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Air Commodore D H Sutton (41492)

Denys SuttonDenys Herschel                        b:   3 Dec 1920                        r:  31 Dec 1975                       d: 9 Jan 2004

CBE – 1 Jan 1971, MiD - 1 Jan 1945.

Act Plt Off (P):  14 Dec 1938 [6 Oct 1938], Plt Off (P):  3 Sep 1939, Plt Off:  6 Oct 1939, Fg Off (WS):  3 Dec 1940, Act Flt Lt:  28 Dec 1940, Flt Lt (WS):  3 Dec 1941, Act Sqn Ldr: 9 Dec 1941 - 17 Nov 1942, Act Sqn Ldr: 21 Oct 1943, Act Wg Cdr:  18 Apr - 23 Oct 1944, Sqn Ldr (WS):  18 Jul 1944 - 1 Jan 1948, Act Wg Cdr:  18 Sep 1945 - 26 Mar 1946, Act Sqn Ldr: 1 Jan 1948, Sqn Ldr:  1 Jan 1949, Act Wg Cdr:  29 Jun 1955, Wg Cdr:  1 Jul 1955, Act (unp) Gp Capt:  30 Jul 1962, Act Gp Capt:  30 Sep 1962, Gp Capt:  1 Jan 1964, Act A/Cdre:  10 May 1971, A/Cdre: 1 Jul 1971.

 6 Oct 1938:      U/T Pilot, RAFVR, No 3 Elementary and Reserve Flying Training School, Hamble

14 Dec 1938:    Attended Short Disciplinary Course, No 1 RAF Depot

 2 Jan 1939:       U/T Pilot, No 2 Flying Training School

5 Apr 1939:       Awarded his Flying Badge.

 5 Aug 1939:      Pilot, No 226 Sqn

 6 Oct 1939:      Supernumerary, RAF Cranfield

23 Nov 1939:      Pilot, No 98 Sqn

16 Jul 1940:      Navigation Staff, Operations Room, RAF St Eval.

 1 Nov 1940:        Navigation Staff Officer, HQ No 15 (Reconnaissance) Group. (Attached)

28 Dec 1940:       Navigation Staff Officer, HQ No 19 (Reconnaissance) Group.

25 Jul 1941:         Air Staff (Plans), HQ Coastal Command

20 Jul 1942:         Attended No 6 War Staff Course, RAF Staff College

19 Oct 1942:       Air Staff (Plans), HQ Coastal Command.

 6 Oct 1942:        Transferred to RAFO and called up for service

17 Nov 1942:       Air Staff (Plans), HQ Coastal Command.

17 Nov 1942:      Attached, No 3 (P) AFU (Refresher and Conversion Course)

 6 Feb 1943:        Attended Pilots' Course, No 3 School of General Reconnaissance

10 Apr 1943:       Pilot, No 53 Sqn

24 Aug 1943:       Attended Liberator Captains' Course, No 1 (C) OTU.

18 Oct 1943:       Supernumerary, HQ No 16 (Reconnaissance) Group.

21 Oct 1943:       Organisation Staff Officer, HQ No 16 (Reconnaissance) Group.

 2 Mar 1944:       Air Staff - Operations, HQ No 16 (Reconnaissance) Group. (Sqn Ldr)

18 Apr 1944:       Air Staff - Operations, HQ No 16 (Reconnaissance) Group. (Wg Cdr)

23 Oct 1944:       No 5 Personnel Despatch Centre

28 Oct 1944:        Attended Liberator Conversion Course, No 111 OTU, Nassau

Denys Sutton, 3rd from right, with his Liberator crew in Nassau in 1944

Denys Sutton, 3rd from right, with his Liberator crew in Nassau in 1944

Photos courtesy of Philip Sutton (his son)


21 Jan 1945:        No 1 Personnel Despatch Centre

18 Mar 1945:       Disembarked

20 Mar - 16 Apr 1945:    Leave

 3 May 1945:        Staff, RAF Leuchars (No 547 Sqn)

 1 Jun 1945:          Pilot, No 206 Sqn

 1 Aug 1945:         Liberator Ferry Pilot, No 1 Ferry Unit, RAF Pershore

 4 Aug 1945:         Flight Commander (Designate), No 12 Ferry Unit

 4 Aug 1945:         'A' Flight Commander, No 12 Ferry Unit.

18 Sep 1945:        Officer Commanding?, No 12 Ferry Unit

15 Nov 1945:       Wing Commander - Flying, RAF Dunkeswell

15 Apr 1946:        Instructor/Student, Empire Air Navigation School

11 Aug 1946:        Non-effective, Sick, Empire Air Navigation School

 2 Jan 1947:           Instructor/Student, Empire Air Navigation School

 8 Apr 1947:         No 5 Personnel Despatch Centre

11 Apr 1947:        PSO to AOC in C, British Air Forces of Occupation.

29 Apr 1947:        Appointed to a Permanent Commission in the rank of Flight Lieutenant (wef from 1 Jul 1946 [1 Sep 1945]

12 Oct 1949:         Supernumerary, No 5 Personnel Despatch Centre (Leave 14 Oct - 21 Nov 1949)

22 Nov 1949:        Refresher Flying Course, Flying Refresher School, Finningley.

30 Jan 1950:           Supernumerary, Air Ministry Unit

15 - 26 May 1950:       Attached, RAF Innsworth

12 Jun 1950:            Board President, Aircrew Allocation Unit

9 Apr - 4 May 1951:    Attached AMU for Ramridge House Board

23 Jul - 2 Aug 1951:    Attached Debden Division, RAF Technical College for Instrument Rating Course

 1 Sep 1951:        Special Duties List, AMU pending posting to No 12  Course

17 Mar 1952:        Supernumerary, School of Maritime Reconnaissance

 9 May 1952:        Attended No 57 (A) Course, No 236 OCU.

18 Jul 1952:         Officer Commanding, No 42 Sqn. (Shackleton MR1/2)

16 - 21 May 1954:    Attended No 7 Guided Weapons Course, RAF Flying College

 5 Jul 1954:          Supernumerary, AMU pending posting, attached to Directorate of Administrative Plans

13 Jul 1954:         Staff Officer, Directorate of Administrative Plans.

13 Jun 1955:        Supernumerary, AMU pending posting to FEAF

29 Jun 1957:        Air Plans II, HQ Far East Air Force

29 Sep 1957:       Supernumerary, No 5 Personnel Despatch Centre

 3 Nov 1957:       Attended No 132 All Weather Course, RAF Flying College

 3 Jan 1958:         Attended No 11 Course, RAF Flying College

xx Jul 1958:          Officer Commanding, Flying Wing, RAF Aldergrove.

4 May - 5 Jul 1959:    Attached, No 62 RN Tactical Course.

16 Jul - 19 Aug 1959:         Attended No 106 Short Canberra Course, No 231 OCU.

23 Jul 1959:        Attended High Altitude Decompression Test (Passed)

9 Sep 1959:         Attended No 50 Valiant Course, No 232 OCU.

 2 Dec 1959:       Officer Commanding, No 18 Sqn.

30 Jul - 27 Aug 1962:    Attached supernumerary, Assistant Chief of the Air Staff ((Operational Requirements)

 6 Sep 1962:        Supernumerary Requirements Interchange Officer, British Defences Staff, Washington.

24 Sep 1962:       Requirements Interchange Officer, British Defences Staff, Washington.

23 Sep 1963:       Exchange posting – Research and Development Ministry of Aviation Staff, Wright-Patterson AFB.

28 Sep 1965:        Staff, HQ Flying Training Command

7 Nov - 1 Dec 1965:     No 23/65 Jet Provost Course, RAF Flying College

10 Dec 1965:       Officer Commanding, RAF Acklington/No 6 FTS

29 Jan - 22 Feb 1968:       Supernumerary, HQ No 23 (Training) Group.

26 Feb 1968:       SASO, HQ No 23 (Training) Group.

11 Sep 1970:       Supernumerary, HQ No 23 (Training) Group

15 Oct 1970:        Group Captain - Air Plans, HQ Near East Air Force.

10 May 1971:      AOA, HQ Near East Air Force.

17 Nov 1971:      Supernumerary, HQ Near East Air Force.

12 Dec 1973:       Air Commander (Designate), Gibraltar.

15 Dec 1973:       Air Commander, Gibraltar.

Air Commodore Sutton with his driver Corporal Price when Air Commander Gibraltar around 1974.

Air Commodore Sutton with his driver Corporal Price when Air Commander Gibraltar around 1974.

 1 Oct 1975:        Supernumerary, RAF Uxbridge

 8 Oct 1975:        Terminal Leave (Attended Business Management Appreciation Course, 10 Nov - 19 Dec 1975)

Known as 'The Clutch'. 

On 11 August 1946 he was flying as a passenger in Mosquito PR Mk 34, RG241 of No 540 Squadron which crashed at Bomere Heath, Shropshire during a forced landing following an engine failure at 400 ft shortly after take-off and was seriously injured, sustaining a broken back, leaving him a full torso plaster cast for months.

My thanks to his son, Philip Sutton for providing a copy of his RAF Service Record.

This page was last updated on 21/07/24©

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