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Air Commodore R T Gething (05240)

Richard Templeton                   b: 11 Aug 1911                        r: 29 Jan 1960             d: 15 May 2004

CB - 1 Jan 1960, OBE - 1 Jan 1945, AFC – 28 Apr 1939, MiD – 1 Jan 1946, FRIN - 1956.

(RAFO): Plt Off (P): 15 Mar 1932, Plt Off: 15 Mar 1933.

(RAF): Fg Off: 16 Sep 1933 [16 Sep 1932], Flt Lt: 1 Oct 1936, Sqn Ldr: 1 Apr 1939, (T) Wg Cdr: 1 Mar 1941, Act Gp Capt: 17 Oct 1943, Wg Cdr (WS): 17 Apr 1944, (T) Gp Capt: 1 Jul 1944, Wg Cdr: 1 Oct 1946, Gp Capt: 1 Jul 1950, Act A/Cdre: 1 Mar 1956, A/Cdre: Retained.

15 Mar 1932:       Officer, RAFO, Class AA2

16 Sep 1933:       Granted a Permanent Commission in the rank of Pilot Officer

16 Sep 1933:       Relinquished his commission in the RAFO.

16 Sep 1933:       U/T Pilot, No 5 Flying Training School

18 Feb 1934:       Attended Flying Boat Pilot's Course, RAF Base, Calshot.

15 Sep 1934:       Pilot, No 201 Sqn.

18 May 1936:      Staff/Supernumerary, School of Air Navigation.

 4 Jan 1938:         Navigation Officer, Long Range Development Unit.

xx xxx 1940         Staff Officer, No 1 Training Command (Canada)

17 Sep 1941:       Officer Commanding, No 33 Air Navigation School

1 Feb 1942:          ?

 3 Apr 1942:        Staff, Directorate of Flying Training.

xx Dec 1942:        Officer Commanding, No 212 Sqn. (Catalina Ib)

17 Oct 1943:        Supernumerary, HQ Air Forces in India ?

16 Nov 1943:       Supernumerary, HQ Command South-East Asia?

19 Dec 1943:       Group Captain - ?, HQ, Tactical Air Force (Burma)

28 Dec 1943:       Group Captain - ?, HQ, 3rd Tactical Air Force

26 Jun 1944:        Attended Course No 12, RAF Staff College (Overseas), Haifa.

31 Mar 1947:       Deputy Director of Personal Services.

xx xxx xxxx:          Deputy Director of Personal Services (3).

24 Mar 1950:        Air Staff, HQ Far East Air Force.

xx xxx xxxx

 1 Mar 1956:        Director of Maritime Operations and Navigation/Maritime, Air Transport Operations and Navigation.

In 1938 he was the navigator of the lead Wellesley which set the World distance record by flying from Ismailia in Egypt to Darwin in Australia.  No 212 Squadron was reformed as a Maritime Reconnaissance unit in October 1943 receiving Catalinas as its equipment.  Wing Commander Gething arrived to command the squadron in December and very quickly began operations around the Indian sub continent mainly consisting of  anti-submarine patrols and convoy escorts.

After retiring he returned to Australia and became involved in gliding, being made an Honorary Life Member of the Gliding Federation of Australia in 1993.

This page was last updated on 25/06/24

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