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Air Marshal Sir Peter Norriss (2615294)

Peter Coulson              b:  22 Apr 1944                      r: 20 Mar 2001                d:  22 Jul 2024

KBE – 31 Dec 1999, CB – 30 Dec 1995, AFC – 11 Jun 1977, MA (Magdalene College, Cambridge) - 1970, FRAeS., 'Wright' Jubilee Trophy - 1971

(RAFVR): Cadet Pilot:  Jan 1965-Jan 1966

(RAF): Act Plt Off: 5 Jan 1966, Plt Off: 15 Jul 1966, Flt Lt:  15 Oct 1967, Sqn Ldr:  1 Jul 1973, Wg Cdr:  1 Jul 1979, Gp Capt:  1 Jul 1984, A/Cdre:  1 Jan 1990, AVM:  1 Jan 1992, AM: 30 Oct 1998,

(RAFVR(T)): Fg Off: 23 Jun 2001- 21 Apr 2009

5 Jan 1965:          Cambridge University Air Sqn (Chipmunks)

5 Jan 1966:          Appointed to a Permanent Commission (General List)

30 Aug 1966:      Attended Officer Training, RAF South Cerney

28 Dec 1966:       U/T Pilot RAF Acklington and RAF Valley (Jet Provost and Gnat)

8 Jul 1968:           Attended Central Flying School.

1 Jan 1969:          QFI, RAF College.

1 Sep 1971:         Attended No 229 Operational Conversion Unit (Hunters)

5 Nov 1971:        Attended No 237 Operational Conversion Unit (Buccaneers)

15 Apr 1972:       Pilot, No XV Sqn (Buccaneers)

30 Sep 1974:       Chief Flying Instructor No 237 OCU.

5 Jan 1977:          Attended RAF Staff College.

20 Aug 1977:      Personal Air Secretary to RAF Minister.

9 Apr 1980:         Officer Commanding, No 16 Squadron (Buccaneers).

20 Jan 1984:        Officer Commanding, RAF Presentation Team.

16 Aug 1985:      Officer Commanding, RAF Marham (Tornado GR1 and Victor tankers).

16 Aug 1985:      ADC to HM Queen.

5 Jan 1988:          Attended Higher Command and Staff Course.

15 Apr 1988:       Deputy Director Operational Requirements (Air).

1 Jul 1990:           Director of Operational Requirements (Air) 1.

20 Aug 1991:      Supplementary Director, Royal College of Defence Studies

1 Nov 1991:        Director-General Aircraft 2, MoD (PE).

1 Sep 1995:         Attended Harvard Business School

28 Nov 1995:      Director-General Aircraft Systems 1 MoD (PE)

30 Oct 1996:       Controller Aircraft, Air Force Board.

30 Oct 1998:       Deputy Chief of Defence Procurement (Operations)/Controller Aircraft.

23 Jun 2001:        Pilot, No 3 Air Experience Flight.

21 Apr 2009:       Retired from RAFVR(T)

Attended Magdalene College, Cambridge, reading Modern Languages 1963-66.  In 1966 he won the aerobatic element of the inter-UAS competition, the Hack Trophy.  In 1971 he was awarded the 'Wright' Jubilee Trophy for individual aerobatic performance by a QFI at a jet FTS.  From 2001-2007 he was Chairman of Microturbo Ltd (later Turbomeca UL Ltd), and from 2004-2013 he was a non-executive director of Chemring Group PLC.

My thanks to Air Marshal Sir Peter Norris for giving permission to post this entry and for providing additional details.

This page was last updated on 23/07/24©

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