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RAF Stations - Y & Z

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Yatesbury | Yeadon | Yelahanka | York | Yundum | Zeals]

RAF Yatesbury

No badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

Detachment - 104th Aero Sqn, USAAS (24 Dec 1917 - 9 Jul 1918)

7th Training Sqn, AFC (14 Jan - 23 Feb 1918)

No 36 Training Depot Station (15 Jul 1918 -  - 15 May 1919)

No 37 Training Depot Station (15 Jul 1918 -  - 15 May 1919)

199th Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul 1918 - xxx xxxx)

73 Sqn (10 Feb - 2 Jul 1919)

65 Sqn (12 Feb - 25 Oct 1919)

54 Sqn (17 Feb - 25 Oct 1919)

66 Sqn (10 - 29 Mar 1919)

No 1 (Yatesbury ) Wing (15 May 1919 - xxx xxxx)

No 2 Civil Air Navigation School (26 Sep 1938 - 1 Nov 1939)

No 2 Electrical and Wireless School (1 Dec 1938 - 26 Aug 1940)

No 10 Elementary Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 - 7 Sep 1940)

No 2 Air Observer & Navigation School (1 Nov 1939 - 14 Dec 1940)

Special Signals School (18 Jan 1940 - 1 Mar 1941)

Bristol Wireless Flight (14 May 1940 - Jul 1945)

HQ, No 5 Wing (4 - 16 Jun 1940)

No 6 Air Stores Park (18 - 20 Jun 1940)

No 2 Signals School (26 Aug 1940 - 1 Jan 1943)

No 50 Group Pool (xxx - xxx 1940)

No 2 Radio School (1 Mar 1941 - 21 May 1942, 1 Jan 1943 - 31 Oct 1965)

No 807 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2807 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

No 2 Radio Direction Finding School (21 May 1942 - 1 Jan 1943)

No 9 Radio School (1 Jan 1943 - 30 Jan 1946)

Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) Wing (10 Jul - xxx 1944)

No 2 Elementary Flying Training School (9 Jul 1945 - 30 Sep 1947)

HQ, No 27 Group (20 Jul 1953 - 1 May 1954)

Casualty Evacuation Flt (14 Aug - 23 Dec 1956)

HQ, No 215 Wing (Aug 1956 - 15 Jan 1957)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:  51:25:54N  01:54:00W

Grid Ref:  SU060710

Height above sea level: 570 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1917

21th (Training) Wing (1916-18)

No 27 Group (1944)

Closed - 1969


Used as a sub-site for No 10 MU in 1940

Main units: -

No 55 Reserve Sqn (22 Nov 1916 - 1 Jun 1917)

No 59 (Reserve) Sqn (30 Apr - 1 Jun 1917)

No 62 Reserve Sqn (10 May - 1 Jun 1917)

No 66 Reserve Sqn (10 May 1917 - 15 Jul 1918)

HQ, 28th Wing RFC (1 Jun 1917 - 15 May 1919)

No 13 Training Sqn (1 Jun 1917 - 15 Jul 1918)

No 55 Training Sqn (1 Jun 1917 - 23 Jul 1917)

No 59 Training Sqn (1 Jun - 30 Oct 1917)

No 66 Training  Sqn (1 Jun 1917 - 15 Jul 1918)

28 Sqn (23 Jul - 8 Oct 1917, 10 - 29 Mar 1919)

99 Sqn (15 - 30 Aug 1917)

No 17 Training Sqn (8 Oct 1917 - 15 Jul 1918)

No 16 Training Sqn (30 Oct 1917 - 15 Jul 1918)

No 32 Training (AFC) Sqn (xxx 1917 - 14 Jan 1918)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Yatesbury Association website, Officers Commanding, Atlantikwall website, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Yeadon

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

609 Sqn (10 Feb 1936 - 27 Aug 1939)

No 51 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1940 - 14 Jul 1945)

No 20 Elementary Flying Training School (17 Mar 1941 - 9 Jan 1942)

Detachment of Leeds University Air Sqn (Apr 1941 - 15 Dec 1945)

No 23 Gliding School (May 1943 - Mar 1948)

609 Sqn (2 Sep 1946 - 6 Oct 1950)

Leeds University Air Sqn (22 Apr 1947 - 1 May 1948, 18 Mar 1954 - 2 Nov 1959)

No 1964 Reserve AOP Flt, 664 Sqn (1 Sep 1949 - 2 Feb 1953, 1 Jun 1954 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 9 Air Experience Flt (8 Sep 1958 - 2 Nov 1959)


No 6 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (Aug 1941 - 22 Jul 1942)


County: - West Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   53:51:57N  01:39:38W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (as RAF Station) - 23 Aug 1939

No 13 Group (23 Aug 1939 - 1 Sep 1940)

No 12 Group (1 Sep 1940 - 17 Mar 1941)

No 51 Group (17 Mar 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


It is now Leeds Bradford International Airport.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsPersonnel Listings,

RAF Yelahanka

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

261 Sqn (27 Apr - 15 Aug 1944)

30 Sqn (25 May - 13 Sep 1944)

79 Sqn (26 May - 17 Sep 1944)

146 Sqn (5 Jun - 13 Aug 1944)

No 1670 (Thunderbolt) Conversion Unit (20 Jun  1944 - 24 Jan 1945)

258 Sqn (14 Aug - 8 Oct 1944)

134 Sqn (15 Aug - 6 Oct 1944)

No 2 Det, No 139 Repair & Salvage Unit (xxx 1944 - Jan 1946)

No 58 Staging Post (1 Sep 1944 - 20 Aug 1946)

5 Sqn (16 Sep - 24 Oct 1944, 3 - 10 Nov 1946)

No 7005 Servicing Echelon (30 Sep – 24 Oct 1944)

123 Sqn (20 Sep - 24 Oct 1944)

No 7123 Servicing Echelon (30 Sep – 24 Oct 1944)

No 7134 Servicing Echelon (30 Sep – 4 Oct 1944)

47 Sqn (7 Oct - 6 Nov 1944)

No 7047 Servicing Echelon (8 Oct – 6 Nov 1944)

110 Sqn (26 Oct 1944 - 11 Mar 1945)

No 7110 Servicing Echelon (26 Oct 1944 – 1 Mar 1945)

84 Sqn (31 Oct 1944 - 23 Apr 1945)

No 7084 Servicing Echelon (31 Oct 1944 – 23 Apr 1945)

211 Sqn (13 May - 11 Jul 1945)

No 224 Group Communication Flt (Jul - 9 Sep 1945)

No 8 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (Aug - 28 Oct 1945)

No 11 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (Sep  - 28 Oct 1945)

No 2 (Indian) Group Communication Flt (1 May 1946 - 1 Jun 1947)

152 Sqn (13 May - 18 Jun 1946)


Country - Karnataka, India

Lat/Long:  13:08:09N  77:36:21E

Height above sea level:  3.045 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 5 Apr 1944

No 225 Group (5 Apr 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)


It is now an active Indian Air Force station in Southern Air Command (2008).

Main Units: -

Calibration Unit (Jul 1942 - 13 Sep 1943)

42 Sqn (7 Dec 1942 - 12 Mar1943)

HQ, No 171 Wing (2 May - 2 Jun 1943)

No 23 Care & Maintenance Party (7 May 1943 - May 1944)

60 Sqn (14 May - 7 Jul 1943, 31 Jul - 1 Sep 1943)

No 3 Meteorological Flt (1 - 31 Jul 1943)

135 Sqn (6 Jul - 22 Nov 1943)

No 2 Air Transit Section (16 Jul 1943 - 1 Sep 1944)

No 1302 Meteorological Flt (31 Jul 1943 - 14 Mar 1944)

11 Sqn (15 Aug - 15 Sep 1943)

113 Sqn (31 Aug - 2 Oct 1943)

No 1580 Calibration Flt (13 Sep 1943 - 4 Aug 1944)

Reinforcement Staging Post (19 Dec 1943 - 1 Sep 1944)

No 225 Group Communication Flt (10 Jan 1944 - May 1946)

No 1672 (Mosquito) Conversion Unit (1 Feb - 3 Jun 1944, 29 Oct 1944 - 10 Aug 1945)

45 Sqn (4 Feb - 1 May 1944)

No 21 Armament Practice Camp (31 Mar - 23 Sep 1944)


84 Sqn (Apr - Aug 1943)

42 Sqn (May - Oct 1943)

No 171 Wing (27 Jun - 5 Jul 1943)

684 Sqn (May 1944 - Ma 1945)

60 Sqn (Jun - Jul 1945)

5 Sqn (Jan - Jul 1947)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF York (Clifton)

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 4 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1940 - xxx 1942)

No 773 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2773 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

Detachment - 613 Sqn (Sep 1940 - Jul 41)

No 33 Wing Communication Flt (15 Aug 1941 - 1 Jul 1943)

4 Sqn (27 Aug 1941 - 1 Mar 1943, 12 Mar 1943 - 20 Mar 1943)

Detachment - 169 Sqn (Jun 1942 - Oct 1942)

169 Sqn (15 Nov 1942 - 20 Dec 1942)

231 Sqn (21 Mar 1943 - 7 Jul 1943)

430 Sqn (9 Feb 1944 - 25 Feb 1944)

613 Sqn (xxx 1940 - xxx 1941, 28 May 1943 - 20 Jun 1943)

614 Sqn (Mar 1941 - Jul 1941)

809 Sqn FAA (28 Dec 1942 - 22 Mar 1943)

657 Sqn (26 Jun 1943 - 15 Aug 1943)

658 Sqn (30 Aug 1943 - 31 Dec 1943)

659 Sqn (17 Aug 1943 - 23 Apr 1944)

No 4 Aircraft Delivery Flight (8 Mar 1944, - 7 xxx 1945, 5 Jun - 31 Oct 1945)


County: - North Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   53:59:15N  01:05:45W

Grid Ref -  SE590550

Height Above Sea Level - 30 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Fighter Command (xx xxx xxxx - 1 May 1941)

Army Co-operation Command (1 May - 15 Aug 1941)

No 33 Wing (15 Aug 1941 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 12 Group (1 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

(C & M) ( 7 Aug 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Approval for the acquisition of this airfield was issued in September 1939.

The name was changed to Clifton on ?

It is now a shopping centre.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website,

RAF Yundum

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

200 Sqn (13 Mar 1943 - 4 May 1944)

HQ, No 295 Wing (21 Sep 1944 - 1 Aug 1945)

No 54 Staging Post (22 Oct 1945 - 18 Jul 1946)

Detachments: -

128 Sqn (Oct 1941 - Mar 1943)

541 Sqn (Feb - Oct 1946)

82 Sqn (Oct 1946 - Jun 1947)


Country: - Gambia

Lat/Long:  13:20:17N   16:39:08W

Height Above Sea Level:  95 ft

Operational Control: -



It is now known as Banjul International Airport

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Zeals

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

174 Sqn (12 Mar - 5 Apr 1943)

182 Sqn (12 - 13 Mar 1943)

184 Sqn (12 Mar - 4 May 1943)

No 610 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (12 Mar – 1 Apr 1943)

No 3209 Servicing Commando (8 May - 6 Jul 1943)

No 3210 Servicing Commando (8 May - 3 Aug 1943)

No 3207 Servicing Commando (9 May - 7 Jul 1943)

No 3205 Servicing Commando (12 Jun - 19 Jul 1943)

263 Sqn (19 Jun 1943 - 12 Jul 1943)

488 Sqn (11 May - 28 Jul 1944)

HQ, No 147 Wing (12 May - 29 Jun 1944)

410 Sqn (18 Jun -28 Jul 1944)

HQ, No 149 Wing (29 Jun - 28 Jul 1944)

604 Sqn (25 - 28 Jul 1944)

949 (Balloon) Sqn (11 Aug - 15 Dec 1944)

Glider Pick-Up Training Flt (8 Jan - 19 Mar 1945)

760 Sqn FAA (10 Apr -12 Sep 1945)

704 Sqn FAA (11 Apr - 4 Sep 1945)

771 Sqn FAA (25 Jul - 12 Sep 1945)

759 Sqn FAA (Yeovilton 19 Sep 1945 - 7 Jan 1946)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:   51:05:30N  02:18:45W

Grid Ref -  ST777325

Height Above Sea Level - 550 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 May 1942

No 10 Group (15 May 1942 - 1 Oct 1944)

C & M (23 Aug 1943 - 1 Oct 1944)

No 11 Balloon Centre (1 Oct 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as an aerodrome was issued in July 1940.

Main Units: -

286 Sqn (26 May - 21 Aug 1942, 28 Jul - 28 Sep 1944)

No 3031 Servicing Echelon (23 Aug - 23 Dec 1942)

No 3042 Servicing Echelon (23 Aug – 23 Dec 1942)

66 Sqn (24 Aug - 26 Sep 1942, 29 Sep - 8 Oct 1942, 9 Oct - 1 Nov 1942, 14 Nov - 23 Dec 1942)

118 Sqn (24 Aug - 23 Dec 1942)

421 Sqn (21 - 24 Oct 1942, )

132 Sqn (1 Mar - 5 Apr 1943)


421 Sqn (1 - 14 Nov 1942)

No 3 Glider Training Unit (21 Oct - 9 Dec 1944)

No 107 (Transport) Operational Training Unit (20 Jan 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive Website, Atlantikwall website Control Towers website,

[Yatesbury | Yeadon | Yelahanka | York | Yumdum | Zeals]

**Detachment dates indicate that a detachment(s) took place at some point between these dates.

This page was last updated on 16/07/24©

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