Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation
Initial Training Wing - Group Photos
Photo courtesy - Mr Geoff Kelly, whose father, Joseph Kelly, is seated on second row right, on the end. |
Photo courtesy -Andy Gunton |
Photo courtesy - Mrs Chris Bennett, her father, Alan Johnston is in the middle row, 6th from the right |
Photo courtesy of Howard Tonks, whose Uncle Norman Laidler is 4th from left on the first row. |
Photo courtesy of Michael Ashby, whose Great Uncle was Sergeant Jack Johnson 1147170 Top row 10 from left, who later joined the Arnold Scheme. |
Photo courtesy Clive Smith, showing his father A C Smith (third from right, middle row) outside the Queens Hotel in Aberystwyth in April 1942. He later joined No 166 Sqn as a Navigator |
Photo courtesy - Jason Firmstone, whose father Thomas Francis Firmstone is in the photo |
Photos courtesy Dave Russell-Smith (his father Sidney J Russell Smith- went onto be a Typhoon pilot with Nos 174 and 184 Squadrons |
Photos courtesy Brian Penn |
Photos courtesy International Bomber Command Centre© |
Photo courtesy Roger Cleal. The group includes his father-in-law, Leading Aircraftman George Edward Dann 1605555 (3rd from right on the back row) |
Photo courtesy Roger Cleal. |
Photo courtesy Richard Ellison via Roger Cleal. Richard's father, Ronald is second from the left in the second row from the top |
Photos courtesy of Anna Cleary, whose father, Philip Cleary is in the middle of the second row from the top |
Photo courtesy - Duncan Potter showing his father's flight at No 10 ITW |
Group photo of 'C' Flight, No 2 Squadron, No 11 Initial Training Wing, RAF Scarborough -March 1943 Photo courtesy - Lindsay Seagram-Trinder (whose father, Ivor Jack Rigby Pratt, is 8th from the left on the second row (behind the officer on the right) |
Group photo of 'D' Flight, No 2 Squadron, No 11 Initial Training Wing, RAF Scarborough - February 1944 Photo courtesy - Andy McClughen (whose father is in the centre of the front row) |
Group photo of 'B' Flight, No 1 Squadron, No 11 Initial Training Wing, RAF Scarborough - February 1944 Photo courtesy - Rob Goldie (whose father is in the third row, ninth from left) |
Group photo of 'C' Flight, No 3 Squadron, No 13 Initial Training Wing, RAF Torquay - July 1942 Photo courtesy - Graham Hoyle (whose father is in the front row, second from right) |
Sgt Kenneth Walter Sansom (Front row standing 3rd from the left). Kenneth was an Air Gunner. He attended 14 ITW at Bridlington between 12 June and 17 July 1943. This photograph was possibly taken on a flight of stairs at Bridlington Grand Pavilion or Bridlington Spa Photo courtesy - Geraint Llewellyn |
These two photos show 'A' Flight, No 3 Squadron,
No 17 ITW in January 1944 (Course 100), the top photo shows the
Belgian member of the Flight, whilst the lower photo shows the whole
Flight. Photos courtesy Michel Van Der Velde, whose father is 3rd from the left in the middle row of the top photo. |
Photos courtesy - Lawrernce Flint, whose father, G FLINT (6th from right in the 4th row (top photo) and bottom right (lower photo, the others being Bob Hume, Alex Smith and John Airlie), joined No 97 Squadron and was shot down over Darmstadt, becoming a POW in Stalag Luft VII. John Airlie was killed in Italy in 1944. |
Course photo of a course at 'D' Flight, No 3 Sqn, No 21 ITW, RAF Torquay - courtesy Lee Austin |
Course photo of a course at 'B' Flight, No 3 Sqn, No 21 ITW, RAF Torquay - courtesy Lee Lidbury |
Course photo of a course at No 21 ITW, RAF Bridlington - courtesy John Dixon, whose uncle, T W H Usher was a member of this course |
This page was last updated on 11/08/24