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RAF Stations - V

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Vaagar | Valley | Vavuniya | Vis | Vizagapatam]

RAF Vaagar

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No units listed


Country: -  Faroe Islands

Lat/Long:  62:03:49N  07:16:38W

Height Above Sea Level:  280 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 10 Jun 1942

Costal Command (10 Jun 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


It is now Vαagar Airport

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Valley

RAF Valley badge

Main units (continued): -

350 Sqn (12 Nov 1941 - 19 Feb 1942)

131 Sqn (4 Mar - 16 Apr 1942)

No 3037 Servicing Echelon (4 Mar – 11 Apr 1942)

406 Sqn (31 Mar - 15 Nov 1943)

No 604 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (31 Mar – 13 Apr 1943)

125 Sqn (14 Nov 1943 - 25 Mar 1944)

No 6125 Servicing Echelon (22 – 25 Mar 1944)

157 Sqn (26 Mar - 7 May 1944)

No 6157 Servicing Echelon (26 Mar – 1 May 1944)

No 1528 Beam Approach Training Flt (1 Nov 1944 - 15 Sep 1945)

No 1555 Radio Aids Training Flt (15 Sep - 17 Dec 1945)

No 9 Section, No 1552 Beam Approach Training Flt, (8 May - 29 Jul 1946)

No 1513 Radio Aids Training Flt (13 May - 31 Aug 1946)

No 10 Air Gunners School (1 Dec 1946 - 1 Jul 1947)

No 63 Gliding School (Jan 1947 - 31 Mar 1948)

No 2 (Pilot) Refresher Flying Unit (6 Aug 1947 - 8 Mar 1948)

20 Sqn (19 Jul 1949 - 16 Sep 1951)

Coastal Command Aircraft Preparation & Modification Flt (12 Mar - 28 May 1951)

No 202 Advanced Flying School (1 Apr 1951 - 1 Jun 1954)

No 7 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1954 - 15 Aug 1960)

No 6 Trials Unit (5 Jan 1955 - Aug 1957)

'C' Flt, 22 Sqn (15 Feb 1955 - Current)

Guided Weapons Development Sqn (1 Jun 1957 - 31 Dec 1958)

Guided Weapons Training Sqn (1 Jan 1959 - 1 Jun 1962)

Fighter Command Missile Practice Camp (1 Jun 1962 - 30 Apr 1968)

Strike Command Air-to-Air Missile Establishment (30 Apr 1968 - Current)

No 4 Flying Training School (15 Aug 1960 - Current)

‘C’ Flt, 22 Sqn  (Feb 1963 - xxx 1977)

SAR Training Unit (3 Dec 1979 - 31 Mar 1997)

No 208 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Apr 1994 - Current)

No 19 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Oct 1994 - xxx 2013)

No 74 (Reserve) Sqn (5 Oct 1994 - 22 Sep 2000)

HQ & ‘C’ Flt, 22 Sqn  (xxx xxxx - Current)

203 (Reserve) Sqn (xxx 2008 - Current)

4 Sqn (24 Nov 2011 - Current)


County: - Anglesey

6 miles SE of Holyhead

Lat/Long:  53:15:00N  04:32:15W

Grid Ref:  SH305758

Height above sea level:  26ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 Mar 1941 (as RAF Rhosneigr)

No 9 Group (15 Mar 1941 - 18 Mar 1944)

No 44 Group (18 Mar 1944 - xx Apr 1948)

No 12 Group (Apr 1948

Flying Training Command (Mar 1951 - 1968)

Training Command (1968 -

Support Command

Personnel & Training Command


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Sector fighter station was issued in July 1940.  It was originally known as Rhosneigr, but the name was changed in April 1941.

Main units: -

312 Sqn (3 Mar - 25 Apr 1941)

258 Sqn (17 - 22 Apr 1941)

615 Sqn (21 Apr - 11 Sep 1941)

456 Sqn (30 Jun 1941 - 29 Mar 1943)

No 9 Group Target Towing Flt (16 Jul - 8 Dec 1941)

No 710 (Ground Defence) Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

242 Sqn (16 Sep - 1 Nov 1941)

275 Sqn (15 Oct 1941 - 20 Apr 1944)

No 1486 Flt (30 Oct 1941 - 8 Jul 1943)

No 2710 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx 1942)


219 Sqn (Dec 1940 - Jun 1942)

302 Sqn (20 Jun - 11 Jul 1941)

403 Sqn (11 - 17 Jul 1941)

605 Sqn (5 - 8 Aug 1941)

315 Sqn (23 May - xxx 1942)

247 Sqn (Sep 1942 - Feb 1943)

281 Sqn (Nov 1942 - Mar 1943, Mar - Aug 1945)

23 Operational Training Unit (Dec 1942 - xxx xxxx)

195 Sqn (2 Apr 1943 - xxx xxxx)

285 Sqn (May - Aug 1943)

Telecommunications Flying Unit (18 Jul 1944 - xxx xxxx)

650 Sqn (Nov 1944 - Jun 1945)

1606 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (Dec 1944 - xxx xxxx)

No 206 Advanced Flying School (23 Feb - 1 Jun 1954)

845 Sqn FAA (11 - 13 Jun 1973)

826 Sqn FAA (16 - 23 Feb 1976)

819 Sqn FAA (29 Sep - 7 Oct 1986)

University of Wales Air Sqn (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

Links to related sites/pages

Station Website, TGDA website, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Vavuniya

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

89 Sqn (26 Oct 1943 - 29 Mar 1944, 25 Jun - 18 Aug 1944)

No 11 RAF Mobile Servicing Unit (Torpedo) (10 Jan 1944 - 30 Sep 1945)

17 Sqn (29 Jun - 20 Nov 1944)

No 1579 Calibration Flt (7 Jul - 18 Sep 1944)

176 Sqn (18 - 24 Aug 1944)

217 Sqn (7 Sep 1944 - 29 Jun 1945)

No 121 Repair & Salvage Unit (24 - 25 Oct 1944 - xxx 1945)

132 Sqn (20 Jan - 25 Jun 1945)


Country: - Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Lat/Long:  08:44:24N  80:29:49E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -



Main Units: -

22 Sqn (15 Feb 1943 - 21 Apr 1944, 7 Jul  - 23 Dec 1944)


176 Sqn (May 1943 - Aug 1944)

60 Sqn (Aug - Sep 1943)

47 Sqn (Apr - Oct 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,


No Badge authorised

Detachments** (except^): -

1435 Sqn (Nov 1943 - Jun 1944)

6 Sqn (Feb 1944 - Apr 1945)

253 Sqn (May - Jul 1944)

'C' Detachment, No 110 Maintenance Unit (by 15 Jul - xx Dec 1944)

73 Sqn (Jul - Sep 1944)

249 Sqn (Jul - Sep 1944)

352 Sqn (Aug 1944 - Jan 1945)

351 Sqn (Sep 1944 - Mar 1945)

'B' Detachment, No 110 Maintenance Unit (by 1 Nov - xx Dec 1944)

352 Sqn^ (25 Jan - 4 Apr 1945)


Country: - Yugoslavia

Lat/Long:  43:02:33N 16:09:09E

Height above sea level:  ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 28 July 1944

Balkan Air Force (28 Jul 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Vizagapatam

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

84 Sqn (17 Nov 1942 - 13 Jan 1943)

No 230 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (2 Aug 1944 - Feb 1945)

No 240 Air-Sea Rescue Unit (Oct 1944 - F15 Oct 1945)

No 34 Staging Post (1 Sep 1944 - 1 Oct 1946)

No 88 Air Stores Park (27 Nov - 12 Dec 1944)

No 7005 Servicing Echelon (10 – 24 Jun 1945, 30 Aug – 9 Sep 1945)

89 Sqn (25 Jun - 18 Aug 1944)

30 Sqn (3 Jul - 12 Sep 1945, 2 Oct - 4 Dec 1945)

No 7030 Servicing Echelon (7 Jul – 12 Sep 1945, 2 Oct – 4 Dec 1945)

615 Sqn (8 Jul - 25 Sep 1945)

HQ, No 905 Wing (Jul - 12 Sep 1945)

81 Sqn (30 Aug - 25 Sep 1945)

No 7081 Servicing Echelon (30 Aug – 25 Sep 1945)

No 102 Air Sores Park (14 Nov 1945 - 20 Jan 1946)


Country - Andhra Pradesh, India.

Lat/Long:  17:43:16N   83:13:28E

Height above sea level:  15 ft

Operational Control: -



It is now known as Vishakhapatnam Naval Air Station and is also a civilian airport.

Main units: -

No 106 (Coast Defence) Flt, IAF (Jan - xxx 1942)

No 6 Coast Defence Flt, IAFVR (Mar - 1 Apr 1942)

No 104 (Coast Defence) Flt, IAF (1 Apr - xxx 1942, 31 Aug  - 1 Dec 1942)

No 346 Maintenance Unit (4 May 1944 - 12 Jun 1945)

5 Sqn (25 Jun - 16 Sep 1944, 10 - 24 Jun 1945, 30 Aug - 12 Sep 1945,2 Nov - 5 Dec 1945)


135 Sqn (Mar 1942 - Jan 1943)

62 Sqn (Jun 1942 - Jan 1943)

136 Sqn (Jun - Sep 1942)

155 Sqn (Aug - Oct 1942)

215 Sqn (Aug - Oct 1942)

42 Sqn (Dec 1942 - Feb 1943)

89 Sqn (Oct 1943 - Mar 1944)

203 Sqn (Oct 1944 - Feb 1945)

No 22 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (27 Jul - xxx 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

[Vaagar | Valley | Vavuniya | Vizagapatam]

**Detachment dates indicate that a detachment(s) took place at some point between these dates.

Squadron badge image on this page is courtesy of Steve Clements

© Crown Copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights

This page was last updated on 14/07/24©

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