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Foreign Honours and Decorations awarded to RAF Personnel

Listed below are the abbreviations used in the the biographical section to indicate foreign awards made to RAF Personnel.

Abbreviation used in text Award Country of issue
AFC (G) Air Force Cross Greece
AFC (V) Air Force Cross Venezuela
AM (US) Air Medal United States of America
ASM As Samood Medal Oman
AVM (B) Al Vittore Mlitare, Bronze Italy
BL Bronze Lion Netherlands
BSM Bronze Star Medal United States of America
CBD (SC) Cloud and Banner Decoration with Special Cravat China
CBD (SBK) Cloud and Banner Decoration with Special Badge and Knot China
CBD (SR) Cloud and Banner Decoration with Special Rosette China
CBD (SN) Cloud and Banner Decoration with Special Necklet China
CdeG (F) Croix de Guerre France
CdeG (F) (BS) Croix de Guerre (with Bronze Star) France
CdeG (P&S) (F) Croix de Guerre with Palm and Star France
CdeG (I) Croce di Guerra Italy
CdeG (P) Croix de Guerre with Palms France
CdeG (P) (B) Croix de Guerre 1940 with Palms Belgium
CdeG (B) Croix de Guerre Belgium
CMC Czechoslovak Military Cross Czechoslovakia
CLoM (Cdr) Legion of Merit (Commander) Czechoslovakia
CS2 Order of the Crown of Siam, 2nd Class Siam
CWC Czechoslovak War Cross Czechoslovakia

Cwn, O

Order of the Crown, Officer


Cwn, C

Order of the Crown, Chevalier Belgium

Cwn, C & CdeG (P)

Order of the Crown, Chevalier with Croix de Guerre with Palms Belgium

Cwn (Cdr)

Order of the Crown, Commander Belgium

Cwn-P (Cdr)

Order of the Crown with Palm, Commander Belgium

Cwn-P (GC)

Order of the Crown with Palm, Grand Commander Belgium

Cwn, GO

Order of the Crown, Grand Officer Belgium

Cwn, Cdr

Crown, Commander  Italy

Cwn, Off

Crown, Officer  Italy

Cwn, Gr Off

Crown, Grand Officer  Italy
DFC (G) Greek Distinguished Flying Cross Greece
DFC (US) Distinguished Flying Cross United States of America
DFC (N) Dutch Flying Cross Netherlands
DSM (US) Distinguished Service Medal  United States of America
DSM (USN)  US Navy Distinguished Service Medal  United States of America
EN2 El Hahda, 2nd Class  Hejaz
EN3 El Hahda, 3rd Class  Hejaz

Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown with Palms

GC: ROSG (cs)

Gold Cross, Royal Order of St. George with crossed swords

Greece Greek awards
GC (G)

Gold Cross

Greece Greek awards
GI(s)C Royal Order of George I (with swords), Commander Greece Greek awards
GI(s)O Royal Order of George I (with swords), Officer Greece Greek awards
GI-GC Royal Order of George I (with Swords), Grand Cross Greece Greek awards
GI-GdC Royal Order of George I, Gold Cross Greece Greek awards
GI-GO Royal Order of George I, Grand Officer Greece Greek awards
GI-Cdr Royal Order of George I, Commander Greece Greek awards
GI-O Royal Order of George I, Officer Greece Greek awards

General Service Medal (‘Dhofar’ clasp)

GOOC Grand Officer of the Order of Couronne Belgium
GWC War Cross Greece Greek awards
JMN Johan Mangku Negara Malaya
KH VII LC King Haakon VII Liberty Cross Norway
KH VII FC King Haakon VII Freedom Medal Norway
KLO1 Kuwait Liberation Order, 1st Grade Kuwait
KW Krzyz Walecznych (Cross of Valour) Poland
Leo, Cdr Order of Leopold, Commander Belgium
Leo, Knt Order of Leopold, Knight? Belgium
Leo, (O) Order of Leopold, Officer Belgium
LeoP (Cdr) Order of Leopold with Palms, Commander Belgium
LeoP (O) Order of Leopold with Palms, Officer Belgium
LeoP (C) Order of Leopold with Palms,  Chevalier Belgium
LeoII (GO) Order of Leopold II with Palms, Grand Officer Belgium
LeoII (Cdr) Order of Leopold II with Palms, Commander Belgium
LM Libyan Medal Italy
LoH, C Legion of Honour, Croix de Chevalier  France
LoH, O Legion of Honour, Officer  France
LoH, Cdr Legion of Honour, Croix de Commandeur  France
LoH, GO Legion of Honour, Grand Officier  France
LoH, GC Legion of Honour, Grand Commandeur  France
LoM (CC) Legion of Merit (Chief Commander) United State of America
LoM (Cdr) Legion of Merit (Commander) United State of America
LoM (O) Legion of Merit (Officer) United State of America
LoM (L) Legion of Merit (Legionnaire) United State of America
MC1 (B) Military Cross, First Class Belgium
MC II (G) Military Cross Class II Greece
MDBS Medal for Distinguished Battle Service USSR
MM3 Military Medal, 3rd Class Greece
MMV (S) Medal for Military Valour, Silver: Italy
MoM1 Medal of Merit, 1st Class Czechoslovakia
N (Cdr) Order of the Nile, Insignia of Commander Egypt
N2 Order of the Nile, 2nd Class  Egypt
N3 Order of the Nile, 3rd Class  Egypt
NOSC (GC) National Order of the Southern Cross (Grand Cross) Brazil
NWC (S) Norwegian War Cross with Sword Norway
NWC Norwegian War Cross Norway
NWC Norwegian War Cross Norway
OAN Order of Alexander Nevsky USSR
OAR Order of Al Rafidhain Iraq
OAR4 Order of Al Rafidhain, 4th Class Iraq
OB2 Order of Bahrain, 2nd Degree Bahrain
OC Order of Christ Portugal
OD (K) Order of Dannebrog - Knight Denmark.
OD (Cdr1) Order of Dannebrog - Commander 1st Class Denmark.
OD (Cdr2) Order of Dannebrog - Commander 2nd Class Denmark.
OD (GC) Order of Dannebrog - Grand Cross Denmark.
OEK Order of El Kawkab (Star of Jordan), 1st Class Jordan
OK1 Order of Kutusov 1st Class USSR

Order of Ismail


Order of Istiqlal

OO2 Order of Oman, 2nd Class Oman
OSQ Order of Sultan Qaboos Oman
OM (O) Order of Merit Oman
MoH Medal of Honour Oman
OK3 Order of Kutusov 3rd Class USSR
OL (KGC) Order of the Lion, Knight Grand Cross Netherlands
OMA Ordre de Merit Agricole France
OM (E) Order of Menelik Ethiopia
OMM (K)   Ethiopia
OM (P) Order of Merit Poland
ONI (GC) Order of Nichan Iftikhar, Grand Cordon Tunisia
ON(KGC)s Order of Orange Nassau - Knight Grand Cross (with Swords) Netherlands
ON(KGC) Order of Orange Nassau - Knight Grand Cross Netherlands
ON(GC) Order of Orange Nassau - Grand Cross Netherlands
ON(GO)s Order of Orange Nassau - Grand Officer (with Swords) Netherlands
ON(GO) Order of Orange Nassau - Grand Officer Netherlands


Order of Orange Nassau - Commander (with Swords) Netherlands


Order of Orange Nassau - Commander Netherlands
ON(O)s Order of Orange Nassau - Officer (with Swords) Netherlands


Order of North Star Sweden
OOA (GO) Order of Ouissam Alauoite, Grand Officer Morocco
OP1 Order of the Phoenix Class 1 Greece
OP(s) G-Cdr Order of the Phoenix (with swords) Grand Commander Greece
OP(Cdr) Order of the Phoenix (Commander) Greece
OP(GO) Order of the Phoenix (Grand Officer) Greece
OP(GC) Order of the Phoenix (Grand Cross) Greece
OPW2 Order of Patriotic War 2nd Class USSR
ORS Order of the Red Star USSR
OS1 Order of Suvorov 1st Class USSR
OS3 Order of Suvorov 3rd Class USSR
OST Order of the Sacred Tripod (Paoting) China

Order of the Sacred Tripod (Paoting), Special Cravat

OST1 Order of the Sacred Treasure, 1st Class Japan
OSw (K) Order of the Sword, Knight Sweden
OSw (GC) Order of the Sword, Grand Cross Sweden
OWLV Order of the White Lion for Victory, Star 1st Class Czechoslovakia
PHN (GC) Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, GC Portugal
PMN Panglima Mangku Negara Malaya
PR Polonia Restituta Poland
PR (GO) Polonia Restituta - Grand Officer Poland
PR (Cdr) Polonia Restituta - Commander, Poland
PR (O) Polonia Restituta - Officer Poland
PR1 Polonia Restituta 1st Class Poland
PR2 Polonia Restituta 2nd Class Poland
PR3 Polonia Restituta 3rd Class Poland
PS Partisan Star Yugoslavia
RS2 Rising Sun, 2nd Class  Japan
RS3 Rising Sun, 3rd Class  Japan
RS4 Rising Sun, 4th Class  Japan
R, C Order of St Saveur [the Redeemer], Commander  Greece
R-GC  Order of St Saveur [the Redeemer], Grand Commander  Greece
Hon, S2 (A)  Honorary Spahi 2nd Class Algeria
SA2S St Anne, 2nd Class with Swords  Russia
SA2SB St Anne, 2nd Class with Swords and Bow  Russia
SA3 St Anne, 3rd Class Russia
SA3S St Anne, 3rd Class with Swords  Russia
SA4 St Anne, 4th Class Russia
SG4 St George, 4th Class Russia
SMSL, GO St Maurice and St Lazarus, Grand Officer Italy
SMSL, C St Maurice and St Lazarus, Cavliere  Italy
SMSL, O St Maurice and St Lazarus, Officer  Italy
SMMV Silver Medal for Military Valour Italy
SO Military Order of Savoy, Officer  Italy
SO (KGC) Order of St Olav (Knight Grand Cross) Norway
SO (K) Order of St Olav (Knight) Norway
SO (GC) Order of St Olav (Grand Cross) Norway
SO (Cdr) Order of St Olav (Commander) Norway
SS Silver Star United States of America
SS1 St Stanislas, 1st  Class . Russia
SS2 St Stanislas, 2nd  Class .   Russia
SS2S St Stanislas, 2nd  Class with Swords Russia
SS3S St Stanislas, 3rd  Class with Swords Russia
ST, 2 Order of the Sacred Treasure, 2nd Class Japan
ST, GC Order of the Sacred Treasure, Grand Cordon  Japan
SV4     St Vladimir, 4th Class  Russia
SV4SB St Vladimir, 4th Class, with Sword and Bow  Russia
VM (SC) Virtuti Militare (Silver Cross) Poland
VM5 Virtuti Militare 5th Class Poland
WE White Eagle Russia
WES White Eagle, with Swords  Russia
WE4S White Eagle, 4th Class with Swords  Serbia
WE5S White Eagle, 5th Class with Swords  Serbia
WE (S)2 Order of the White Eagle (with Swords) 2nd Class Yugoslavia
WL1 Order of the White Lion 1st Class Czechoslovakia
WL2 Order of the White Lion 2nd Class Czechoslovakia

This page was last updated on 09/06/17 using FrontPage 2003©

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