, 7 Aug - 1 Sep 1939, 5 - 6 Apr 1941)

113 Sqn (29 Sep - 11 Oct 1938)


14 Sqn (Nov - Dec 1915)

208 Sqn (xx - 24 Jan 1936, Nov 1936 - 28 Sep 1938, Nov 1939 - Jun 1940)

162 Sqn (Apr 1942 - Apr 1943)

74 Sqn (May -Aug 1943)

No 207 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (Dec 1943-  Jan 1946)

No 55 Repair & Salvage Unit (13 May - 27 Jul 1944)

No 58 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (xxx - xxx 1944)

459 Sqn (Aug 1944 - Feb 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Metfield

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

353rd Fighter Group, USAAF (3 Aug 1943 - 12 Apr 1944)

  • 350th Fighter Sqn

  • 351st Fighter Sqn

  • 352nd Fighter Sqn

491st Bomb Group, USAAF (xx - 15 Aug 1944)

  • 852nd Bomb Sqn

  • 853rd Bomb Sqn

  • 854th Bomb Sqn

  • 855th Bomb Sqn


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:   52:21:40N  01:23:45E

Grid Ref -  TM311789

Height Above Sea Level - 177 ft

Railway Station - Harleston LNER

Operational Control: -

3rd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (xx xxx - 1 Jul 1943)

Opened - 1 Jul 1943

2nd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (1 Jul - 20 Sep 1943)

VIII Fighter Command, USAAF (20 Sep 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

2nd Bombardment Division (xx xxx - xx Sep 1944

Air Service Command, USSTAF (xx Sep - 21 Nov 1944)

European Div, Air Transport Command (21 Nov 1944 - xx xxx 1945)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber satellite aerodrome was issued in August 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Metheringham

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

106 Sqn (11 Nov 1943 - 18 Feb 1946)

Sub Station , RAF Coningsby (24 Nov 1943 - 1 Jan 1944)

Sub Station, No 54 Base (1 Jan 1944 - 15 Nov 1945)

No 1690 (Bomber) Defence Training Flt (27 Sep 1944 - 4 Jun 1945)

467 Sqn (16 Jun - 30 Sep 1945)

HQ, No 552 Wing (29 Jun - 28 Aug 1945)

189 Sqn (15 Oct - 20 Nov 1945)

Sub-site, No 93 Maintenance Unit (xxx xxxx - xxx 1950)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:   53:08:00N  00:20:45W

Grid Ref -  TF105610

Height Above Sea Level - 60 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 20 Oct 1943

No 5 Group (20 Oct 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Care & Maintenance (18 Apr - xx xxx 1946)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for RAF Coningsby was issued in April 1942.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    RAF-Lincolnshire.infoControl Towers website

RAF Methwold

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

214 Sqn (3 Sep 1939 - 12 Feb 1940)

57 Sqn (5 Jan - 4 Sep 1942)

21 Sqn (30 Oct 1942 - 21 Mar 1943, 24 Mar - 1 Apr 1943)

320 Sqn (15 - 30 Mar 1943)

464 Sqn (3 Apr - 21 Jul 1943)

487 Sqn (3 Apr - 20 Jul 1943)

Satellite, RAF Feltwell (19 Sep - 19 Dec 1943)

Sub Station , RAF Feltwell (19 Dec 1943 - 1 Jan 1944)

Sub Station, No 32 Base (1 Jan 1944 - 15 Nov 1945)

149 Sqn (15 May 1944 - 29 Apr 1946)

Detachment - No 3 Lancaster Finishing School (May - Jul 1944)

218 Sqn (4 Aug - 5 Dec 1944)

207 Sqn (30 Oct 1945 - 29 Apr 1946)

No 21 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

RLG for No 3 Flying Training School (7 Dec 1946 - 13 Jul 1953, 15 - 26 Feb 1954)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:30:45N  00:33:00E

Grid Ref -  TL730935

Height Above Sea Level - 50 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1939

No 3 Group (xx xxx 1939 - 15 Aug 1942)

No 2 Group (15 Aug 1942 - 23 Jul 1943)

No 3 Group (23 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

C & M ( 15 Sep 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1958



Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Commanding Officers,

RAF Middle Wallop

RAF Middle Wallop badge

Main units (continued): -

No 3008 Servicing Echelon (28 Feb – 1 Apr 1943)

No 3025 Servicing Echelon (xxx xxxx – 1 Apr 1943)

No 3025 Servicing Echelon (xxx xxxx – 1 Apr 1943)

19 Sqn (1 – 10 Mar 1943, 13 Mar – 5 Apr 1943)

182 Sqn (1 Mar – 5 Apr 1943)

HQ, No 121 Airfield (13 Mar – 5 Apr 1943)

456 Sqn (29 Mar – 17 Aug 1943)

No 6 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (29 Mar - 1 May 1946)

No 6164 Servicing Echelon (25 Apr – 31 Aug 1946)

16 Sqn (1 – 29 Jun 1943, 6 – 17 Oct 1947)

No 2775 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – Oct 1943)

169 Sqn (21 Jun – 30 Sep 1943)

Satellite of No 41 OTU (21 Jun – Jul 1943)

151 Sqn (16 Aug – 17 Nov 1943)

67th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, USAAF

  • 107th Tactical Reconnaissance Sqn (11 Dec 1943 - 28 Jun 1944)

  • 109th Tactical Reconnaissance Sqn (12 Dec 1943 - 4 Jul 1944)

  • 12th Tactical Reconnaissance Sqn (14 Mar - 7 Jul 1944)

  • 15th Tactical Reconnaissance Sqn (16 Mar - 27 Jun 1944)

  • 30th Photographic Reconnaissance Sqn (17 May - 3 Jul 1944)

No 6125 Servicing Echelon (27 Jul – 18 Oct 1944)

418 Sqn (29 Jul – 28 Aug 1944)

No 6418 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (29 Jul – 27 Aug 1944)

125 Sqn (31 Jul – 18 Oct 1944)

No 3501 Servicing Unit (1 Sep 1944 – 12 Feb 1945)

No 371 Repair & Salvage Unit (xxx 1944 – xxx 1945)

No 1 Aircraft Delivery Flight (16 Jan - 14 Feb 1945)

700 Sqn FAA (23 Nov 1945 - 1 Apr 1946)

Flying Element, Fighter Command Control & Reporting School (19 Dec 1945 - 12 Jan 1948 )

164 Sqn (28 Apr - 31 Aug 1946)

HQ, No 62 Group (2 Jul 1946 – 26 Jan 1948)

165 Sqn (3 – 8 Jul 1946)

No 6165 Servicing Echelon (3 - 8 Jul 1946)

63 Sqn (1 – 3 Sep 1946, 30 Oct 1946 – 5 Jan 1948)

No 6063 Servicing Echelon (1 Sep 1946 – 5 Jan 1948 – cadre from 6 Nov 1946)

No 62 Group Communications Flt (10 Sep 1946 – 7 Jan 1948)

80 Sqn (5 – 16 May 1947)

Fighter Command Control & Reporting School (12 Jan 1948 – 30 Sep 1957)

657 Sqn (19 Jan 1948 – 1 Nov 1955)

No 227 Operational Conversion Unit (30 Jan 1948 - 1 May 1950)

No 1901 Flt, 657 Sqn (1 Feb 1948 – 21 Feb 1952)

No 1900 Flt, 657 Sqn (1 Dec 1948 – 28 Nov 1951, 1 Jul 1952 – 17 Mar 1953)

No 1962 Flt, 662 Sqn (1 Sep 1949 – 10 Mar 1957)

No 1906 (Helicopter) Flt, 657Sqn (1 May 1950 – 1 Nov 1955)

The Air Observation Post School (1 May 1950 – 3 Apr 1953)

No 1913 Flt (12 Jun - 30 Aug 1951, 15 Feb 1955 - 22 Sep 1956)

No 1912 Flt, 657 Sqn (15 Aug 1951 – 14 Jul 1952, Oct – Dec 1956)

288 Sqn (16 Mar 1953 – 30 Dec 1957)

Light Aircraft School (3 Apr 1953 – 1 Sep 1957)

CFS Helicopter Flt (8 Mar 1954 – 18 Jun 1955)

No 1906 (Helicopter) Flt, 651 Sqn (1 Nov – xxx 1955, 1 Dec 1955 – 20 Mar 1957, xxx – 1 Sep 1957)

Joint Experimental Helicopter Unit (1 Apr 1955 – 10 Nov 1956, 7 Dec 1956 – 31 Jan 1960)

651 Sqn (1 Nov 1955 – 1 Sep 1957)

School of Fighter Plotting (30 Sep 1957 - 1 Mar 1958)


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:  51:08:45N  01:34:07W

Grid Ref:  SU303385

Height above sea level: 286 ft

Railway Station - Andover Junction SR

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1940

SHQ Opened - 11 Jun 1940

No 11 Group (11 Jun - xx Jul 1940)

No 10 Group (xx Jul 1940 - 10 Jan 1944)

IX Fighter Command (10 Jan - 1 Feb 1944)

IX Fighter Command Substitution Unit (1 Feb - 1 Aug 1944)

HQ ADGB (1 Aug 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed (RAF) - 1957


Transferred to the Army Air Corps in 1957 and is now the Army Air Corps Centre.  Also home to the Museum of Army Flying

Main units: -

No 15 Flying Training School (20 Apr – 11 Jun 1940)

601 Sqn (1 – 17 Jun 1940)

236 Sqn (14 Jun – 4 Jul 1940)

238 Sqn (20 Jun – 14 Aug 1940, 10 – 30 Sep 1940, Jan – 1 Feb 1941)

1 Sqn, RCAF (21 Jun - 3 Jul 1940)

501 Sqn (4 – 25 Jul 1940, 24 Aug – 8 Oct 1942, 10 – 19 Oct 1942)

609 Sqn (6 Jul – 2 Oct 1940)

604 Sqn (27 Jul 1940 – 12 Aug 1942, 23 Aug – 7 Dec 1942)

234 Sqn (14 Aug – 11 Sep 1940)

No 420 Flt (29 Sep – 7 Dec 1940)

56 Sqn (29 Nov – 17 Dec 1940)

93 Sqn (7 Dec 1940 – 18 Nov 1941)

32 Sqn (15 Dec 1940 – 16 Feb 1941)

Fighter Experimental Establishment (23 Apr – 1 Aug 1941)

No 604 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Nov 1941 – 18 Aug 1942, 23 Aug 1942 – 31 Mar 1943)

No 1458 (Fighter) Flt (6 Dec 1941 – 8 Sep 1942)

245 Sqn (19 Dec 1941 – 26 Oct 1942)

No 3007 Servicing Echelon (19 Dec 1941 – 26 Oct 1942)

No 2813 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 – xxx xxxx)

841 Sqn FAA (17 - 23 Aug 1942)

537 Sqn (8 Sep 1942 – 25 Jan 1943)

504 Sqn (19 Oct – 30 Dec 1942)

406 Sqn (8 Dec 1942 – 31 Mar 1943)

No 501 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (23 Aug – 30 Dec 1942)

400 Sqn (27 Dec 1942 – 1 Feb 1943)

414 Sqn (1 – 20 Feb 1943, 9 Apr – 26 May 1943)

164 Sqn (8 Feb – 20 Jun 1943, 26 Apr – 31 Aug 1946)

No 3034 Servicing Echelon (17 Feb – 4 Aug 1943)

No 3034 Servicing Echelon (17 Feb – 4 Aug 1943)

247 Sqn (28 Feb – 5 Apr 1943)


256 Sqn (Feb – Mar 1941)

23 Sqn (12 - 25 Sep 1940)

254 Sqn (Feb - Mar 1941)

116 Sqn (30 Nov 1942 – Jan 1943)

247 Sqn (Aug – Sep 1942)

400 Sqn (27 Oct - 28 Dec 1942)

409 Sqn (15 - 24 Apr 1943)

488 Sqn (13 Jun 1943 - xxx xxxx)

286 Sqn (Aug - xxx 1944)

587 Sqn (Oct 1944 – Jun 1946)

285 Sqn (Nov 1944 – Jan 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

  FAA Archive Website, Officers Commanding, Atlantikwall website, Control Towers website, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Middle Wallop Wing Leaders, Personnel Listings,

RAF Middleton St George

RAF Middleton St George badge

Main units (continued): -

76 Conversion Flt (20 Jan - 16 Sep 1942)

78 Conversion Flt (Jun - 15 Sep 1942)

20 Sqn (15 Oct 1942 - 16 May 1943)

419 Sqn (10 Nov 1942 – 1 Jun 1945)

No 1535 Beam Approach Training Flt (15 Dec 1942 – 3 Jun 1943)

428 Sqn (4 Jun 1943 – 31 May 1945)

HQ, No 64 (RCAF) Base (1 May 1944 - 14 Jun 1945)

No 13 Operational Training Unit (27 Jul 1945 – 21 Apr 1947)

No 28 Gliding School (Jan 1946 – Feb 1948)

No 26 Gliding School (May 1946 – xxx xxxx, 1 Jun 1948 – 1 Sep 1955)

No 2 Air Navigation School (1 Oct 1947 – 15 May 1950)

Sub-station, No 91 Maintenance Unit (xxx 1950 – 31 Mar 1957)

No 205 Advanced Flying School (7 Sep 1950 – 1 Jun 1954)

No 4 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1954 – 9 Jun 1956)

264 Sqn (27 Feb – 26 Sep 1957)

Javelin Instrument Rating Sqn (Feb 1957 – 31 Dec 1966)

92 Sqn (1 Mar – 30 Sep 1957, 1 Oct 1958 – 22 May 1961)

No 645 Volunteer Gliding School (Aug 1958 – 26 Mar 1960)

33 Sqn (30 Sep 1958 – 31 Dec 1962)

Javelin Flt, Fighter Command Instrument Rating Sqn (3 Aug 1961 - 1 Jun 1963)

Lightning Conversion Sqn (Aug 1961 – 1 Jun 1963)

No 226 Operational Conversion Unit (1 Jun 1963 – 20 Apr 1964)

63 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)

No 11 Air Experience Flt (13 Dec 1985 – 11 Jan 1988)

Northumbrian Universities Air Sqn (19 Dec 1985 – 11 Jan 1988)


County: - Durham

Lat/Long:  54:30:45N  01:25:30W

Grid Ref:  NZ375131

Height above sea level: 115 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

No 4 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Jan 1943)

No 6 (RCAF) Group (1 Jan 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1965


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber station was issued in September 1939.

It was HQ, No 64 Base from 1 May 1944, remaining as such until 14 Jun 1945.

Opened as Teesside Airport in November 1966, now known as Durham/Tees Valley Airport

Main units: -

78 Sqn (7 Apr - 20 Oct 1941, 10 Jun 1941 - 16 Sep 1942)

76 Sqn (4 Jun 1941 - 17 Sep 1942)

No 1516 Beam Approach Training Flt (17 Nov 1941 - 16 Sep 1942, 14 Oct 1942 - 12 Dec 1942)


No 6 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (Dec 1942 – Jan 1943)

No 91 Maintenance Unit (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)

58 Sqn (28 Mar - Sep 1949)

Links to related sites/pages

 Commanding Officers, Control Towers website, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Mildenhall

RAF Mildenhall badge

Main units (continued): -

218 Sqn (13 Jun - 18 Jul 1940)

Regional Control School (Sep 1940 - 10 May 1941)

No 3 Blind Approach training Flt (27 Jan - Oct 1941)

No 401 Meteorological Flt (4 Feb - 1 Mar 1941)

No 1401 Meteorological Flt (1 Mar - 25 Oct 1941)

No 1503 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 - 5 Sep 1942)

419 Sqn (15 Dec 1941 - 13 Aug 1942)

No 721 (Ground Defence) Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

149 Sqn Conversion Flt (21 Jan - Feb 1942)

No 2721 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx 1942)

The Engine Consumption Unit (6 Mar - 24 Apr 1942)

No 1 Engine Consumption Unit (24 Apr - 14 Sep 1942)

No 2712 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 2713 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx xxxx)

75 Sqn (15 Aug - 1 Nov 1942)

No 1505 Beam Approach Training Flt (5 Sep - 3 Nov 1942)

115 Sqn (24 Sep - 8 Nov 1942, 15 Feb 1949 - 1 Mar 1950)

HQ Mildenhall Base (1 Mar - 16 Sep 1943)

No 3 Circus, Air Fighting Development Unit  (Mar - 15 Jul 1943)

15 Sqn (14 Apr 1943 - 19 Aug 1946)

622 Sqn (10 Aug 1943 - 15 Aug 1945)

No 25 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

HQ No 32 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 15 Nov 1945)

RLG for No 3 Lancaster Finishing School (Jan - May 1944)

44 Sqn (25 Aug 1945 - 29 Aug 1946)

35 Sqn (10 Feb 1949 - 23 Feb 1950)

207 Sqn (28 Feb 1949 - 1 Mar 1950)

149 Sqn (28 Feb 1949 - 1 Mar 1950)

7514th Air Base Group USAF (15 Jul 1950 - xxx xxxx)

Various detachments and rotations of B-29s, B-50s, RB-50s, KC-97s, B-47s, C-130s, C-141s, C-124s, C-133s, C-121s, C-118s, C-47s, C-5s, KC-135s and C-17.

Detachment 4, 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing USAF (xxx 1979 - xxx xxxx)

100th Air Refuelling Wing USAF (13 Jan 1992 - Current)

352nd Special Operations Group USAF (Sep 1994 - Current?)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:  52:21:45N  00:28:45E

Grid Ref:  TL690767

Height above sea level:  28ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 16 Oct 1934 (to house No 99 Sqn, SHQ opened 31 Dec 1935)

Wessex Bombing Area (16 Oct 1934 - 1 Oct 1933)

Western Area ( 1 Oct 1933 - 1 May 1936)

No 3 Group (1 May 1936 - Jul 1950)

USAFE (Jul 1950 - Current)


It was HQ, Mildenhall Base from 1 Mar 1943 until 16 Sep 1943, when it was renamed No 32 Base, remaining as the HQ until 15 Nov 1945.

Main units: -

99 Sqn (15 Nov 1934 - 1 Sep 1939)

38 Sqn (16 Sep 1935 - 5 May 1937)

RAF Meteorological Flt (3 Nov 1936 - 4 Feb 1941)

HQ, No 3 Group (11 Jan 1937 - 29 Mar 1940, 28 Oct 1946 - 1 Nov 1967)

73 Sqn (15 Mar - 12 Jun 1937)

149 Sqn (12 Apr 1937 -6 Apr 1942)

No 3 Group Communications Flt (xxx 1937 - Jul 1941, 21 Mar 1946 - 1 Oct 1964)

211 Sqn (24 Jun - 2 Sep 1937)

No 5 Group Practice Flt (Aug 1937 - xxx 1938)

HQ, No 2 Group (1 Sep - 2 Oct 1937)

Links to related sites/pages

 Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Milfield

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 59 Operational Training Unit (2 Aug 1942 - 26 Jan 1944)

No 1 Specialised Low Attack Instructors School (7 Dec 1942 - 26 Jan 1944)

184 Sqn (3 - 22 Feb 1943)

Detachment - 137 Sqn (Jul 1943 - xxx xxxx)

Fighter Leaders School (26 Jan - 16 Oct 1944)

Day Fighter Development Wing (Sep - 27 Dec 1944)

No 56 Operational Training Unit (15 Dec 1944 - 14 Feb 1946)

183 Sqn (16 - 17 Jun 1945)

No 6183 Servicing Echelon (16 - 17 Jun 1945)

164 Sqn (17 Jun 1945)

No 6164 Servicing Echelon (17 Jun 1945)


County: - Northumberland

Lat/Long:   55:35:30N  02:05:00W

Grid Ref -  NU945330

Height Above Sea Level - 150 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 5 Aug 1942

No 81 Group (5 Aug 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 12 Group (1944)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Fighter Operational Training Unit aerodrome was issued in February 1941.  In August 1941 its planned use was changed to that of a Coastal OTU but reverted to that of a Fighter OTU in January 1942.

It is now used by the Borders Gliding Club.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Officers Commanding,

RAF Mill Green

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 2 School of Airfield Construction

RAF Plant Depot

RAF Work Depot

RAF Airfield Construction Depot


County: - Hertfordshire

Lat/Long:   51:46:37N  00:11:46W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1943

Closed - 1948


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Millom

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 2 Bombing & Gunnery School (20 Jan - 1 Jun 1941)

No 2 Air Observers School (1 Jun 1941 - 18 Feb 1942)

No 820 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

'R' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (13 Sep 1941 - 7 Jan 1942)

No 2820 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942

No 2 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit (18 Feb 1942 - 9 Jan 1945)

Detachment - 776 Sqn FAA (30 Dec 1942 - 21 Apr 1944)

No 14 Air Crew Holding Unit (14 Jun - 30 Nov 1945)



County: - Cumberland (Cumbria)

Lat/Long:   54:12:00N  03:19:00W

Grid Ref -  SD138790

Height Above Sea Level - 0 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

No 25 Group (xx 1941 - 1 Jul 1942)

No 29 Group (1 Jul 1942 - 22 Nov 1943)

No 25 Group (22 Nov 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


It is now a HM Prison

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsRAF Millom Museum

RAF Mingaladon

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

681 Sqn (25 May - 27 Sep 1945)

No 14 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (27 May - 28 Oct 1945 )

No 3207 Servicing Commando (28 - 29 May 1945)

No 221 Group Communication Flt (6 Jun - 1 Nov 1945)

No 1352 Air Sea Rescue Flt (15 Jun - 10 Sep 1945)

No 85 Air Stores Park (31 Jul - 10 Oct 1945)

No 7 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (31 Jul - Dec 1945)

No 316 Maintenance Unit (Aug 1945 - 10 Feb 1946)

194 Sqn (12 Aug 1945 - 15 Feb 1946)

HQ, No 341 Wing (15 Aug 1945 - 25 May 1946)

HQ, No 185 Wing (16 Aug - 5 Sep 1945)

No 85 Repair & Salvage Unit (17 Aug 1945 - 31 Mar 1946)

267 Sqn (30 Aug 1945 - 21 Jul 1946)

No 60 Staging Post (Sep 1945)

No 67 Staging Post (Sep 1945)

62 Sqn (18 Sep 1945 - 15 Mar 1946)

AHQ Netherlands East Indies (1 - 17 Oct 1945)

AHQ Netherlands East Indies Communication Sqn (1 - 17 Oct 1945)

27 Sqn (12 Oct 1945 - 1 Feb 1946)

No 7027 Servicing Echelon (12 Oct 1945 – 1 Feb 1946)

No 232 Group Communication Flt (26 Oct - Dec 1945)

AHQ Burma Communication Flt (Nov 1945 - 15 Dec 1947)

No 1354 (DDT Spraying) Flt (10 - xx Nov 1945)

HQ, No 347 Wing (xxx - 30 Nov 1945)

20 Sqn (27 Jan - 12 Apr 1946)

No 7020 Servicing Echelon (27 Jan – 12 Apr 1946)

52 Sqn (30 Oct 1946 - 30 Jul 1947)

AHQ Burma (1 Jan - 15 Dec 1947)

18 Sqn (16 Apr - 1 Oct 1947)


Country: -  Myanmar (Burma)

Lat/Long:  16:54:36N  98:08:13E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 1 Aug 1941

C & M Party formally disbanded - 28 Mar 1942


Main units: -

60 Sqn (14 Feb 1941 - 9 Feb 1942)

No 154 Maintenance Unit (28 Jul 1941 - 26 Jan 1942)

67 Sqn (13 Oct 1941 - 28 Jan 1942)

113 Sqn (7 - 8 Jan 1942, 19 Jan - 1 Feb 1942)

135 Sqn (28 Jan - 2 Mar 1942, 6 - 7 Mar 1942)

No 81 Repair & Salvage Unit (xxx xxxx - 28 Mar 1942)

No 83 Repair & Salvage Unit (xxx xxxx - 28 Mar 1942)

No 3 Coast Defence Flt, IAFVR (17 Feb 1942 - 24 Feb 1942)

17 Sqn (6 - 7 Mar 1942)

No 4 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (xxx - 28 Mar 1942)

HQ, No 224 Group (xxx xxxx - 28 Mar 1942)

273 Sqn (5 May - 11 Sep 1945)

607 Sqn (14 May - 19 Aug 1945)

656 Sqn (16 May - 17 Jun 1945)

HQ, No 906 Wing (20 May - 13 Nov 1945)

No 132 (Mobile) Repair & Salvage Unit (20 May - 9 Nov 1945, xxx 1945 - 31 Mar 1946)

No 8 Staging Post (20 May 1945 - 25 Mar 1946)

28 Sqn (22 May - 7 Oct 1945)

No 7028 Servicing Echelon (22 May – 7 Oct 1945)

No 1582 Calibration Flt (24 May - 25 Aug 1945)


45 Sqn (Feb - Mar 1942)

113 Sqn (Feb - Mar 1942)

136 Sqn (Feb - Mar 1942)

681 Sqn (May 1944 - May 1945, Jan - May 1946)

89 Sqn (Aug 1944 - Sep 1945)

357 Sqn (Oct 1944 - Jan 1945, Mar - Nov 1945)

27 Sqn (Nov 1944 - 12 Oct 1945)

176 Sqn (Mar 1945 - Jun 1946)

31 Sqn (May - Sep 1945)

No 132 (Mobile) Repair & Salvage Unit (9 Nov - xxx 1945)

No 148 Repair & Salvage Unit (May - Dec 1945)

81 Sqn (Oct 1947 - Feb 1948)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Minneriya

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

135 Sqn (16 Jan - 9 Oct 1944)

81 Sqn (10 Aug - 15 Dec 1944)

217 Sqn (11 Aug 1942 - 10 Feb 1943)

176 Sqn (21 Aug 1944 - 31 Mar 1945)

354 Sqn (12 Oct 1944 - 18 Jan 1945)

136 Sqn (15 Dec 1944 - 7 Apr 1945)

No 7136 Servicing Echelon (2 Jan – 7 Apr 1945)

160 Sqn (7 Feb - 17 Oct 1945)

8 Sqn (12 May - 15 Nov 1945)

No 7008 Servicing Echelon (12 May - 15 Nov 1945)

89 Sqn (29 Mar - 25 Jun1944)


Country: - Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Lat/Long:  08:03:36N  80:54:47E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1942

No 222 Group (xx xxx 1942


Main Units: -

22 Sqn (30 Sep 1942 - 15 Feb 1943)

17 Sqn (14 Jan - 29 Jun 1944)


30 Sqn (Aug 1942 - Feb 1943)

89 Sqn (Jun - Aug 1944)

357 Sqn (Sep - Oct 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,


RAF Mogadishu

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 1414 Flight Detachment (Aug 1943 - 30 Apr 1945)

621 Sqn (1 Nov - 5 Dec 1943)

621 Sqn Detachment (Dec 1943 - Jan 1945)

No 105 Maintenance Unit Detachment

244 Sqn Detachment (Mar 1944 - May 1945)

6 Sqn Detachment (Nov 1947 - May 1948)

213 Sqn (17 Aug - 21  Oct 1948)

84 Sqn Detachment (Feb 1949 - Apr 1951)

8 Sqn Detachment (Jun 1949 - Jul 1950)

78 Sqn (2 - 6 Mar 1950)


Country: - Somaliland

Lat/Long:  02:00:49N  045:18:17E

Height Above Sea Level:  28 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 14 Jul 1942


It was built by th

e Italians before WW2 and is is now Aden Adde International Airport

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Molesworth

RAF Molesworth badge

Main units (continued): -

RLG for No 5 Service Flying Training School (13 Mar - 1 Apr 1942)

RLG for No 5 (Pilot) Advanced Flying Unit (1 - 16 Apr 1942)

5th Photo-Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (17 Jun - 10 Sep 1942)

303rd Bomb Group, USAAF (12 Sep 1942  - Jun 1945)

124 Sqn (15 Jul - 5 Oct 1945)

441 Sqn (16 Jul - 7 Aug 1945)

No 6441 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (16 Jul – 7 Aug 1945)

442 Sqn (16 Jul - 7 Aug 1945)

No 6345 (French) Servicing Echelon (16 Jul – 7 Aug 1945)

No 6442 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (17 Jul – 7 Aug 1945)

No 1335 (Meteor) Conversion Unit (27 Jul 1945 - 15 Aug 1946)

No 12 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (Aug- 14 Sep 1945)

No 6124 Servicing Echelon (20 Aug – 5 Oct 1945)

19 Sqn (7 Sep 1945 - 22 Jun 1946)

No 6019 Servicing Echelon (7 Sep 1945 – 2 May 1946)

No 5 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (14 Sep 1945 - 1 May 1946)

222 Sqn (23 Oct 1945 - 23 Oct 1946)

129 Sqn (9 Nov - 3 Dec 1945)

No 6129 Servicing Echelon (9 Nov – 3 Dec 1945)

234 Sqn (12 Feb - 28 Mar 1946)

No 6234 Servicing Echelon (12 Feb - 28 Mar 1946)

No 226 Operational Conversion Unit (15 Aug - 10 Oct 1946)

54 Sqn (5 - 30 Sep 1946)

No 6054 Servicing Echelon (5 – 30 Sep 1946)

Detachment - No 206 Advanced Flying School (Feb - Apr 1952)

582nd Air Resupply Group, USAF (6 Feb 1954 -25 Oct 1956)

42nd Troop Carrier Sqn, USAF (25 Oct 1956 - Dec 1957)

Detachment - 47th Bomb Wing, USAF (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

Old Weston

Detachment - 75 Sqn (Oct 1916 - Sep1917)


County: - Huntingdonshire (Cambridgeshire)

Lat/Long:   52:23:06N  00:25:15W

Grid Ref -  TL078774

Height Above Sea Level - 240 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 5 Sep 1941

No 2 Group (5 Sep - 9 Oct 1941)

No 8 Group (9 Oct 1941 - 28 Jan 1943)

1st Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (28 Jan - 20 Apr 1943)

1st Bombardment Wing, USAAF (20 Apr 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber station was issued in May 1940.

Main Units: -

No 811 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

460 Sqn (15 Nov 1941 - 4 Jan 1942)

159 Sqn (2 Jan - 12 Feb 1942)

No 2811 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

15th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (9 Jun - 13 Sep 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website


RAF Mombasa

see RAF Port Reitz

RAF Mona

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 6 Air Gunners School (22 Oct - 6 Nov 1942)

No 3 Air Gunners School (19 Dec 1942 - 3 Nov 1943)

Detachment - No 5 (Pilot) Advanced Flying Unit (13 Feb - 16 Mar 1943)

No 8 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit (15 Nov 1943 - 14 Jun 1945)

Detachment - No 1606 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (Jan -  Feb 1943, 17 - 26 Feb 1944)

Detachment - 577 Sqn (1 Apr 1944 - xxx xxxx)

No 63 Gliding School (Jun 1946 - Jan 1947)

RLG for No 202 Advanced Flying School (26 Jul 1951 - 1 Jun 1954)

RLG for No 7 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1954 - 15 Aug 1960)

RLG for No 4 Flying Training School (15 Aug 1960 - Current)


County: - Anglesey

Lat/Long:   53:15:30N  04:22:38W

Grid Ref -  SH415760

Height Above Sea Level - 185 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1942

No 25 Group (1944)

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Station website,   Control Towers website,

RAF Montrose

Used the badge of No 8 SFTS

Main units (continued): -

No 11 Reserve Sqn (7 – 14 Apr 1917)

'C' Flt, No 1 Training Depot Station (20 - 31 Jul 1917)

80 Sqn (10 Aug – 27 Nov 1917)

No 52 Training Sqn (1 Sep – 24 Nov 1917)

108 Sqn (1 – 12 Nov 1917)

No 6 Reserve Sqn (24 Nov 1917 – 15 Jul 1918)

No 36 Training Sqn (27 Nov 1917 – 15 Jul 1918)

41st Aero Sqn, USAAS (10 Mar - Apr 1918)

HQ, No 21 Group (1 Apr – 1 Jul 1918)

No 32 Training Depot Station (15 Jul 1918 – 30 May 1919)

138th Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul - xxx 1918)

‘C’ Flt, 176th Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul - xxx 1918)

No 8 Flying Training School (1 Jan 1936 – 3 Sep 1939)

No 8 Service Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 -25 Mar 1942)

233 Sqn (28 Sep – 10 Oct 1938)

269 Sqn (25 Aug – 10 Oct 1939)

232 Sqn (29 Apr – 19 Jul 1941)

No 789 Ground Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 – 1 Feb 1942)

No 2 Flying Instructors School (5 Jan 1942 – 11 Jul 1945)

No 2789 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 – xxx 1942)

No 11 Air/Sea Rescue Marine Craft Unit (28 Mar 1942 - 10 Feb 1946)

No 8 Anti-Aircraft Practice Camp (4 May – 17 Jun 1943)

No 1632 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (17 Jun – 1 Dec 1943)

Sub-site, No 44 Maintenance Unit (xxx 1945 – xxx xxxx)

Sub-site, No 260 Maintenance Unit (Jun 1945 – 15 Jan 1947)

No 63 Maintenance Unit (24 Mar 1947 – 31 Mar 1950)


County: - Angus, Scotland

Lat/Long:  56:43:40N  02:27:25W

Grid Ref:  NO722598

Height above sea level: 30 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1912

No 21 Group (1944)

Closed - 1950


HQ No 30 Wing was located in the town of Montrose  (22 Jul - Oct 1918)

The airfield remained in use by light aircraft, training by British Airways helicopters and by RAF Hercules on tactical exercises.

Main units: -

2 Sqn (26 Feb 1913 – 30 Jun 1914)

No 6 Reserve Sqn (17 Jul – Sep 1915, 20 Oct – 27 Nov 1915)

25 Sqn (25 Sep - 31 Dec 1915)

43 Sqn (15 – 19 Apr 1916)

No 18 Reserve Sqn (1 Jun 1916 – 1 Jun 1917)

No 39 Reserve Sqn (26 Aug 1916 - 1 Jun 1917)

No 18 Training Sqn (1 Jun 1917 – 15 Jul 1918)

No 39 Training Sqn (1 Jun - 3 Sep 1917)

83 (Canadian) Reserve Sqn (7 – 15 Jan 1917)

No 82 (Canada) Reserve Sqn (Jan – 20 Feb 1917)

No 85 (Canadian) Reserve Sqn (Jan – Feb 1917)


233 Sqn (Aug - 26 Sep 1938, Aug 1939 - xxx xxxx)

224 Sqn (Jan – Mar 1938)

603 Sqn (17 Jan – 14 Apr 1940, 21 Jun -  Aug 1940, Sep 1940  Oct 1940, xxx - 15 Mar 1942)

602 Sqn (Apr – May 1940, 19 Jul - xxx 1940, 2 May - 8 Jun 1941)

248 Sqn (28 May – Jul 1940)

263 Sqn (Jun – Sep 1940)

141 Sqn (22 - 30 Aug 1940)

614 Sqn (Aug 1940)

145 Sqn (30 Aug – Oct 1940)

111 Sqn (12 Oct 1940 – 5 Apr 1941, 8 Jun 1941 - xxx xxxx)

232 Sqn (5 - 29 Apr 1941)

3 Sqn (Sep – Oct 1940)

17 Sqn (Jun – Sep 1941)

310 Sqn (Jul – Oct 1941, 8 - 12 Dec 1941)

132 Sqn (1 Nov 1941, 8 Dec 1941 – Feb 1942)

611 Sqn (12 - 16 Dec 1941)

416 Sqn (14 - 28 Mar 1942)

598 Sqn (1 Dec 1943 – 7 Aug 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre, Aerial photo on Google Maps, BBC News item,

RAF Morecambe

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 9 School of Technical Training (28 Dec 1939 -17 May 1942)

No 3 WAAF Depot (1 Oct 1941 - 30 Nov 1942)

No 31 (WAAF) Recruit Centre (30 Nov 1942 - 24 Feb 1943)

No 2 Personnel Despatch Centre (25 Feb 1943 - 5 Jan 1946)

Air Crew Training Wing (Polish) (2 Dec 1943 - 14 Nov 1945)

243 Sqn (15 - 17 Dec 1944) - at No 2 PDC

Sub-site, No 61 Maintenance Unit (xxx 1947 - 13 Jul 1949)



County: - Lancashire

Lat/Long:   54:03:50N  02:54:40W Approx

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

No 20 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 25 Feb 1943)

No 28 Group (25 Feb 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


HQ was initially located as 12 Yorkshire Street, Morecambe, moving to the Clarendon Hotel in early 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of the general area on Google Maps,

RAF Moreton in Marsh

RAF Moreton in Marsh badge

Main units: -

Detachment, No 55  Operational Training Unit (27 Nov 1940 - 22 Feb 1941)

No 21 Operational Training Unit (21 Jan 1941 - 25 Nov 1946)

Ground Defence Sqn (Apr 1941)

No 740 Ground Defence Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2740 (1 Feb 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 1446 (Ferry Training) Flt (18 May 1942 - 1 May 1943)

No 311 Ferry Training Unit (1 May 1943 - 1 May 1944)

No 21 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (5 Dec 1946 - 6 Aug 1947)

No 1 Refresher School (17 Dec 1946 - 6 Aug 1947)

No 1 (Pilot) Refresher Flying Unit (6 Aug 1947 - 10 Jan 1948)

Elements of Central Flying School (xxx 1949 - 29 Jan 1951)

No 1 Flying Training School (31 Oct 1951 - 20 Apr 1955)


County: - Gloucestershire

Lat/Long:  51:59:38N  01:41:00W

Grid Ref:    SP218329

Height above sea level: 420 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

Closed - 1955


It is now home to the Fire Service College

Links to related sites/pages

Wellington Aviation Museum, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps

RAF Morpeth

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 4 Air Gunners School (17 Mar 1942 - 9 Dec 1944)

72 Sqn (4 - 12 Aug 1942)

No 3045 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (10 – 12 Aug 1942)

Detachment - No 1614 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (Apr - Jun 1943)

No 80 (French) Operational Training Unit (23 Apr - Jul 1945)


County: - Northumberland

Lat/Long:   55:07:45N  01:43:45W

Grid Ref -  NZ169818

Height Above Sea Level - 363 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 17 Mar 1942

No 25 Group (17 Mar - 1 Jul  1942)

No 29 Group (1 Jul 1942 - xx xxx xxxx

Closed - 1948


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Mosul

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Wing HQ (23 Jan 1923 - xx xxx xxxx)

6 Sqn (19 - 26 May 1924, 29 May - 14 Sep 1924, 1 Nov 1924 - 28 Oct 1929)

30 Sqn (23 Oct 1929 - 19 Oct 1936)

Supplies Depot (Iraq) (xx Mar 1933 - 2 Nov 1936)

55 Sqn (20 Mar 1921 - 19 May 1924, 19 Sep - 1 Nov 1924)

261 Sqn (27 Sep 1941 - 1 Jan 1942)

Air Ammunition Park (3 - 10 Feb 1942)

237 Sqn (1 Mar - 9 Jul 1942)

No 237 Wing (1 Apr - 26 Nov 1942)

52 Sqn (17 Aug 1942 - 22 Feb 1943)

No 1438 Flight (17 Feb - 17 Mar 1943)


Country: - Iraq

Lat/Long:   36°18′21″N 43°08′51″E

Height Above Sea Level - 719 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 1 Oct 1942

Iraq Command (1 Oct 1942 - 1 Nov 1943)

Disbanded - 1 Nov 1943


Units located there prior to the formation of the SHQ are shown for clarity.


63 Sqn (Nov 1918 - Feb 1920)

30 Sqn (Feb - Oct 1920, Dec 1922 - May 1924)

6 Sqn (Jul 1920 - Oct 1922)

55 Sqn (Sep 1920 - 20 Mar 1921, May - 19 Sep 1924, Feb 1930 - Apr 1932)

1 Sqn (Apr 1921 - Apr 1923)

8 Sqn (Dec 1921 - May 1924)

45 Sqn (Apr 1922 - Dec 1923)

84 Sqn (Oct 1928 - Dec 1934)

244 Sqn (Nov 1940 - May 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Moulmein

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 4 Coast Defence Flight IAF (22 Dec 1941 - 25 Jan 1942)


60 Sqn (Feb - Jul 1941)

AHQ Burma Communication Flight (xx - xx Apr 1946)

Country: -


Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 17 Sep 1941

C & M Party formally disbanded - 28 Mar 1942


It is now Mawlamyine Airport 

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Mount Batten

RAF Mounbt Batten badge

Main units (continued): -

No 349 Flt (15 Oct 1918 – 15 May 1919)

HQ, No 2 Wing (15 May 1919 – Apr 1920)

Flying Boat Development Flight (1 Jan – 1 May 1924)

No 482 (Coastal Reconnaissance) Flt (8 Oct 1928 – 1 Jan 1929)

203 Sqn (1 Jan – 28 Feb 1929)

Main units (Mount Batten): -

204 Sqn (1 Feb 1929 – 27 Sep 1935, 5 Aug 1936 – 2 Apr 1940)

209 Sqn (15 Jan 1930 – 1 May 1935)

No 406 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (29 May - 24 Jun 1930)

Detachment - No 408 (Fleet Fighter) Flt ( 6 - 23 Jun 1930)

No 443 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (25 May 1935 - 15 Jul 1936)

No 407 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (4 Jun 193- 15 Jul 1936)

No 444 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (4 Jun 1935- 15 Jul 1936)

No 445 (Fleet Spotter Reconnaissance) Flt (30 Aug 1935 - 15 Jul 1936)

No 702 (Catapult) Flt (15 Jul 1936- 1 Jan 1938)

No 712 (Catapult) Flt (15 Jul 1936 - 1 Jan 1938)

No 716 (Catapult) Flt (15 Jul 1936 - 1 Jan 1938)

No 720 (Catapult) Flt (15 Jul 1936 - 1 Jan 1937)

‘C’ Flt, No 2 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (16 Feb 1939 – 27 Apr 1940)

Detachment - 771 Sqn FAA (19 - 23 Aug 1939)

710 Sqn FAA (26 Aug - 1 Sep 1939)

No 10 (RAAF) Sqn (1 Apr 1940 - 28 May 1941, 5 Jan 1942 - 31 Oct 1945)

461 Sqn (26 Apr – 5 Sep 1942)

No 43 Air/Sea Rescue Marine Craft Unit (10 Apr - 9 Sep 1944)

No 238 Maintenance Unit (1 Jan 1946 – 17 Oct 1953)

No 84 Maintenance Unit (15 Mar 1946 – 1 Jan 1948)

HQ, No 19 Group (28 Jul 1947 – 28 Nov 1969)

Marine Craft Training School (21 Oct 1953 - 1 Apr 1961)

Marine Craft Training and Support Unit (1 Apr 1961 - 1 Apr 1986)

RAF School of Combat Survival & Rescue (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)


County: - Devon

Lat/Long:  50:21:32N  04:07:48W

Grid Ref:  SX483533

Operational Control: -

Opened - Feb 1917 (RNAS Cattewater)

Coastal Area (xx xxx 1920 - 1 May 1936)

Coastal Command (1 May 1936 - 1 Jan 1937)

No 16 Group (1 Jan 1937 - 14 Jun 1939)

No 15 Group (14 Jun 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

Maintenance Command (1 Jan 1946 - 1953)

No 18 Group

Closed -


Until 1 Oct 1929 it was known as RAF Cattewater

Main units (RAF Cattewater): -

No 420 Flt (May 1918 – 15 May 1919)

No 421 Flt (May 1918 – 15 May 1919)

No 347 Flt (15 Jun 1918 – Nov 1918, xxx – 15 May 1919)

No 348 Flt (15 Jul 1918 – 15 May 1919)

HQ, 72nd (Operations) Wing (8 Aug 1918 – 15 May 1919)

237 Sqn (20 Aug 1918 – 15 May 1919)

238 Sqn (20 Aug 1918 – 20 Mar 1922)


No 15 Group Communications Flt (Jun 1939 – Feb 1941)

Links to related sites/pages

FAA Archive Website, Plymouth history website, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Mount Farm

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

RLG for No 1 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (30 Dec 1940 - xxx xxxx)

Satellite - RAF Abingdon (xx xxx xxxx - 12 Feb 1942)

No 15 Operational Training Unit (25 Jul 1941 - 12 Feb 1942)

Satellite - RAF Benson (12 Feb 1942 - 15 May 1943)

140 Sqn (20 May 1942 - 13 Mar 1943)

543 Sqn (Oct 1942 - Oct 1943)

13th Photo Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (16 Feb - 7 Jul 1943)

14th Photo Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (12 May - 7 Jul 1943)

22nd Photo Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (8 Jun - 7 Jul 1943)

7th Photo Reconnaissance & Meteorological Group USAAF (7 Jul 1943 - 22 Mar 1945)

No 8 Operational Training Unit (21 Jun 1945 - 19 Oct 1946)

No 34 Wing Support Unit (12 Jul - 1 Aug 1945)

540 Sqn (23 Sep - 6 Nov 1945)


County: - Oxfordshire

Lat/Long:   51:39:50N  01:09:30W

Grid Ref -  SU583965

Height Above Sea Level - 139 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1940

Bomber Command (xx xxx xxxx - 12 Feb 1942)

Coastal Command (12 Feb 1942 - 15 May 1943)

8th USAAF (15 May 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


This was originally approved for requisition in August 1939 as a satellite for Benson.

Main units: -

RLG for No 12 Operational Training Unit (Aug 1940 - 23 Jul 1941)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website

RAF Mount Pleasant

RAF Mount Pleasant badge

Main units: -

No 1312  Flt (20 Aug 1983 - Current)

23 Sqn (21 Apr 1986 - 31 Oct 1988)

No 1435 Flt (1 Nov 1988 - Current)

No 905 Expeditionary Air Wing (1 Apr 2006 - Current)

78 Sqn (1 May 1986 - xx Dec 2007)


Country: -  Falkland Islands

Lat/Long:  51:49:22S  58:26:50W

Height Above Sea Level:  243 ft

Operational Control: -



Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Mullaghmore

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

RLG for No 7 Operational Training Unit (28 Dec 1942 - 4 Jan 1944)

‘A’ Flt , No 104 Operational Training Unit (2 Oct 1943 - 18 Jan 1944)

No 4 Refresher Flying Unit (29 Sep - 5 Oct 1944)

Loran Training Unit (5 Oct 1944 - 3 Apr 1945)

Detachment - 281 Sqn (Oct 1944 - 7 Feb 1945)

Detachment - 842 Sqn (1 - 2 Nov 1944)

850 Sqn FAA (6 Nov - 24 Dec 1944)

825 Sqn FAA (7 Nov - 11 Dec 1944)

1771 Sqn FAA (8 Jan - 7 Feb 1945)

815 Sqn FAA (6 Jan - 15 Mar 1945)

281 Sqn (7 Feb - 31 Mar 1945)


County: - County Londonderry

Lat/Long:   55:01:53N  06:35:38W

Grid Ref -  C898212

Height Above Sea Level - 42 ft

Railway Station - Aghadowey NCC

Operational Control: -

Opened - 17 Aug 1942 (C & M)

RAFNI (17 Aug 1942 - 20 Dec 1943)

VIII Air Force Composite Command (20 Dec 1943 - 1 May 1944)

C & M, RAFNI (1 May - 23 Sep 1944)

No 15 Group (23 Sep 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


Originally intended for FTC, it was transferred to Coastal Command whilst under construction.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website

RAF Muharraq

RAF Bahrain badge#

Motto: In Sole Laborate (Work in the sun)

Authorised:  Queen Elizabeth II - June 1958 (as RAF Station Bahrein)

Main units: -

No 40 Staging Post (8 Mar 1943 - 1 Jun 1946)

No 35 Air Despatch & Reception Unit (xxx 1943 - Sep 1944)

No 158 Repair & Salvage Unit (1 Jul - 10 Nov 1945)

No 1417 Communications Flt (1 Nov 1953 - 1 Oct 1958)

152 Sqn (1 Oct 1958 - 15 Nov 1967)

HQ, RAF Persian Gulf (4 Jul 1959 - 1 Sep 1967)

208 Sqn (8 Jun 1964 - 10 Sep 1971)

30 Sqn (1 Sep 1964 - 7 Sep 1967)

105 (6 Aug 1967 - 1 Feb 1968)

HQ Air Forces Gulf (1 Sep 1967 - 15 Dec 1971)

8 Sqn (8 Sep 1967 - 21 Dec 1971)

Air Forces Gulf Communications Sqn (15 Sep 1967 - 8 May 1968)

Search & Rescue Flt Muharraq (Dec 1967 - 31 May 1971)

Marine Craft Flt (xxx xxxx - xxx 1971)

Gulf Communications Flt (10 Dec 1967 -12 Dec 1970)

Gulf Communications Search and Rescue Sqn (COMSAR) (Oct 1968 - xxx 1971)

Search and Rescue Sqn (12 Dec 1970 - xxx 1971)

No 1004 Signals Unit (Jun 1969 - xxx xxxx)

84 Sqn (30 Dec 1970 - 1 Oct 1971)


Country: - Bahrain

Lat/Long:  26:16:12N  50:37:59E

Height Above Sea Level: 6 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened (C & M) - 2 Apr 1943 (as Bahrain)

AHQ Iraq and Persia (2 Apr 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 15 Dec 1971


Originally known as RAF Bahrain, it is now Bahrain International Airport.


84 Sqn (Oct 1928 - Feb 1939)*

212 Sqn (Dec 1942 - May 1945)*

413 Sqn (Apr 1942 - Jan 1945)*

294 Sqn (Jun 1945 - Apr 1946)†

*Detachments to Bahrain

73 Sqn (Jan - Mar 1954)†

No 1426 Flt (8 Mar - 17 May 1956, 17 Nov - 20 Dec 1956)†

208 Sqn (Dec 1961 - Jun 1964)†

8 Sqn (Oct 1961 - Aug 1967)†

†Detachments to Muharraq

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Murlough

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 19 Satellite Landing Ground (1 May 1941 - Feb 1945)

Detachment - 88 Sqn (26 May - 23 Jun 1941)


County: - County Antrim

Lat/Long:   55:12:36N  06:06:58W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

[Machrihanish | Macmerry | Madley | Maghaberry | Maiduguri | Maison Blanche | Malvern | Manby | Manorbier | Manston | Marham | Market Harborough | Marston Moor | Martlesham Heath | Masirah | Matching | Matlask | Matruh West | Mauripur | Mauritius | Mawatagama | Maydown | Medan | Medmenham | Meir | Melbourne | Meiktila | Melksham | Melton Mowbrey | Membury | Mendlesham | Mepal | Mergui | Merryfield | Mersa Matruh | Metfield | Metheringham | Methwold | Middleton St George | Middle Wallop | Mildenhall | Milfield | Mill Green | Millom | Mingaladon | Minneriya | Molesworth | Mombasa | Mona | Montrose | Morecambe | Moreton in Marsh | Morpeth | Mosul | Moulmein | Mount Batten | Mount Farm | Mount Pleasant | Mullaghmore | Muharraq | Murlough]

Station badges on this page are courtesy of Dave Clifford except those marked #

Badges marked # have been produced by Mary Denton on behalf of the RAF Heraldry Trust and are displayed on this page with the permission of the RAFHT.  Mary Denton and the RAFHT have probably completed half of the 'official' badges authorised but are still looking for sponsorship for the remaining badges. The work continues and details can be found on their website.

**Detachment dates indicate that a detachment (s) took place at some point between these dates.

© Crown Copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights

This page was last updated on 21/07/24

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